Hadronotus urinius (Kozlov and Lê)

Kamalanathan, Veenakumari, Kolla, Sreedevi, Khan, Farmanur Rahman & Mohanraj, Prashanth, 2024, Hadronotus insulare species group (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea: Scelionidae) with descriptions of new species from India, Journal of Natural History 58 (45 - 48), pp. 2121-2187 : 2173-2176

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1080/00222933.2024.2410028



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Hadronotus urinius (Kozlov and Lê)


Hadronotus urinius (Kozlov and Lê)

( Figures 20 View Figure 20 (a–h), 21 (a–g), 27(c))

Gryon urinium Kozlov and Lê, 1992: 225 , 227 (original description, keyed).

Gryon urinius Kozlov and Lê, 1996: 10 View in CoL (description); Lê 2000: 98, 136 (description, keyed, type information).

Male body length = 1.9–2.1 mm (n = 2).

Colour. Head, mesosoma and metasoma black; radicle and A1 yellow-brown, remaining antennomeres brown black; coxa, black-brown, remainder of leg yellow-brown.

Head. Sculpture of orbital furrow: foveate. Inner orbits in frontal view: almost parallel to each other. Central keel on frons: present, extending 0.8× length of frontal depression. Malar sulcus: with rectangular rugose depressions. Shape of frontal depression: ovoid. Width of frontal depression: 0.4× IOS. Sculpture of frontal depression: transversely carinate with smooth area between carinae; polygonal cells with rugose sculpture present on either side of transverse carinae in ventral 4/5. Submedian carina of frontal depression: restricted to dorsal 1/5. Sculpture of frons sans frontal depression: polygonal cells with rugose sculpture. Sculpture of vertex: sharp, temples almost absent. Hyperoccipital carina: present, with an additional transverse carina adjacent to it. Sculpture of gena: polygonal cells with rugose sculpture.

Mesosoma. Sculpture of mesoscutum: polygonal cells with rugose sculpture; cells on posterior margin longitudinal. Scutoscutellar sulcus: foveate. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: polygonal cells with rugose sculpture. Posterior mesoscutellar sulcus: foveae not visible. Sculpture of metascutellum: anteriorly foveate, posteriorly bidentate. Posterior margin of metascutellum: bidentate. Sculpture of metanotal trough: foveate. Lateral propodeal area: laterally wide and narrowing centrad. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: with depressions. Posterior propodeal projections: short and pointing laterad. Pronotal cervical sulcus: with large depressions. Sculpture of lateral pronotal area: dorsally foveate, ventrally with depressions. Prespecular sulcus: irregularly foveate. Sculpture of speculum: transversely carinate, interspersed with foveae. Femoral depression: irregularly foveate. Episternal sulcus: foveate. Postacetabular sulcus: indicated as a furrow. Mesepimeral sulcus: foveate. Sculpture of posterior mesepimeral area: narrow and smooth. Mesopleural pit: present. Metapleural sulcus: indicated with depressions. Sculpture of dorsal metapleural area: with irregular depressions. Sculpture of ventral metapleural area: with large irregular depressions. Paracoxal sulcus: with depressions.

Metasoma. Anterior margin of T1: with a slight projection medially and laterally. Basal foveae on T1: present. Sculpture of T1: longitudinally costate, space between costae smooth. Sculpture of T2: T2 longitudinally costate, with large depressions between costae. Length of T2: 5× length of T3. Sculpture of T3–T4: anteriorly with uneven foveae and posteriorly smooth.

Female. Unknown.

Material examined

Holotype: male, VIETNAM: Quang Ngai, Ba To, Ba Xa , rice fields , 09.IV.1983; leg. Lê X.H. Other material: 1 male ( ICAR / NBAIR / P4988 ), Karnataka: Bengaluru , Attur , 13.096°N, 77.566° E, ca 930 m, YPT, 27 May 2015. GoogleMaps


Hadronotus urinius is similar to H. strongist but differs from it in having fore wing 1.7× as wide as long, while in the latter fore wing is at least 2.4× as wide as long.


Recorded for the first time from India.
















Hadronotus urinius (Kozlov and Lê)

Kamalanathan, Veenakumari, Kolla, Sreedevi, Khan, Farmanur Rahman & Mohanraj, Prashanth 2024

Gryon urinius Kozlov and Lê, 1996: 10

Le XH 2000: 98

Gryon urinium Kozlov and Lê, 1992: 225

Kozlov MA & Le XH 1992: 225
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