Myrcia tenondeporan M.F.Santos & E.Barretto, 2023
publication ID | 10.11646/phytotaxa.632.1.6 |
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Myrcia tenondeporan M.F.Santos & E.Barretto |
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1. Myrcia tenondeporan M.F.Santos & E.Barretto View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figures 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 .)
Diagnosis:— Myrcia tenondeporan is related to Myrcia vellozoi Mazine (in Mazine et al. 2014: 98) but differs by size of leaf blade (4.8–15.8 × 1.5–6.0 vs. 10.5–26.5 × 3.4–10.4 cm in M. vellozoi ), blade apex (acuminate or caudate vs. acuminate to acute or often caudate) and size of floral bud (1.6–1.8 × 1.2–2.5 vs. 3.2–5.0 × 2.4–5.0 mm). It is also similar to Myrcia multipunctata Mazine (in Mazine et al. 2014: 99), differing by inflorescence structure (usually only one pair per seasonal growth unit [SGU – sensu Briggs & Johnson 1979] and one inflorescence per axillary bud vs. one or more pairs per SGU and usually a pair arising in a short internode with abortive central bud) and bigger mature fruit (1.2–1.8 × 1.4–1.8 vs. 0.4–1.0 × 0.4–1.0 cm).
Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Mun. São Paulo, Marsilac , Sítio Maravilha , Mata secundária, Rio Capivari, 23K 324844 7350922, 12 November 2014 (fl.), E.H.P. Barretto 338 (holotype PMSP!, isotypes HUFABC!, RB!) .
Description:— Shrub to tree, 1 to 9 m high. Trichomes reddish, simple or dibrachiate, 0.08–0.32 mm; pellucid dots densely present on leaves and reproductive structures. Twigs when young flattened, pubescent to puberulent, when mature greyish (when dry), cylindrical, cortex slightly cracked; branching monopodial (often sympodial), internode 1.0–8.0 cm; cataphylls absent or present at the base of the SGU, foliaceous, deciduous; buds pubescent. Leaves concolorous or often discolorous (adaxial surface light green and abaxial surface dark green-reddish), chartaceous, blade 4.8–15.8 × 1.5–6.0 cm, narrowly to widely elliptic, oblong, ovate to widely ovate, obovate to widely obovate, apex acuminate or caudate, base narrowly cuneate to rounded or attenuate, margin plane, secondary veins 1–8 mm apart, held at an angle of 50–75° relative to the midvein, marginal vein 0.5–2.0 mm from the margin, tertiary veins usually inconspicuous in the adaxial surface, conspicuous to inconspicuous in the abaxial surface, areoles 0.3–2.0 mm, pellucid dots usually conspicuous in the abaxial surface, 1–5 per mm 2; adaxial surface glabrous, midvein sulcate, secondary veins plane to raised; abaxial surface puberulent to subglabrate, midvein raised, secondary veins plane to raised; petiole 9–21 × 1–2 mm, canaliculate, pubescent to puberulent. Inflorescences 2.5–8.5 × 1.5–5.5 cm, 9–40 flowers, pyramidal, axillar at the subterminal nodes of the SGU (central bud developing a vegetative branch), usually only one pair per SGU, one inflorescence per axillary bud, inflorescence pherophyll deciduous, opposite branching, three branching per node, rachis pubescent to puberulent, first internode of central rachis 1–2 mm wide, three or four primary branching; bracts 1.0–4.0 × 0.4–1.0 mm, deciduous, lanceolate to ovate, concave, apex acuminate to acute or caudate, base truncate, externally puberulent, internally puberulent to glabrous; bracteoles 0.8–3.0 × 0.2–2.0 mm, deciduous, narrowly elliptic or lanceolate to ovate, concave or keeled, apex acuminate or caudate, base truncate, both surfaces puberulent. Flower buds 1.6–1.8(3.0) × 1.2–2.5 mm, clavate; hypanthium 1–1.5 mm extending above the summit of the ovary, not tearing at anthesis or often with a small vertical rip (but usually not tearing the staminal ring), externally pubescent to puberulent, pellucid dots covering the whole surface (sometimes covered by the indument), internally glabrous; calyx 4–merous, lobes 0.4–1.5 × 1.0–1.2(2.0) mm, not fused, deciduous parallel to the hypanthium ring, depressed ovate to widely depressed ovate, concave, apex rounded, externally pubescent to puberulent, internally puberulent; corolla 4–merous, petals white, 1.1–1.2(2.0) × 1.2–1.6(2.0) mm, obovate to very widely obovate, plane to concave, apex rounded, both surfaces puberulent to glabrous; staminal ring 0.2–0.5 mm wide, puberulent, stamens 30–107, filament 2.8–7.0 mm long, anther 0.16–0.24 × 0.24–0.40 mm, thecae reversing curvature on dehiscence and exposing interior of sacs as a convex surface, gland at the apex; ovary 0.6–1.0 × 0.6–1.0 mm, obconic, 2-locular with 2 ovules per locule, style 4.4–8.0 mm long, glabrous, stigma punctiform (often slightly swollen). Fruits immature green, mature black, 1.2–1.8 × 1.4–1.8 cm, globose, base rounded, puberulent to glabrous, totally covered by pellucid dots, remnants of hypanthium and calyx present at the immature fruit and calyx lobes usually absent in the mature fruit; seeds 1 or 2 per fruit.
Distribution and Habitat:— The new species is known from many records distributed from the coastal line to the top of Serra do Mar escarpment, in elevations from 0 to 900 metres and latitudes between 23º14’09’’S to 26º04’55’’S (roughly from Southern Rio de Janeiro to Northern Santa Catarina states) ( Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 ). It was collected in Lowland to Montane Rain Forest and Restinga forest, never occurring far from the top of Serra do Mar escarpment in inland areas with seasonal semideciduous forests (maximum distance of ca. 50 km from the coastline). It usually inhabits the undercanopy, but it can also be found at the forest border and riparian areas; soils can be well drained or marshy.
Phenology:— Myrcia tenondeporan was collected with flowers from September to February (peak in November and December). Fruits were recorded during the whole year, but mature fruits only from August to December.
Etymology:—The specific epithet honours the indigenous territory of Tenondé Porã, which houses about 1,500 Guarani people ( Garcia & Barretto 2021). The territory is located in parts of Mongaguá, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo and São Vicente municipalities (São Paulo state). The region is heavily urbanised but also has many natural areas, where the new species is commonly recorded.
Conservation Status:— According to the Geocat analysis, the Extent of Occurrence is 33,533 km 2, within the threshold of Near Threatened, and the Area of Occupancy is 276 km 2, within the threshold of Endangered (sensu IUCN 2012). The new species is found in more than 10 localities along its distribution, partly in Conservation Units. Available data does not allow the estimation of population size and fluctuation, but the Atlantic Forest currently has only 24% of its original extension, and many areas are small, disturbed, and disconnected fragments (Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica & INPE 2022, p. 59). Based on this scenario and on the Extent of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy, we consider it as Vulnerable (VU, criteria B2a, bii, biii; IUCN 2012).
Taxonomy:— Myrcia tenondeporan is characterised as a member of Myrcia sect. Eugeniopsis since it possesses distinctive features of the group ( Lucas et al. 2018, Santos et al. 2019), such as: reddish trichomes; pellucid dots densely present on leaves and reproductive structures; inflorescences with deciduous pherophyll and opposite branching; clavate floral buds; hypanthium extending above the summit of the ovary, usually not tearing at anthesis, and internally glabrous; calyx lobes not fused, deciduous parallel to the hypanthium ring; staminal ring with trichomes; and ovary with two locules ( Figures 2 View FIGURE 2 and 3 View FIGURE 3 ).
Among the members of Myrcia sect. Eugeniopsis , the new species is distinct by: size, shape and apex of leaves ( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 ), which exhibit less variation than other related species; inflorescences arising at the SGU and usually with few lateral branches; and small floral buds, with a more constrict apex than the group average ( Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Furthermore, the new species has a cohesive distribution and habitat. Myrcia tenondeporan is related to Myrcia multipunctata and Myrcia vellozoi (see diagnosis), and most specimens in the collections are identified with the latter name or the synonym Marlierea racemosa (Vell.) Kiaersk. (1893: 51) . There is some overlap especially concerning leaf size and apex, but in Myrcia vellozoi leaf length and width are rarely under 13 and 4.5 cm (respectively) and the leaf apex is usually less prolonged. Such difficulty in circumscribing species is the norm in this section (Santos in prep.). The shape and size of their leaf blades and their co-occurrence can cause mix ups between Myrcia tenondeporan and Myrcia eugeniopsoides (D.Legrand & Kausel [in Legrand 1962: 194]) Mazine (in Mazine et al. 2014: 98), but the latter has a closed floral bud (calyx lobes not distinguishable) that opens irregularly during the anthesis (a feature visible even in the fruit).
Paratypes:— BRAZIL. Without state: no date (fl.), W. J. Burchell 3662 ( K!, P!). Paraná: Mun. Guaraqueçaba , May 2003 (fr.), L. D.Meireles 1420 ( UEC!) ; ibidem, 20 November 1974 (fl.), G. Hatschbach 35507 ( MBM!, UEC!) ; Mun. Guaratuba , 12 December 1993 (fl.), J. M. Silva 1287 ( HUEFS!, MBM!) ; ibidem, 8 November 2003 (fl.), E. J. Lucas 190 ( K!, MBM!) ; Mun. Matinhos , 17 May 2003 (fr.), J. Sonehara 3 ( BHCB!) ; Mun. Paranaguá , 24 November 1962 (fl.), G. Hatschbach 10169 ( K!, MBM!, SPSF!) ; ibidem, 29 May 1966 (fr.), G. Hatschbach 14393 ( MBM!) ; ibidem, 21 November 1967 (fl.), G. Hatschbach 17896 ( MBM!, NY!, P!, US!) ; ibidem, 25 November 1967 (fl.), G. Hatschbach 17969 ( MBM!) ; ibidem, 6 June 1995 (fr.), S. R. Ziller 756 ( SPSF!) ; ibidem, 6 June 1995 (fr.), S. R. Ziller 773 ( ESA!) ; ibidem, 8 November 1986 (fl.), R. M. Britez 24578 ( UEC!) ; ibidem, 17 April 1987 (fr.), S. M. Silva 24577 ( UEC!) ; ibidem, 5 December 1992 (fl.), S. M. Silva s.n. ( UEC 75574 About UEC !) ; Mun. Pontal do Paraná, 26 November 2012 (fl.), R. A. Bonaldi 611 ( MBM!). Rio de Janeiro: Mun. Paraty , 23 November 1990 (fl.), C. Farney 2517 ( RB!) ; ibidem, 16 May 1995 (fr.), R. Marquete 2144 ( RB!) ; ibidem, 8 September 2013 (fr.), A. G. Silva 3 ( SPSF!) ; ibidem, 12 April 1994 (fr.), R. Marquete 1578 ( RB!, UEC!). Santa Catarina: without municipality, 8 May 2004 (fr.), K. Bourscheid 66 ( BHCB!) ; without municipality, 25 May 2004 (fr.), Equipe Acaraú 96 ( BHCB!) ; Mun. Garuva , 4 November 2004 (fl.), A. C. Cervi 8725 ( MBM!) ; Mun. Itapoá , 6 November 1992 (fl.), R. Negrelle 542 ( CRI!). São Paulo: without municipality, 16 November 1826 (fl.), W. J. Burchell 3649 ( NY!, US!) ; Mun. Bertioga , 14 December 1972 (fl.), G. Gottsberger 18- 141272 ( MBM!, SP!) ; ibidem, 28 November 1989 (fl.), L. T. Silveira 22514 A ( UEC!) ; ibidem, 27 November 1989 (fl.), M. T. Grombone 22449 ( UEC!) ; ibidem, 29 November 1989 (fl.), M. T. Grombone 22862 ( UEC!) ; ibidem, 29 May 1990 (fr.), M. Kirizawa 2291 ( SP!, UEC!) ; ibidem, 19 January 1999 (fl.), E. A. Anunciação 679 ( SP!, SPSF!) ; ibidem, 26 August 1999 (fr.), L. Rossi 2056 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 14 January 1999 (fl.), M. A. G. Magenta 77 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 22 April 1999 (fr.), P. S. P. Sampaio 247 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 12 August 1999 (fr.), P. S. P. Sampaio 315 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 11 March 1999 (fr.), S. E. Martins 394 ( SP!, SPSF!) ; ibidem, 6 May 1999 (fr.), S. E. Martins 466 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 22 June 1999 (fr.), S. E. Martins 501 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 10 February 2000 (fl.), P. S. P. Sampaio 435 ( SP!) ; Mun. Cananéia , 9 June 2012 (fr.), V. G. Staggemeier 809 ( K!) ; ibidem, 28 November 1974 (fl.), J. Mattos 16174 ( SP!, SPF!) ; ibidem, 5 November 1979 (fl.), D. A. Grande 214 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 6 July 1989 (fr.), F. Barros 1711 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 10 November 1977 (fl.), D. A. Grande 13 ( SP!, SPSF!) ; ibidem, 30 October 1985 (fl.), M. Kirizawa 1520 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 16 December 2006 (fl.), V. G. Staggemeier 98 ( MBM!) ; ibidem, 9 June 2012 (fr.), V. G. Staggemeier 828 ( K!) ; ibidem, no date (fl.), D. Sampaio 117 ( ESA!, RB!, SPSF!) ; Mun. Cubatão , 8 June 2010 (fr.), M. F. Santos 580 ( SPF!) ; ibidem, 21 December 1994 (fl.), S. A. C. Chiea 824 ( SP!, SPF!) ; ibidem, 14 December 1988 (fl.), O. T. Aguiar 292 ( SPSF!) ; ibidem, 29 November 1988 (fl.), R. Esteves 1 ( SPSF!) ; Mun. Iguape , 11 December 1985 (fl.), E. L. M. Catharino 538 ( ESA!, SP!) ; 8 November 1986 (fl.), C. B. J. Jaramillo 4 ( ESA!, SP!) ; 30 March 1986 (fr.), E. L. M. Catharino 779 ( ESA!, SP!) ; ibidem, 7 January 1999 (fr.), M. R. Gorenstein 51 ( ESA!, RB!, SPSF!, UEC!) ; ibidem, 16 January 1983 (fl.), N. Figueiredo 14400 ( UEC!) ; ibidem, 11 December 1990 (fl.), I. Cordeiro 779 ( MBM!, SP!) ; ibidem, 13 March 1990 (fr.), M. C. H. Mamede 225 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 21 June 1990 (fr.), M. C. H. Mamede 292 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 16 August 1990 (fr.), S. A. C. Chiea 573 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 12 December 1990 (fl.), S. J. G. Silva 112 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 12 December 1990 (fl.), S. J. G. Silva 120 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 13 June 1991 (fr.), E. A. Anunciação 75 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 15 December 1991 (fl.), E. A. Anunciação 118 ( SP!, SPF!) ; ibidem, 14 May 1991 (fr.), L. Rossi 869 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 12 June 1991 (fr.), L. Rossi 904 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 17 December 1991 (fl.), L. Rossi 1026 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 25 April 1991 (fr.), M. M. R. F. Melo 954 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 23 June 1992 (fr.), D. F. Pereira 179 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 29 August 1993 (fr.), E. A. Anunciação 357 ( MBM!, SP!) ; ibidem, 14 December 1993 (fl.), E. A. Anunciação 434 ( MBM!, SP!) ; ibidem, 27 June 1993 (fr.), M. C. H. Mamede 542 ( NY!, SP!) ; ibidem, 8 December 1994 (fl.), I. Cordeiro 1489 ( SP!) ; Mun. Itanhaém , 7 July 2001 (fr.), N. M. Ivanauskas 4490 ( ESA!) ; ibidem, 15 January 2015 (fr.), E. H. P. Barretto 450 ( PMSP!) ; ibidem, 17 April 2001 (fr.), F. M. Souza 197 ( ESA!, RB!) ; ibidem, 17 April 2001 (fr.), F. M. Souza 205 ( ESA!, SPSF!, UEC!) ; ibidem, 29 March 2005 (fr.), F. M. Souza 592 ( BHCB!, SPSF!) ; ibidem, 14 March 2005 (fr.), R. Cielo-Filho 383 ( MBM!, SPSF!) ; Mun. Mauá , 28 November 2007 (fl.), R. T. Shirasuna 720 ( PMSP!) ; Mun. Pariquera-Açu , 29 September 1998 (fl.), M. Sztutman 43 ( ESA!) ; ibidem, 23 November 1998 (fl.), M. Sztutman 79 ( ESA!, RB!) ; Mun. Peruíbe , 11 October 1987 (fl.), G. Hashimoto 17152 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 9 October 1995 (fl.), V. C. Souza 9276 ( ESA!, MBM!, RB!, SP!) ; ibidem, 6 November 1988 (fl.), V. C. Souza 341 ( ESA!) ; ibidem, 21 June 1994 (fr.), I. Cordeiro 1505 ( SP!, UEC!) ; Mun. Praia Grande , 25 October 2007 (fl.), A. Lobão 1441 ( RB!) ; Mun. Salesópolis , 17 March 1958 (fr.), M. Kuhlmann 4351 ( SP!) ; Mun. Santo André , 13 December 2007 (fl.), R. J. Almeida-Scabbia 5219 ( P!, SP!) ; ibidem, 5 June 2008 (fr.), F. Búgola-Silva 8201 ( NY!, P!, SP!) ; ibidem, 3 July 2008 (fr.), F. Búgola-Silva 8218 ( PMSP!, SORO!) ; ibidem, 16 January 1920 (fl.), F. C. Hoehne s.n. ( SP3607 !, SPF!, US!) ; ibidem, 6 December 1961 (fl.), J. Mattos 8682 ( SP!, SPF!, US!) ; ibidem, 30 August 1961 (fr.), J. Mattos 9093 ( SP!, SPF!, US!) ; ibidem, 6 August 1961 (fr.), J. R. Mattos s.n. ( SP64710 !) ; ibidem, 20 November 1984 (fl.), M. Sugiyama 566 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 30 September 1988 (fr.), M. Sugiyama 787 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 5 November 1991 (fr.), M. Kirizawa 2534 ( SP!) ; Mun. Santos , 22-23 October 1826 (fl.), W. J. Burchell 3266 ( K!) ; ibidem, 1875 (fr.), H. Mosén 2783 (P!); ibidem, 3 May 1994 (fr.), M. M. R. F. Melo 1009 ( BHCB!, SP!) ; Mun. São Bernardo do Campo , 22 August 1990 (fr.), S. Ferreira s.n. ( SP271139 !) ; Mun. São Paulo, September 1994 (fr.), I. Cordeiro 1642 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 22 June 1995 (fr.), S. A. P. Godoy 612 ( MBM!, SP!) ; ibidem, 20 October 1998 (fl.), A. Furlan s.n. ( BHCB 84697 About BHCB !) ; ibidem, 22 June 1995 (fr.), S. A. P. Godoy 612 ( PMSP!) ; ibidem, 6 December 2012 (fl.), E. H. P. Barretto 483 ( HUFABC!, PMSP!, SORO!) ; ibidem, 5 November 2014 (fl.), E. H. P. Barretto 324 ( PMSP!, SORO!) ; ibidem, 14 July 2014 (fr.), R. J. F. Garcia 3779 ( PMSP!) ; ibidem, 29 September 2015 (fl.), E. H. P. Barretto 578 ( PMSP!) ; ibidem, 19 May 2015 (fr.), E. H. P. Barretto 472 ( PMSP!) ; ibidem, 2 May 1996 (fr.), G. M. P. Ferreira 86 ( PMSP!, SP!) ; ibidem, 2 May 1996 (fr.), G. M. P. Ferreira 86 ( SP!) ; ibidem, 2 December 1998 (fl.), L. Rossi 2031 ( PMSP!, SP!, SPF!) ; ibidem, 28 January 1999 (fr.), L. C. Q. M. P. Sampaio 149 ( HUFABC!, MBM!, PMSP!, SPF!, SPSF!) ; ibidem, 29 April 1999 (fr.), P. Affonso 396 ( HUFABC!, PMSP!) ; ibidem, 6 July 2000 (fr.), P. Affonso 453 ( PMSP!) ; ibidem, 30 November 2001 (fl.), R. A. A. Martini 2 ( PMSP!) ; ibidem, 10 December 2002 (fl.), R. A. A. Martini 32 ( HUFABC!, PMSP!) ; ibidem, 28 November 1980 (fl.), S. L. Jung 369 ( MBM!, SP!) ; ibidem, 13 October 2016 (fl.), M. F. Santos 872 ( SORO!) ; ibidem, 18 July 2022 (fr.), G. B. Amaral s.n. ( PMSP 23416 About PMSP !) ; ibidem, 6 March 2023 (fr.), E. H. P. Barretto 2810 ( PMSP!) ; ibidem, 3 April 2023 (fr.), E. H. P. Barretto 2955 ( PMSP!) ; ibidem, 18 February 2020 (fr.), E. H. P. Barretto 1732 ( PMSP!) ; Mun. São Vicente , 16 February 2001 (fr.), J. A. Pastore 958 ( SP!, SPSF!) ; ibidem, 21 November 2003 (fl.), C. Moura 43 ( SPSF!) ; Mun. Ubatuba , 6 November 1988 (fl.), A. Furlan 596 ( SPSF!, UEC!) ; ibidem, 7 November 1988 (fl.), A. Furlan 639 ( SPSF!, UEC!) ; ibidem, 13 November 1993 (fl.), A. L. M. Franco 29358 ( SP!, SPF!, UEC!) ; ibidem, 12 January 1993 (fl.), M. A. Assis 71 ( UEC!) ; ibidem, 21 June 1996 (fr.), S. L. R. Castro 49 ( SP!, SPSF!) ; ibidem, 17 November 1999 (fl.), D. C. Zappi 311 ( SP!, UEC!) .
Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo |
W |
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien |
J |
University of the Witwatersrand |
K |
Royal Botanic Gardens |
P |
Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants |
L |
Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch |
Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
G |
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève |
San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals |
M |
Botanische Staatssammlung München |
Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana |
E |
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh |
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais |
Instituto Florestal |
NY |
William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden |
S |
Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History |
R |
Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile |
Universidade de São Paulo |
A |
Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum |
C |
University of Copenhagen |
Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, Bairro Universitário |
SP |
Instituto de Botânica |
T |
Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics |
V |
Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium |
Universidade de São Paulo |
F |
Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department |
O |
Botanical Museum - University of Oslo |
B |
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet |
N |
Nanjing University |
I |
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University |
H |
University of Helsinki |
Q |
Universidad Central |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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