Coniceromyia anacleti Borgmeier

Ament, Danilo César & Amorim, Dalton De Souza, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), with the description of three new species from Brazil, Zootaxa 4086 (1), pp. 1-87 : 7

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Coniceromyia anacleti Borgmeier


Coniceromyia anacleti Borgmeier View in CoL

( Figs. 5–10 View FIGURES 5 – 10 , 140 View FIGURES 139 – 157 , 192 View FIGURES 191 – 202 , 246–247 View FIGURES 244 – 251 )

Coniceromyia anacleti Borgmeier, 1925: 123 View in CoL , figs. 8–9. Refs.: Borgmeier 1950: 286, textfig. 9, plate xvi, fig. 1.

Diagnosis (male). Posterior face of foremetatarsus swollen; large posterodorsal seta on foretibia almost as long as the dorsal spine.

Material examined. Holotype: ♂ BRAZIL: Paraná: Curitiba , 20.ii.1924 [no additional data] ( MZSP) ; 1♀ “ Allotype ”, Espírito Santo: Santa Teresa , vii.1928, O. Conde col. ( MZSP). Additional material : ARGENTINA: 5♂, Misiones: Reserva Vida Silvestre: Urugua-í , 25.97ºS, 54.11ºW, 10–12.xii.2003, Malaise trap, 400m, Brown, B.V. & Kung, G. col. ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; 5♂, Buenos Aires: El Tigre , 34.39ºS, 58.58ºW, 19–23.i.2006, Malaise trap, 5m, Logarzo, G. col. ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; BRAZIL: 1♂, Rio Grande do Sul: Piquete, Santa Fé, 4.i.1938, S. Mühn col. ( MZSP) ; 1♂, São Paulo: Guaratinguetá, Ronchi, vii.1927 [no additional data] ( MZSP) ; 1♂, Rio de Janeiro : Rio de Janeiro: Parque Estadual do Desengano , Malaise trap, 17–20.iv.2002 ( MZSP) ; 1♂, same data but, pan trap, 20–23.iv.2002 ( MZSP) ; 1♂, Rio de Janeiro: Silva Jardim , Malaise trap, viii.1974, F.M. Oliveira col. ( MZSP) ; 1♂, Santa Catarina: Nova Teutônia , 27º11’S, 52º23’W, iii.1950, F. Plaumann col. ( USNM). GoogleMaps

Redescription. Male. Body length, 1.6–2.0 mm. Head. Frons brown, sparsely setulose, with median furrow. Flagellomere 1 yellowish-brown, pubescent, elongate-conical. Arista apical, pubescent, about as long as flagellomere 1. Palpus yellow; one genal seta. Thorax. Scutum and pleural regions yellowish-brown, scutellum brown; anepisternum bare. Legs yellowish-brown. Foretibia basal third elevated dorsally with an apically round spine, two strong long posterodorsal setae; one strong anterodorsal seta. Foretibia apical half with dorsal excavation bearing many tiny blunt setulae and anterodorsal row of eight strong setulae. Foremetatarsus swollen posteriorly, excavated anteriorly, with setulose anteroapical process, without differentiated setae ( Fig. 140 View FIGURES 139 – 157 ). Hind femur apically brown, not swollen (height/length ratio, 0.32), with posteroventral group of tiny blunt setulae with semicircular distribution, tapering toward ventral margin ( Figs. 246-247 View FIGURES 244 – 251 ). Hind tibia with two dorsal setae. Wing ( Fig. 192 View FIGURES 191 – 202 ). Costa slightly swollen, 0.4 of the wing length; M1 concave, curved posteriorly at apex; M2 slightly concave, antero-posterior distance between M2 and CuA1 at CuA1 apex about 1.5 times the distance between M1 and M2 at same level; CuA1 slightly sinuous. Halter white. Abdomen. Tergites brown, with lighter posterior band. Hypopygium light brown ( Figs. 5–10 View FIGURES 5 – 10 ). Epandrium covered with microtrichia mostly dorsally, proximal lateral areas bare; dorsal and left sutures of the epandrium present. Left epandrial process setose at apical half, with ventral setulose lobe extended subepandrially ( Figs. 7–8 View FIGURES 5 – 10 , black arrow), dorsal lobe directed medially, subepandrial dented process ( Figs. 6 and 8 View FIGURES 5 – 10 , white arrow), and six subepandrial strong large setae. Right epandrial projection with subepandrial group of setulae. Hypoproct with two setae. Hypandrium without projections.

Geographical distribution. Northeastern Argentina, southern states in Brazil, and areas of higher altitudes in southeastern Brazil.

Comments. Two specimens from the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the specimens from Argentina have only one posterodorsal seta on the foretibia, differing from the holotype, which has two large posterodorsal setae. This is assumed here to be an intraspecific variation. Coniceromyia anacleti shares with C. diaphaniptera Ament & Amorim and C. maculipennis Borgmeier a distinctive apomorphic hypopygium, with a typical dented subepandrial process and subepandrial strong setae.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Coniceromyia anacleti Borgmeier

Ament, Danilo César & Amorim, Dalton De Souza 2016

Coniceromyia anacleti

Borgmeier 1950: 286
Borgmeier 1925: 123
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