Torrenticola lukai, Pešić, Vladimir, Valdecasas, Antonio G. & García-Jimenez, Ricardo, 2012

Pešić, Vladimir, Valdecasas, Antonio G. & García-Jimenez, Ricardo, 2012, Simultaneous evidence for a new species of Torrenticola Piersig, 1896 (Acari, Hydrachnidia) from Montenegro, Zootaxa 3515, pp. 38-50 : 40-43

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scientific name

Torrenticola lukai

sp. nov.

Torrenticola lukai sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURE 1 A – B View FIGURE 2 A – G , 7A,C View FIGURE 7 A – D , 8A,C View FIGURE 8 A – D , 9A,D View FIGURE 9 A – F )

Torrenticola lundbladi Pešić, 2004 , nec K. Viets, 1930

Type material. Holotype male ( NHMB), dissected and slide mounted, Montenegro, stream Mrtvıca near village Velje Duboko (42°46'47''N, 19°16'56''E; 820 m a.s.l.), 13.viii.2010 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 9/4/0, same data as holotype, 2/2/0 (mounted); 4/1/0 in voucher collection for molecular study .

Further records. Montenegro: stream Mrtvica near village Mrtvo Duboko (42°43'N 19°21'E, 600 m a.s.l.), 11.vii.1999, Pešiċ “ Torrenticola lundbladi ” 2/0/0 (mounted) GoogleMaps ; Komovi Mt., river Opasanica near Opasanica village (42°40'38''N, 19°32'40''E; 1130 m a.s.l.) 12.viii.1998, Pešiċ “ Torrenticola lundbladi ” 1/0/0 (mounted) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 15.viii.1999, Pešiċ “ Torrenticola lundbladi ” 1/2/0 (mounted) ; stream Bistrica near Crkvine village (42°48'N, 19°27'E; 1122 m a.s.l.), 15.ix.2004 2/0/0 (mounted). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Idiosoma large in size (L 850–1050 in males, 1000–1200 in females); shoulder platelets fused to dorsal plate, but suture line visible; area of primary sclerotization of the dorsal plate with two dorsoglandularia; posterior suture line of Cx-4 partly distinct; postgenital area large; excretory pore and Vgl–2 posterior to the line of primary sclerotization; distal margins of P-2 and -3 without denticles, ventral protuberance of P-4 unpaired, with one longer, and three shorter hairs; capitular rostrum relatively short and deep (L/H ratio 1.2–1.4). Male: median suture line of Cx-2+3 relatively long (140–160, L ratio Cx-1/Cx-2+3 2.1–2.5), genital field rectangular in shape.

Description. Male (holotype, in parentheses measurements of the paratypes, n = 2): Idiosoma (ventral view: Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 A – B , 8A View FIGURE 8 A – D ) L 969 (881–1018), W 760 (681–775); dorsal shield ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 A – B , 7A View FIGURE 7 A – D ) L 850 (738–838), W 630 (563–668), L/W ratio 1.35 (1.26–1.31); dorsal plate 791 (694–794); frontal platelets L 181–183 (159–187), W 76–77 (63–75), L/W ratio 2.38 (2.48–2.6); capitular bay L 156 (130–159); Cx-1 total L 366 (309–367), Cx-1 mL 209 (178–208), Cx-2+3 mL 145 (140–145); ratio Cx-1 L/Cx-2+3 mL 2.52 (2.2–2.53); Cx-1 mL/Cx-2+3 mL 1.44 (1.28–1.43); genital field L/W 168 (152–169)/140 (122–145), L/W ratio 1.2 (1.17–1.25); ejaculatory complex as in Figure 2C View FIGURE 2 A – G , L 206 (205–260); distance genital field–excretory pore 191 (175–222), genital field–caudal idiosoma margin 278 (275–319); capitulum ( Fıg. 2D–E View FIGURE 2 A – G , 9D View FIGURE 9 A – F ) vL 294 (268–300); chelicera total L 361 (329); palp ( Figs. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 A – G ): total L 350 (300–345), dL: P-1, 43 (38–42); P-2, 109 (95–109); P-3, 69 (60–67); P-4, 109 (88–105); P-5, 20 (19–22); P-2/P-4 1.0 (1.04–1.08).

Female (paratypes, n = 2): Idiosoma (ventral view: Fig. 3, BC) L 1075–1100, W 850–900; dorsal shield ( Fig. 8C View FIGURE 8 A – D ) L 916–988, W 715–725, L/W ratio 1.28–1.36; dorsal plate 853–913; frontal platelets L 190–203, W 78–92, L/ W ratio 2.07–2.52; capitular bay L 144–153; Cx-1 total L 370–383, Cx-1 mL 225–229, Cx-2+3 mL 45–52; ratio Cx-1 L/Cx-2+3 mL 7.37–8.2; Cx-1 mL/Cx-2+3 mL 4.4–5.0; genital field L/W 228–231/198–200, L/W ratio 1.14–1.17; distance genital field–excretory pore 269–284, genital field–caudal idiosoma margin 413–417; capitulum ( Fig. 9A View FIGURE 9 A – F ) vL 316; chelicera total L 375; palp: total L 350–370, dL: P-1, 44–49; P-2, 109–115; P-3, 68–72; P-4, 108–114; P-5, 20–21; P-2/P-4 ratio 1.01 (1.01).

Discussion. Pešiċ (2004) reported from northern Montenegro the presence of Torrenticola lundbladi ( K. Viets, 1930) , a species hitherto known only from Spain ( K. Viets 1930, Lundblad 1956). The specimens closely resemble the latter species due to the longer medial suture of Cx-2+ 3 in male, a similar shape of ejaculatory complex and the rectangular shape of the male genital field ( Pešiċ 2004). However, from a re-examination of the specimens in question and the study of newly collected material resulted fundamental differences, showing that populations from Montenegro, here described as T. lukai sp. nov., are not conspecific with T. lundbladi . Namely, as showed by Lundblad (1956), and confirmed by our new material from Spain, T. lundbladi clearly differs from the specimens from Montenegro in a longer and more slender capitular rostrum (compare Figs. 2D, E View FIGURE 2 A – G , 9A, D View FIGURE 9 A – F with 5D, F, 9B–C, E–F). Further differences include the indistinct posterior suture line of Cx- 4 in T. lundbladi .

Pešiċ et al. (2007) stated that the similar shape of ejaculatory complex and rectangular shape of the male genital field of the specimens from Montenegro indicate a close relationship to Torrenticola lesbica Di Sabatino & Gerecke, 2003 , described from the island Lesbos, Greece ( Di Sabatino et al. 2003) and later reported from the Eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey ( Pešiċ et al. 2007) and Macedonia ( Pešiċ et al. 2007). The latter species (in the following in the parentheses, data taken from Di Sabatino et al. 2003 and Pešiċ et al. 2007) can be distinguished from T. lukai sp. nov. in a shorter median suture line of Cx-2+ 3 in males (94–100, L ratio Cx-1/Cx-2+3 2.8–3.2), and a slightly less enlarged idiosoma in both sexes (750–850 in males, 850–950 in females).

Etymology. The species is named after Luka Pešiċ, an in 2012 two-year old son of the first author.

Habitat. Rhitrobiont; middle-order streams at elevation above 500 m a.s.l. ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ), preferably in riffle areas.

Distribution. Montenegro.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel














Torrenticola lukai

Pešić, Vladimir, Valdecasas, Antonio G. & García-Jimenez, Ricardo 2012

Torrenticola lundbladi Pešić, 2004

Pesic 2004
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