Sheathia jiugongshanensis HAN, NAN ET XIE, 2020

Han, Jin-Fen, Nan, Fang-Ru, Feng, Jia, Lv, Jun-Ping, Liu, Qi, Liu, Xu-Dong & Xie, Shu-Lian, 2020, Affinities of four freshwater putative “ Chantransia ” stages (Rhodophyta) in Southern China from molecular and morphological data, Phytotaxa 441 (1), pp. 47-59 : 51-53

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.441.1.4

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scientific name

Sheathia jiugongshanensis HAN, NAN ET XIE

sp. nov.

Sheathia jiugongshanensis HAN, NAN ET XIE sp. nov. ( Fig. 2. a–c View FIGURE 2 )

Description:—Known only from the “ Chantransia ” sporophyte generation. Tuft-shape, with reddish thallus, 6.3–10.0 mm length, with erect and densely branched filaments, branch angle> 25°. Vegetative cells are cylindrical, 42.2–55.6 μm in length and 8.9–12.2 μm in diameter; reproduction by abundant ovoid or sub-spherical monosporangia, 7.8–11.1 μm in length and 5.6–7.8 μm in diameter.

Diagnosis: ―Diagnostic DNA sequence: rbc L and psb A (accession number: MK746106 for rbc L and MK746108 for psb A).

Type locality: CHINA, Hubei Province, Jiugong Mountain (29.428°N, 114.702°E): on the surface of a stone in flowing water.

Holotype here designated: SXU-HB17926, Dried material prepared from reference strain HB26 , Shanxi University Herbarium ( SXU), Shanxi University , Taiyuan , Shanxi Province, China. September 2017 by Fang-Ru Nan, Kun-Peng Fang, and Sheng-Li Shi.

Paratype here designated: SXU-HB17927, Preserved samples in 4% formalin solution, prepared from reference strain HB26, Shanxi University Herbarium (SXU), Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China.

Etymology: The species epithet refers to the type locality (Jiugong Mountain, China).

Authentic strain: SXU-HB17926.

Sheathia shimenxiaensis HAN, NAN ET XIE sp. nov. ( Fig. 2. h–k View FIGURE 2 )

Description:—Known only from the “ Chantransia ” sporophyte generation. Tuft-shape, with a brownish thallus, 4.8–9.4 mm length, with erect and densely branched filaments, branch angles ≥ 25°. Vegetative cells are cylindrical, 28.9–50.0 μm in length, and 7.8–11.1 μm in diameter; reproduction by abundant ovoid or sub-spherical monosporangia, 6.7–11.1 μm in length and 5.6–10.0 μm in diameter.

Diagnosis: ―Diagnostic DNA sequence: rbc L and psb A (accession number: MN272375 for rbc L and MN272376 for psb A).

a–c. S. jiugongshanensis (isolate HB26).

a. Specimens collected in a clean and cold-water stream from Jiugong Mountain of Hubei Province, China; Thalli growing epilithic on rocks;

b. Morphological observation of the tufts of erect filament, reddish in color;

c. Monosporangial branch with ovoid or sub-spherical monosporangium (arrowhead).

d–g isolate YN1.

d. Specimens collected from rocks at the river bank outlet in Liangyi County of Yunnan Province, China.

e. Morphological observation of the tufts of erect filament, brownish in color;

f. Filament showing branch angle ≥ 25°(arrow) and monosporangium (arrowhead).

g. Cells have parietal laminate or irregularly lobed Chromatoplast.

h–k S. shimenxiaensis (isolate YN2).

h. Specimens collected from the stone wall at the drip point in Shimen gorge, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, China.

i. Morphological observation of the tufts of erect filament, brownish in color;

j. Filament showing branch angle ≥ 25° (arrow) and monosporangium (arrowhead) grow binately on top of the spore branch.

k. Cells have parietal laminate or irregularly lobed Chromatoplast.

l–o isolate YN3.

l. Speciemens collected from species of Cladophoreceae in a pool from Luoping County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, China. m. Morphological observation of the tufts of erect filament, bluish in color;

n. Filament showing branch angle ≥ 25° (arrow) and monosporangium (arrowhead).

o. Cells have parietal laminate or irregularly lobed Chromatoplast.

Type locality: CHINA, Yunnan Province, Yuxi City, Shimen Gorge (23.968°N, 101.519°E): on the surface of a stone wall at the drip point.

Holotype here designated: SXU-YN19042, Dried material prepared from reference strain YN2, Shanxi University Herbarium ( SXU), Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China. April 2019 by Kun-Peng Fang.

Paratype here designated: SXU-YN19421, Preserved samples in 4% formalin solution, prepared from reference strain YN2, Shanxi University Herbarium (SXU), Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China.

Etymology: The species epithet refers to the type locality (Shimen Gorge, China).

Authentic strain: SXU-YN19042.


Shanxi University

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