Brachyolus punctatus White, 1846

Brown, Samuel D. J., 2018, Redescription of Brachyolus punctatus White, 1846 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae), with synonyms and lectotype designations, Zootaxa 4369 (3), pp. 432-442 : 433-434

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4369.3.8

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scientific name

Brachyolus punctatus White, 1846


Brachyolus punctatus White, 1846 View in CoL

Figures 1–23 View FIGURES 1–4 View FIGURES 5–10 View FIGURES 11–14 View FIGURES15–22 View FIGURE 23

Brachyolus punctatus White, 1846: 13 View in CoL

Brachyolus albescens Broun, 1903: 73 View in CoL New synonymy Inophloeus breviusculus Broun, 1880: 440 View in CoL New synonymy Brachyolus breviusculus (Broun) View in CoL ; Hutton, 1904: 202 Brachyolus elegans Broun, 1893: 1194 View in CoL New synonymy Brachyolus viridescens Broun, 1893: 1363 View in CoL New synonymy

Diagnosis. Medium; ovate, with greatest width at elytral declivity. Densely clothed with pale yellow scales. Vertex between eyes strongly depressed. Pronotum rugose. Elytra with tubercles on interstriae 3 and 5 and a low swelling half way down the elytral declivity. Metanepisternal suture complete. Hind femora with posterior face completely covered with scales.

Differential diagnosis. The overall yellow colouration of this species is distinctive and allows it to be readily identified from other New Zealand Entiminae. Chalepistes costifer (Broun) , C. asperatus (Broun) and C. inaequalis (Sharp) are similar in shape, being squat and ovate, with the elytra wider than the pronotum at base, and widest at the elytral declivity; however, these species differ from B. punctatus in their grey or brown colouration, having a nonvisible metanepisternal suture, and having unscaled regions on the posterior face of the hind femora.

Description. Body length 3.24 mm to 4.67 mm (X = ̄ 3.91 mm, s = 0.40, n = 20); greatest width at elytral declivity; females (X = ̄ 4.16 mm, n = 10) longer than males (X = ̄ 3.65 mm, n = 10, t = -3.72, p = 0.002). Integument black. Dorsum densely clothed with appressed scales, pale yellow on pronotum and posterior half of elytra, greyish greenish yellow on anterior half. Femora pale yellow, with darker band in distal 1/3. Tibiae pale yellow with dark semicircular macula on distal 1/3. Tarsi integument black. Mouthparts. Mandibles plurisetose, without scales. Prementum approximately pentagonal, entirely covering maxillary palps. Rostrum. Length 0.77 mm to 1.10 mm (X = ̄ 0.88 mm, s = 0.10, n = 20), width 0.52 mm to 0.74 mm (X = ̄ 0.63 mm, s = 0.06, n = 20), length/width ratio 1.23 to 1.53 (X = ̄ 1.39, s = 0.10, n = 20); widened apically, subparallel between antennal insertions and eyes. Epistome gently raised, punctured. Frons with numerous setae and sparse appressed scales. Epifrons densely clothed with overlapping appressed scales and scattered claviform, decumbent, neutral elongate scales; medial and lateral carinae not evident. Dorsal carina arched over antennal insertions. Lateral area ventrally of antennal insertions with appressed scales and thick setae. Scrobe dorsolateral. Hypostomal-labial sutural grooves with dense scales. Antennae. Scape when in repose reaching hind margin of eye, slender, apically broadened, clothed with setae and appressed scales. Funicular segments without scales, loosely articulated; segment 1 clavate, 1.6 times longer than segment 2; segment 2 clavate, 1.5 times longer than segment 3; segments 3 to 5 clavate, becoming progressively shorter; segment 6 subspherical; segment 7 oblately spheroid. Club elongate, wider than funicular segments. Head. Ventral curvature between head and rostrum pronounced, angulate, approximately 90 °. Eyes lateral, ovate. Pronotum. Length 1.02 mm to 1.40 mm (X = ̄ 1.14 mm, s = 0.09, n = 20), width 1.17 mm to 1.59 mm (X = ̄ 1.36 mm, s = 0.12, n = 20), length/width ratio 0.79 to 0.90 (X = ̄ 0.84, s = 0.03, n = 20); widest in anterior 1/4; lateral margins curved in anterior 2/3, subparallel in posterior 1/3. Anterior margin entire, posterior margin sinuous. Disc uneven, with a single anteromedial, and paired anterolateral and dorsolateral depressions; laterobasal carinae present but ill-defined. Disc with appressed scales overlapping; elongate scales claviform, decumbent on disc, erect on anterior margin, neutrally coloured. Postocular lobes well developed. Anterior transverse groove very weak, barely visible. Posterior transverse groove very weak, barely visible. Lateral posterior margin with inflection 1/3 of the way from top. Elytra. Length 2.07 mm to 3.21 mm (X = ̄ 2.56 mm, s = 0.31, n = 20), width 1.64 mm to 2.65 mm (X = ̄ 2.04 mm, s = 0.29, n = 20), length/width ratio 1.16 to 1.43 (X = ̄ 1.26, s = 0.06, n = 20); females with longer and broader elytra than males (length X̄f = 2.77 mm, X̄m = 2.36 mm, p = 0.001; width X̄f = 2.26 mm, X̄m = 1.82 mm, p = 0.0002; length/width ratio X̄f = 1.29, X̄m = 1.23, p = 0.009; all n = 10). Anterior margin weakly curved posteriad with humeral angles broadly rounded. Disc flat; tubercles present on suture close to apex, on interstriae 3 and 7 halfway down declivity, on interstriae 5 at top of declivity. Appressed scales overlapping. Elongate scales claviform; semi-erect; numerous on interstriae 3 and 5 and on apices of tubercles, sparse elsewhere; dark on disc, pale laterally, posteriorly and on apices of tubercles. Striae 1 and 7–10 weakly impressed, 2–6 strongly impressed; interstriae 1–2 and 8–10 flat, 3–7 convex with 3 and 5 especially pronounced. Wings. Absent. Thoracic ventrites. Mesoventral process acutely rounded. Metaventrite densely clothed with appressed scales. Abdomen. Ventrites with inner vestiture composed almost exclusively of appressed scales; ventrites 1 and 2 densely clothed; ventrites 3 to 5 with scales very sparse, almost absent. Apex of abdomen broadly rounded. Males with ventrite 1 flat, ventrite 5 flat. Females with ventrite 1 flat, ventrite 5 with medial depression obscured by a tuft of dense hair. Legs. Metatibiae with apex simple, ventral margin of apex entire. Male genitalia. Figures 15–18 View FIGURES15–22 . Penis tubular, strongly curved, lateral lobes fused along dorsum; dorsal sclerotised membrane attenuate anteriorly where lateral lobes meet; apex narrowly rounded; temones about as long as penis. Endophallus short, reaching only to posterior 1/4 of temones; gonoporial sclerite with short anterior lobes and long divergent posterior lobes; longitudinal ostial sclerites present. Tegmen with ring complete; parameroid lobes well-developed; manubrium shorter than temones. Female genitalia. Figures 19–22 View FIGURES15–22 . Sternite 8 with blade broad; spiculum ventrale around 3.5 times longer than blade. Styli elongate. Vagina unsclerotised. Bursa copulatrix moderate in length, bursal sclerites absent. Spermatheca slender; ramus slightly produced, divergent with corpus. DNA Sequences: COI. KX 191198 View Materials , KX 191202 View Materials , KX 191210 View Materials . 28S. KX191752 View Materials , KX191757 View Materials , KX191765 View Materials . ArgK. KX191483 View Materials , KX191488 View Materials , KX191495 View Materials . CAD. KX 190968 View Materials .
















Brachyolus punctatus White, 1846

Brown, Samuel D. J. 2018

Brachyolus albescens

Hutton 1904: 202
Broun 1903: 73
Broun 1893: 1194
Broun 1893: 1363
Broun 1880: 440

Brachyolus punctatus

White 1846: 13
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