Hexangium sigani GOTO et OZAKI, 1929

Sey, O., Nahhas, F. M., Uch, S. & Vang, C., 2003, Digenetic Trematodes From Marine Fishes Off The Coast Of Kuwait, Arabian Gulf: Fellodistomidae And Some Smaller Families, New Host And Geographic Records, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (3), pp. 179-200 : 195

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587089

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scientific name

Hexangium sigani GOTO et OZAKI, 1929


Hexangium sigani GOTO et OZAKI, 1929 View in CoL

Synonyms: Hexangium affinum TUBANGUI e t MASILUNGAN, 1944, H. secundum ANNE- REAUX, 1947, Arthurloosia loossi NAGATY, 1954 , Hexangium loossi (NAGATY, 1954) YAMAGUTI, 1958

Host: Siganus canaliculatus (PARK, 1797) ( Siganidae )

Measurements on one specimen. Length 4,175; width 975. Oral sucker 210 × 235. Prepharynx 500; pharynx 140 × 108; oesophagus very short. Anterior testis 480 × 450; posterior testis 470 × 420. Ovary 180 × 210. Eggs 72–75 × 40–43.

Remarks. This species was reported and figured from the same host species from the Kuwaiti coast, Arabian Gulf by AL-YAMANI and NAHHAS (1981).

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