Apterolarnaca Gorochov 2004

Li, Shi-Yu, Liu, Yi-Jiao, Xu, Jing-Yi, Yin, Zi-Xu & He, Zhu-Qing, 2024, Molecular phylogeny of Chinese raspy crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) reveals incongruences in current classification, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (Zool. J. Linn. Soc.) 201 (4), pp. 1-31 : 1-31

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae051

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scientific name

Apterolarnaca Gorochov 2004


Apterolarnaca Gorochov 2004 View in CoL RÊDzaeā

( Figs 3A, C, E View Figure 3 , 4A–D View Figure 4 , 5D–E View Figure 5 )

Apterolarnaca Gorochov 2004: 914 View in CoL .

Apterolarnaca Bian and Shi 2015: 6–10 View in CoL .

Apterolarnaca Bian et al. 2016: 358 View in CoL .

Apterolarnaca Tan and Wahab 2018: 582 View in CoL .

Apterolarnaca Ingrisch 2018: 117 View in CoL View Cited Treatment .

Apterolarnaca Cadena-Castañeda 2019: 83 View in CoL .

Apterolarnaca Bian et al. 2021: 205 View in CoL View Cited Treatment .

Bianigryllacris Cadena-Castañeda 2019: 38 . synon. nov.. Bianigryllacris Bian et al. 2021: 206. synon. nov..

Apterolarnaca (Bianigryllacris) Lu et al. 2022: 385 . synon. nov.. Apterolarnaca (Bianigryllacris) Zhang et al. 2023a: 501 . synon. nov..

Type species: Apterolarnaca ulla Gorochov 2004 .

Diagnosis: Apterolarnaca can be recognized by the combination of the following characters: body slender; wings absent ( Fig. 3A, C, E View Figure 3 ); spines on hind tibiae degenerate ( Fig. 4A–D View Figure 4 ); male ninth abdominal tergite divided, with inwardly extending spines on each side ( Fig. 5D, E View Figure 5 ); male subgenital plate without styli; female ovipositor short and curved upwards ( Figs 3C, E View Figure 3 , 4B, C View Figure 4 ). This genus is similar to Tenuigryllacris and Nippancistroger , but Tenuigryllacris differs from Apterolarnaca by possessing styli on male subgenital plate. Nippancistroger differs from Apterolarnaca by existing two to three long spines on the middle of hind tibia, while there are only tiny spines or no spine on hind tibia in Apterolarnaca .

Included species: Apterolarnaca ulla Gorochov 2004 , Apt. apta Gorochov 2004 , Apt. biloba (Liu, Bi & Zhang, 2010) stat. nov., Apt. biprocera Zhang & Bian 2023 stat. nov., Apt. digitata (Liu & Bi, 2008) stat. nov., Apt. fallax (Liu & Bi, 2008) stat. nov., Apt. guizhouensis Zhang & Bian 2023 stat. nov., Apt. huanglianensis Bian & Lu, 2021 , Apt. longispina Pang, Zhang & Bian, 2023 , Apt. nigra Zhang & Bian 2023 stat. nov., Apt. nigrifrontis Bian & Shi 2016 , Apt. nigrigeniculata (Liu & Yin, 2002) stat. nov., Apt. parvospinus (Liu & Yin, 2002) stat. nov., Apt. quadrata (Li & Liu, 2015) stat. nov., Apt. quadrimaculata Bian & Shi, 2016 , Apt. sicula Zhang & Bian, 2023 stat. nov., Apt. spiculoproceris Zhang, Lu & Bian, 2022 stat. nov., Apt. tenuispinacia Lu, Zhang & Bian, 2022 stat. nov., Apt. transversa (Liu, Bi & Zhang, 2010) stat. nov., Apt. trigonistis Zhang, Pang & Bian, 2023 stat. nov., Apt. trilobus (Bian & Shi, 2014) stat. nov., Apt. truncatoloba (Li & Liu, 2015) , Apt. xinganensis Lu, Zhang & Bian, 2022 stat. nov., Apt. xinpingensis Zhang & Bian, 2023 stat. nov..

Remarks: The genus Apotrechus was proposed by Brunner von Wattenwyl (1888), and the type species is Apo. unicolor Brunner von Wattenwyl 1888 from Australia. The genus Apterolarnaca was established by Gorochov (2004) with the type species Apt. ulla Gorochov 2004 from Vietnam. Cadena-Castañeda (2019) established the genus Bianigryllacris Cadena-Castañeda 2019 , and left the Australian species in the original genus Apotrechus (no depression at the apex of male genital plate), but moved eight species from Asia to the genus Bianigryllacris (with a depression at the apex of male genital plate and distributed only in China). Cadena-Castañeda (2019) considered that the genus Bianigryllacris possessed wide cephalicus, but the genus Apterolarnaca did not. Lu et al. (2022) regarded the genus Bianigryllacris as a subgenus of the genus Apterolarnaca , and listed a key for this genus, in which the difference between the two subgenera is: the internal spines on male hind femur of Apterolarnaca were significantly larger than external spines, but internal spines of male hind femur of Bianigryllacris were slightly larger than external ones. Our molecular results showed that neither megacephalic condition nor internal spines on male hind femur larger is not monophyletic. Therefore, we consider subgenus Bianigryllacris Cadena-Castañeda 2019 as a synonym of the subgenus Apterolarnaca Gorochov 2004 . All species of the subgenus Bianigryllacris are moved to the genus Apterolarnaca .

Tenuigryllacris Li, Yin & He gen. nov. Ḥaeā http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:55608B7E-69AB-460A-8749-488144750C9B

( Figs 3G View Figure 3 , 4E View Figure 4 , 5F View Figure 5 , 14A–D View Figure 14 , 15A–E View Figure 15 )

Type species: Tenuigryllacris huanglianensis Li, Yin & He sp. nov..

Diagnosis: This new genus can be recognized by the combination of the following characters: wings absent ( Figs 3G View Figure 3 , 14D View Figure 14 , 15E View Figure 15 ); a central light-coloured stripe with two dark stripes on both sides extended dorsally from anterior pronotum to posterior abdomen ( Figs 3G View Figure 3 , 15D View Figure 15 ); posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite extended by a projection on each side at base ( Figs 5F View Figure 5 , 15B View Figure 15 ); male subgenital plate with styli ( Figs 5F View Figure 5 , 15C View Figure 15 ). This new genus differs from Apterolarnaca by possessing styli on male subgenital plate, while Apterolarnaca has not. The new genus has a central light-coloured stripe with two dark stripes on both sides extended dorsally from anterior pronotum to posterior abdomen, while Apterolarnaca only has one central dark stripe. The new genus differs from Nippancistroger by the tiny spines on hind tibia, while there are two to three long spines on the middle of the hind tibia in Nippancistroger ( Fig. 4E, F View Figure 4 ).

Description: Body small-sized (18–22 mm) and slender; head little wider than anterior margin of pronotum ( Figs 14B View Figure 14 , 15D View Figure 15 ); fastigium of vertex about 1.5 times as broad as scape, scape as long as eye, ocelli indistinct ( Figs 14A View Figure 14 , 15A View Figure 15 ); anterior margin of pronotum slightly roundly projecting, posterior margin slightly concave in the middle ( Fig. 14B View Figure 14 ); lateral lobes longer than deep ( Figs 3G View Figure 3 , 14D View Figure 14 , 15E View Figure 15 ); wings absent ( Figs 3G View Figure 3 , 14D View Figure 14 , 15E View Figure 15 ); a central light-coloured stripe with two dark stripes on both sides extended dorsally from anterior pronotum to posterior abdomen ( Figs 3G View Figure 3 , 14D View Figure 14 , 15D View Figure 15 ); male eighth abdominal tergite prolonged ( Figs 3G View Figure 3 , 14D View Figure 14 ); posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite extended by a projection on each side at base ( Figs 5F View Figure 5 , 15B View Figure 15 ); male subgenital plate with styli ( Figs 5F View Figure 5 , 15C View Figure 15 ); female ovipositor short, curved upwards, rather strong and regularly narrowing from base to tip, with pointed apex ( Fig. 14C View Figure 14 ).

Included species: Tenuigryllacris huanglianensis Li, Yin & He sp. nov., T. fruhstorferi (Griffini 1914) comb. nov., T. yingjiangensis Li, Yin & He sp. nov..

Etymology: The specific epithet tenuis is for Latin, meaning slender and thin. The name is given to this genus because of its long and slender body shape. Chinese name ḤAEỗ.

Remarks: Melaneremus fruhstorferi (Griffini 1914) is characterized by a pair of curved spines sitting on a strongly swollen base on ninth abdominal tergite. The character does more correspond to Tenuigryllacris than to Melaneremus . Thus, we place M. fruhstorferi in this new genus as T. fruhstorferi comb. nov.

Key to species of male Tenuigryllacris Li, Yin & He gen. nov.

1. Posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite extended by a pair of short spines vertically downwards both in the middle and lateral sides .................................................................................................................................................. T. yingjiangensis sp. nov.

- Posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite extended by a pair of short spines vertically downwards at lateral sides ..... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................2

2. Posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite extended by a stout and enlarged projection on each side at base................ ............................................................................................................................................................................. T. huanglianensis sp. nov.

- Posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite extended by a projection on each side at base, with swollen base and sharp tip ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ T. fruhstorferi

Tenuigryllacris huanglianensis Li, Yin & He sp. nov.



( Figs 3G View Figure 3 , 4E View Figure 4 , 5F View Figure 5 , 14A–D View Figure 14 )

Diagnosis: Compared with T. fruhstorferi , spines of male ninth abdominal tergite in the new species larger and longer; apex of male subgenital plate flat and straight, while T. fruhstorferi possesses a V-shaped indentation. Compared with T. yingjiangensis , posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite in the new species extended by a pair of short spines vertically downwards only in lateral sides, while T. yingjiangensis extended both in the middle and lateral sides.

Type material: Holotype, ♂, CHINA: Yunnan, Honghe, Lüchun, Huanglian Mountain , 22°53.59 ʹ N, 102°18.17 ʹ E, 1951 m, 12.vii.2021, collected by Zhu-Qing He ( ECNU). GoogleMaps

Paratypes, 2♀, same information as holotype ( ECNU) GoogleMaps .

Description. Male: Body small-sized (18–22 mm) and slender; head little wider than anterior margin of pronotum, fastigium of vertex about 1.5 times as broad as scape; anterior margin of pronotum slightly roundly projecting, posterior margin slightly concave ( Fig. 14A, B View Figure 14 ); completely wingless ( Fig. 3G View Figure 3 ); fore tibia on ventral surface with five pairs of spurs (including one pair of apical spurs), hind tibiae spines slightly degenerated, four spines on dorsal surface and five spines on ventral surface ( Fig. 4E View Figure 4 ); posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite extended by a pair of projections at base, and apical part of projections rounded; apical parts of subgenital plate flattened, with styli; cerci short, conical ( Fig. 5F View Figure 5 ).

Female: Similar to male, ovipositor short, curved upward, rather strong and regularly narrowing from base to tip, with pointed apex ( Fig. 14C, D View Figure 14 ).

Coloration: Body almost yellowish brown, middle of pronotum decorated with two dark black longitudinal stripes that extend to the ninth segment of abdomen, fore and mid tibiae and femur near joint, and tibiae near apex with black spots, hind tibiae with black spots at apex and base, projections on male ninth abdominal tergite pale when alive ( Figs 3G View Figure 3 , 14D View Figure 14 ).

Measurements (in mm): Male: BL 18.1, PL 4.0, HFL 11.2; Female: BL 21.0–22.1, PL 4.0–4.5, HFL 11.0–12.2, OV 7.5–8.0.

Distribution: China (Yunnan).

Etymology: The specific epithet huanglian is for the Chinese phonetic alphabet ȒỀ. It is named for the specimens collected from the Huanglian Mountain in Yunnan. Chinese name ȒỀ ḤAEỗ.

18 • Li et al.

Tenuigryllacris yingjiangensis Li, Yin & He sp. nov.



( Fig. 15A–E View Figure 15 )

Diagnosis: Posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite in T. yingjiangensis extended by a pair of short spines vertically downwards both in the middle and lateral sides ( Fig. 15B, C View Figure 15 ), while that of other two species extended only in lateral sides.

Type material: Holotype, ♂, CHINA: Yunnan, Dehong, Yingjiang, Xima , 24°45.19 ʹ N, 97°42.03 ʹ E, 1700 m, 11.vi.2022 collected by Da-Fu Nie ( ECNU). GoogleMaps

Description. Male: Body small-sized (20 mm) and slender; head little wider than anterior margin of pronotum, fastigium of vertex about 1.5 times as broad as scape ( Fig. 15A View Figure 15 ); anterior margin of pronotum slightly roundly projecting, posterior margin slightly concave; completely wingless; fore tibia on ventral surface with five pairs of spurs (included one pair of apical spurs), hind tibiae spines slightly degenerate, four spines on dorsal surface and five spines on ventral surface; posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite extended by a pair of short spines vertically downwards both in the middle and lateral sides ( Fig. 15B, C View Figure 15 ); posterior margin of subgenital plate arcuate and concave inward, with styli ( Fig. 15C View Figure 15 ); cerci shorter, conical.

Female: Unknown.

Coloration: Body generally yellowish brown, middle of pronotum with two dark black longitudinal stripes extending to the ninth segment of abdomen, fore and mid tibiae and femur near joint, and tibiae near apex with black spots, hind tibiae with black spots at apex and base, tip of the spines on posterior margin of male ninth abdominal tergite black ( Fig. 15D, E View Figure 15 ).

Measurements (in mm): Male: BL 20.1, PL 4.4, HFL 12.8.

Distribution: China (Yunnan).

Etymology: The specific epithet yingjiang is for the Chinese phonetic alphabet MỮ. It is named for the collection of the specimens from Yingjiang City, Yunnan Province. Chinese name MỮḤAEỗ.












Apterolarnaca Gorochov 2004

Li, Shi-Yu, Liu, Yi-Jiao, Xu, Jing-Yi, Yin, Zi-Xu & He, Zhu-Qing 2024

Apterolarnaca Cadena-Castañeda 2019: 83

Cadena-Castaneda OJ 2019: 83

Bianigryllacris Cadena-Castañeda 2019: 38

Bian X & Liu J & Yang ZZ 2021: 206
Cadena-Castaneda OJ 2019: 38


Ingrisch S 2018: 117


Bian X & Shi FM 2015: 10


Gorochov AV 2004: 914
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