Acrometopia conspicua, Papp, 2005

Papp, L., 2005, Some Acalyptrate Flies (Diptera) From Taiwan, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (3), pp. 187-213 : 203-204

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586328

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Acrometopia conspicua

sp. nov.

Acrometopia conspicua View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 9–12 View Figs 9–12 )

Holotype male ( NMNS, glued on a paper point): Taiwan Nantou, Ho Huan Shan , 26/VII/1990, W. C. CHUANG, Sweeping net – NMNS-ENT 639–119 .

plex, lateral view, 11 = phallus, ventral view, 12 = phallus, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm for all

Paratypes: 5 males, 4 females ( NMNS, 1 male and 1 female in the HNHM): same locality and data as for the holotype, except for the NMNS id. labels, as follow: male: –98 (left wing lost); male: –70 (minuten-pinned, flagellomeres lost); male: –79 (damaged, wings broken, flagellomeres lost); male ( HNHM) – 61 (right flagellomeres lost, mesonotal setae broken off); female: –126 (left flagellomeres lost, thorax deformed); female: –16 (flagellomeres lost, mesonotal setae broken off); female ( HNHM): –97 (mesonotal setae broken, tip of left wing lost); female: –105 (in a good state of preservation) .

Description – Measurements in mm: body length 3.30 (holotype), 2.80–3.30 (paratypes), wing length 2.71 (holotype, downcurved, not precisely measurable), 2.65–2.85 (paratypes), wing breadth 1.05, 0.98–1.07. Silvery greyish (except head), abdominal setae originate from large round black spots.

Head 0.63 mm long, 0.55 mm high. Frons orange with some greyish microtomentum caudally. Orbitalia broad, silvery grey. Lunule protruding. Face short, orange dorsally (like cheeks beside), grey ventrally. Facial keel short, 1/2 of face, thin and not sharp. Pedicel silvery greyish dorsally and medially, yellowish basally. Cephalic setae as usual, ocellars particularly long, 0.40 mm on holotype. First flagellomere 0.30 mm long (measured dorsally); ventral base and ventral edge to apical Ľ broadly reddish, first flagellomere otherwise dark grey, almost black apically. Second segment of arista very thick (0.033 mm), third segment long, white, covered with microcilia.

Thoracic chaetotaxy as in congeners, prescutellars strong.

Subcostal cell brown in basal (narrow) part, almost black in apical (broad) part (in cases also narrow part blackish). Wing otherwise light greyish, veins brown. Costa continued to M but very thin between R4+5 and M. Sections of vein M (holotype) 0.47 and 1.14 mm, ratio 2.42. Anal vein (A 1) very short, shorter then dM-Cu crossvein, axial vein (A 2) much longer and continued to 2/3 length towards wing margin. Squamal fringe black.

Femora grey with yellowish basal and apical parts, tibia mainly yellow, fore tarsi all dark.

Abdominal pattern not uniform: female tergites 3 to 5 with a pair of small grey spots; in cases also tergite 2 with grey spots. I found a male with similar faint grey spots. There is a female (NMNS-ENT 639–126) with black tibiae and 2 pairs of larger square spots on tergites 3–5, and 1 pair on tergite 2 (that may belong to another species and so it was not designated as paratype).

Epandrium comparatively long dorsally ( Fig. 9 View Figs 9–12 ). Male cerci long with fine setae only, subepandrial sclerite distinct though not strongly sclerotized ( Fig. 9 View Figs 9–12 ). Surstylar lobe slightly bilobed apically. Phallus ( Figs 11–12 View Figs 9–12 ) is very similar to uppers of a short boot (without its sole). Ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 10 View Figs 9–12 ) fine, gonopod robust with reclinate blunt apex. Both hypandrium and aedeagal apodeme robust ( Fig. 10 View Figs 9–12 ).

Female cerci long (0.15 mm), shiny, comparatively thin (max. 0.045 mm broad), with thin short setulae.

Remarks – A. conspicua sp. n. is a conspicuous species indeed. Hitherto only A. reicherti (ENDERLEIN, 1929) was known from the Oriental (and Australian) region, but that is not a related species. The colour of its frons makes it easily recognisable. Its male genitalia are not similar to any of the known species of Acrometopia or Melametopia TANASIJTSHUK, 1992 . However, postabdominal sclerites are as asymmetric as TANASIJTSHUK (1992) gave in his figures 1, 9, 13.


National Museum of Natural Science


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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