Guaranyperla guapiara Froehlich, 2001

Avelino-Capistrano, Fernanda & Nessimian, Jorge Luiz, 2013, A new species and new records of Gripopterygidae (Plecoptera) from the Serra dos Orgãos, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, Zootaxa 3683 (2), pp. 185-191 : 186

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3683.2.7

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Guaranyperla guapiara Froehlich, 2001


Guaranyperla guapiara Froehlich, 2001 View in CoL *

Froehlich 2001:378. Froehlich 2010: 134.

Material examined. Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Teresópolis, Rio Paquequer, 11.i.1990, 6n ( DZRJ 2280); 13.iv.1991, 1n ( DZRJ 2347), N. Ferreira, Jr; 20.vii.1991, 3n ( DZRJ 2725); 17.v.2009, 1n ( DZRJ 1953); 21.vii.2000, 1n ( DZRJ 311), 1n ( DZRJ 312); 28.v.2007, 6n ( DZRJ 2351), J. L. Nessimian. Rio Paquequer, Cachoeira do Coreto, 14.xii.2009, 1n ( DZRJ 2128), E. R. Silva. Cachoeira do Véu da Noiva, 27.viii.1999, 3n ( DZRJ 2091), E. R. Silva. Poço da Ponte Preta. 27.viii.1999. 6n ( DZRJ 2101); 03.vii.2000. 1n ( DZRJ 2110); 14.iii.2000. 1n ( DZRJ 2116); E. R. Silva. Rio Beija-Flor, 19.vii.2000, 2n ( DZRJ 795), J. L. Nessimian. Rio Varginha, 20.vii.2000, 1n ( DZRJ 797), J. L. Nessimian. Rio Paquequer. x.2011. 1Ƥ ( DZRJ 3472). D. M. Takiya.

Remarks. In the present study, numerous nymphs were found but only one adult female was collected. Guaranyperla is an endemic southeastern Brazilian genus with three known species. The nymphs examined from Teresópolis were positively associated with a recently emerged female of G. guapiara Froehlich 2001 collected in the field and preserved with its exuviae. This specimen exhibits identical setal patterns of the body, antenna, and cerci as illustrated by Froehlich (2001).

Distribution. BR. Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro [New Record], São Paulo, and Espírito Santo.

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