Hemibrycon (Malabarba & Weitzman, 2003)

Bertaco, Vinicius A. & Malabarba, Luiz R., 2010, A review of the Cis-Andean species of Hemibrycon Günther (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae: Stevardiinae), with description of two new species, Neotropical Ichthyology 8 (4), pp. 737-770 : 768-769

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S1679-62252010000400005

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scientific name



Key to the Cis-Andean species of Hemibrycon View in CoL View at ENA

1. Humeral spot extending over 7 to 9 horizontal series of scales…………………..…………………..…..…..…..…2

1’. Humeral spot extending over 2 to 6 horizontal series of scales…………………………………………………………3

2. 19 to 23 branched anal-fin rays; 6 to 12 scales sheath along anal-fin base; 16 to 18 predorsal scales…………… H. helleri View in CoL (upper río Ucayali drainage, Peru)

2’. 25 to 30 branched anal-fin rays; 13 to 28 scales sheath along anal-fin base; 12 to 16 predorsal scales…… H. jelskii View in CoL (upper portions of ríos Marañon, Ucayali, Madeira- Mamoré drainages in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru)

3. Small humeral spot and extending over 2 to 3 horizontal series of scales; total number of pelvic fin rays 7; 3 to 4 scale rows below of the lateral line……… H. mikrostiktos View in CoL (upper río Ucayali drainage, Peru)

3’. Humeral spot extending over 4 to 6 horizontal series of scales; total number of pelvic fin rays 8; 4 to 9 scale rows belowofthelateralline………………………………………4

4. Presence of a wide black asymmetrical spot covering base of caudal-fin rays and extending along entire length of caudal-finrays 9 to 12-13………………..…………….……5

4’. Absence of a wide black asymmetrical spot covering base ofcaudal-finrays……………………………………………6

5. Presence of a black band in the lower half of the caudal peduncle from the region above the last anal-fin rays to the caudal-fin base; scale sheath along anal-fin base 17 to 22; total number of gill rakers 20 to 22…………… H. divisorensis View in CoL (upper río Ucayali drainage, Peru)

5’. Absence of a black band in the lower half of the caudal peduncle from the region above the last anal-fin rays to the caudal-fin base; scale sheath along anal-fin base 1 2 -17; total number of gill rakers 19 to 20……………………………………… H. surinamensis View in CoL (coastal basins of French Guiana and Suriname, and lower rios Tocantins, Tapajós and Xingu basins, Brazil)

6. Branchedanal-finrays 15 to19………………………………7

6’. Branched anal-fin rays 22 to 31……………………………8

7. Lateral line scales 39; 6 scale rows above of the lateral line; 14 scales around caudal-peduncle……………… H. tridens View in CoL (upper río Ucayali drainage, Peru)

7’. Lateral line scales 44 to 53; 7 to 8 scale rows above of the lateral line; 16 to 18 scales around caudal-peduncle………… H. beni View in CoL (río Beni drainage, Bolivia)

8. Gill rakers 16-18; scales sheath along anal-fin base 6- 10………………………………………………… H.inambari View in CoL (upper río Madre de Dios drainage, Peru)

8’. Gill rakers 19-21; scales sheath along anal-fin base 10- 24…………………..…………………..…..…..…..………9

9. Lateral line scales 40 to 42 (usually 41); 7 to 8 scale rows above of the lateral line; head and body slim …………………..…………………..…..…..…..…………10

9’. Lateral line scales 42 to 48 (usually 44-45); 8 to 10 scale rows above of the lateral line; head and body robust …………………..…………………..…..…..…..…………11

V. A. Bertaco & L. R. Malabarba 769

10. Second tooth of premaxillary inner row teeth heptacuspidate; humeral spot extending over 5 to 6 (usually 5) horizontal series of scales……………………… H. metae View in CoL (río Orinoco drainage, Venezuela and Colombia)

10’. Second tooth of premaxillary inner row teeth pentacuspidate; humeral spot extending over 4 to 5 (usually 4) horizontal series of scales…………………… H. taeniurus View in CoL (rivers of Island Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago)

11. Caudal peduncle scales 18to 20; head length 22.0-26.0% of SL; upperjawlength 45.2-52.6% ofHL………… H. huambonicus View in CoL (río Huallaga drainage, Peru)

11’. Caudal peduncle scales 16; head length 20.9-22.9% of SL; upper jaw length 43.7-45.6% of HL……… H. polyodon View in CoL (río Pastaza drainage, Ecuador)

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