Philonthus jelinekianus, Hromádka, 2009

Hromádka, Lubomír, 2009, Five new Philonthus species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Philonthina) from the Afrotropical region, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 49 (2), pp. 671-682 : 674-675

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scientific name

Philonthus jelinekianus

sp. nov.

Philonthus jelinekianus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 8–12 View Figs 1–10. 1–7 View Figs 11–19. 11–12 )

Type locality. Nigeria, Ibadan.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J, ‛ NIGERIA, Ibadan , at light, 26. i. 1956, G. H. Caswell, Coll. B. M. 1956-673. // HOLOTYPE, Philonthus jelinekianus sp. nov., Hromádka det., 2008 [red oblong printed label]’ ( BMNH) , PARATYPES: 2 spec, ‘ NIGERIA, Umuahia, J. L. Gregory, 15.VII.1960. c. e. Tottenham Collection, B. M. 1974-587 [red oblong printed type labels]’ ( BMNH, LHPC).

Description. Body length 8.3–8.9 mm, length of forebody (to end of elytra) 4.3–4.7 mm.

Colouration. Head black, antennal sockets and clypeus along anterior margin yellow-brown, pronotum and scutellum reddish-brown to dark brown, elytra anthracite black, elytral suture, posterior margin of elytra and epipleura very narrowly reddish, abdomen dark brown, posterior margin of all tergites narrowly reddish brown, maxillary and labial palpi and antennae brownyellow, ventral side of antennomere 1 yellow, dorsal side brown-yellow, legs brown-yellow to brown, tibiae somewhat darker.

Head quadrangular, slightly narrowed behind eyes, distinctly wider than long (ratio 30: 24), posterior angles with one small tooth (as in P. morio Boheman, 1848 , Fig. 35 View Figs ), eyes very large, distinctly longer than temples (ratio 13: 7), slightly convex. Four punctures situated between eyes, distance between medial interocular punctures four times as large as distance between medial and lateral interocular puncture, posterior margin of eyes with three coarse punctures, surface without microsculpture.

Antennae long, reaching posterior sixth of pronotum when reclined, all antennomeres longer than wide, relative length of antennomeres: 1–11: 9-6-6-5-5-5-5-4.5-4.5-4-5.

Pronotum as wide as long, hardly narrowed anteriad, each dorsal row with five coarse punctures, punctures 1–4 equidistant, interval between punctures 4–5 slightly larger than distance between punctures 1–4. Each sublateral row with two punctures, parallel with dorsal row, puncture 1 situated behind level of puncture 3 in dorsal row, surface without microsculpture.

Scutellum very densely and finely punctate, punctures somewhat larger than eye facets, separated by one puncture diameter in transverse direction.

Elytra wider than long (ratio 48: 45), slightly widened posteriad, punctation very fine and dense, punctures as large as eye facets. Distance between punctures very close, punctures locally slightly contiguous. Surface between punctures without microsculpture; setation brown.

Legs. Metatibia shorter than metatarsus (ratio 24: 28), relative lengths of metatarsomeres: 1–5: 9-4-3.5-3-7.

Abdomen wider, slightly narrowed from tergite V posteriad. Punctation conspicuously fine and dense, first four abdominal tergites with two basal lines, elevated area between basal lines on visible tergites I–II finely punctate, elevated area on tergites III–IV impunctate; setation similar to that on head.

Male. Protarsomeres 1–3 strongly dilated, sub-bilobed, each densely covered with modified pale setae ventrally, protarsomere 4 distinctly narrower than preceding ones, with only a few modified pale setae ventrally. Sternite VIII ( Fig.11 View Figs 11–19. 11–12 ); sternite IX ( Fig. 12 View Figs 11–19. 11–12 ); aedeagus ( Figs. 8–10 View Figs 1–10. 1–7 ).

Female. Unknown.

Differential diagnosis. Philonthus jelinekianus sp. nov. is very similar to P. morio Boheman, 1848 ( Fig. 35 View Figs ), from which it differs by paler pronotum and scutellum, shorter elytra and different shape of the aedeagus.

Etymology. Dedicated to Josef Jelínek as well; see the previous species.

Bionomics. Unknown.

Distribution. South-west Nigeria.













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