Scipinia rotunda, Huang, Xia, Zhao, Ping, Zhou, Shanyi & Cai, Wanzhi, 2007

Huang, Xia, Zhao, Ping, Zhou, Shanyi & Cai, Wanzhi, 2007, A taxonomic review of genus Scipinia Stål (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) from China, Zootaxa 1507, pp. 57-67 : 61-63

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.177191


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Scipinia rotunda

sp. nov.

2. Scipinia rotunda View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 9–13 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURES 10 – 13 )

Description. Coloration. Body dull brown; fourth and fifth connexival segments in female, basal portions of sixth and seventh connexival segments in female dark brown; antennae (except middle annulus of first segment paler), eyes, third rostral segment, fore tibia (except apical portion darker), tarsi reddish brown; rostrum (except apical segment), fore femur (except inner surface darker), mid and hind legs (except apical and basal portions of tibiae, apical portions of femora darker) light yellowish brown; corium blackish brown; most of membrane paler and transparent, basal portion and vein bronzy; dorsal surface of head, scutellum, pronotum, propleuron dark yellowish brown.

Structure. Head, pronotum, thoracic pleura and sterna, corium, clavus, ventral and dorsal surfaces of abdomen clothed with yellowish white bent short setae; legs and antennae clothed with scattered vertical long setae. Head long-cylindrical, above with four pairs of large spines, third pair longest and situated before transverse constriction; first antennal segment subequal to head in length, second subequal to anterior lobe of pronotum, second and third subequal in length; eyes protruding laterally; transverse constriction of head distinct; postocular portion longer than anteocular, with many small symmetrical spines and tubercles around large spines; first rostral segment reaching posterior margin of eyes, much shorter than remaining segments combined. Pronotum with anterior lobe distinctly shorter than posterior, lateral and posterior margins of pronotum with many minute setigerous tubercles; collar processes spinous; anterior pronotal lobe wider than long, with two pairs of large spines and with numerous minute spines around them; posterior pronotal lobe with many retecious ridges; lateral pronotal angle nearly rectangular, apex acute; posterior angles rounded; middle portion of posterior margin of pronotum slightly convex; apex of scutellum rounded. Abdomen somewhat rhombus-shaped, fifth and sixth connexival segments strongly dilated, posterior angles of fifth segment roundly produced; hemelytron of female extending beyond abdominal tip; apical segments of abdomen as shown in Figs. 12–13 View FIGURES 10 – 13 .

Measurements [in mm, Ψ (n=1)]. Body length 12.62; maximum width abdomen 4.32. Length head 2.48; length anteocular part 0.76; length postocular part 1.45; length synthlipsis 0.63; interocellar space 0.50; length antennal segments I–IV=2.31, 0.99, 1.16, 1.65; length rostral segments I–III=1.20, 1.08, 0.50; length anterior pronotal lobe 1.00; length posterior pronotal lobe 1.80; maximum width thorax 3.23; length scutellum 0.36; length hemelytron 6.83.

Type material. Holotype, Ψ, China, Yunnan, Mengla, 10.V. 1991, 600 m, Wanzhi Cai Leg.

Male. Unknown.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Etymology. The specific name refers to the ovate abdomen.

Remarks. The new species is somewhat similar to S. horrida , but the new species is larger, the fourth and fifth connexival segments of the new species female are dull brown (vs. the body smaller, the fifth connexival segment and basal portion of sixth and seventh connexival segments in female are blackish brown to black in S. horrida ).















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