Andrena (Warnckandrena) papio, Pisanty & Wood, 2024

Pisanty, Gideon & Wood, Thomas James, 2024, The early-diverging subgenera of the bee genus Andrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) in the Old World, Zootaxa 5474 (5), pp. 451-488 : 466-467

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5474.5.1

publication LSID


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scientific name

Andrena (Warnckandrena) papio

sp. nov.

Andrena (Warnckandrena) papio Pisanty sp. nov.

( Figs. 12–13 View FIGURES 10–17 , 21–23 View FIGURES 18–29 , 40, 43)

Female ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–17 ).

Body length: 16–17.5 mm.

Colour. Body and legs dark. Flagellomeres 4–10 covered with greyish scales, reddish-orange anteriorly. Wings weakly infuscate, veins and stigma brown. Tergal marginal zones dark to reddish-brown ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–17 ).

Pubescence. Head, mesosoma and tergal disc 1 mostly covered with brightly coloured, short to medium minutely plumose hair ( Figs. 12–13 View FIGURES 10–17 ). Clypeus with sparse, short whitish hair. Supraclypeal area and lower part of paraocular area with dense, short to medium whitish hair ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 10–17 ). Facial foveae covered with dense minute hairs, light brown in upper half, white in lower half. Frons, vertex and upper part of paraocular area with medium to long dark brown hairs. Genal area with medium-lengthed white hairs. Mesonotum, scutellum and metanotum with medium-lengthed golden hairs, dense peripherally, sparse on mesonotal disc. Mesepisternum with long hairs, golden dorsally, white ventrally ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–17 ). Propodeal corbicula incomplete, dorsoposterior fringe with long and dense, golden plumose hairs, propodeal surface with moderately dense long simple yellowish hairs. Legs with white to golden hair. Tibial scopa with dense simple white to yellowish hairs. Flocculus present, white. Tergal disc 1 with medium-lengthed yellowish hairs. The following tergal discs with short inconspicuous white hair. Tergal marginal zones 2–4 with moderately dense bands of yellowish-white hair. Terminal fringe dark brown ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–17 ).

Head ( Figs. 12–13 View FIGURES 10–17 ). 1.1 times broader than long ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 10–17 ). Mandible bidentate. Galea very finely shagreened and matt. Glossa long, 8 times longer than broad ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–17 ). Labral process much broader than long, ellipsoid, basal half transversely striated. Clypeus moderately protuberant apically, flattened medially, entire surface shagreened, punctation moderate, distance between punctures 0.5–2 puncture diameters, punctation denser close to apex, an impunctate midline is weakly indicated. Lower part of paraocular area very finely shagreened, densely and finely punctured, distance between punctures 0.5–1 puncture diameters ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 10–17 ). Malar area strongly developed, malar length 0.45 width of mandible base ( Figs. 12–13 View FIGURES 10–17 ). Facial foveae elongate, moderately broad, visually divided into broader vs. narrower upper and lower halves, extending from level of upper end of lateral ocellus to base of clypeus, 0.7 times as wide as antennocular distance ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 10–17 ). Distance of fovea from lateral ocellus 0.7 ocellar diameter. Flagellomere 1 as long as 2+3+4. Ocelloccipital distance 1.2 ocellar diameters. Vertex moderately carinate. Genal area 1.1 times broader than compound eye, posterior margin rounded.

Mesosoma. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum weakly to distinctly elevated, sometimes forming a transverse pronotal ridge, lateral carina absent. Mesosomal surfaces strongly and finely shagreened, punctation very fine, shallow and often inconspicuous. Mesonotum shagreened and matt, punctation dense and fine, very shallow and inconspicuous, distance between punctures 0.5–2 puncture diameters. Propodeal triangle very finely shagreened, without rugae. Inner side of hind femur not carinate. Inner hind tibial spur not broadened basally, straight. Hind pretarsal claw with strong inner tooth. Stigma slender. Recurrent vein 1 meets second submarginal cell at its middle. Nervulus interstitial.

Metasoma. Tergal disc 1 very finely shagreened, densely and very finely punctured, distance between punctures 0.5–1 puncture diameters. The following discs similar, weakly shiny, punctation sparser, very shallow and inconspicuous, distance between punctures 1–1.5 puncture diameters. Tergal marginal zones weakly depressed, very finely shagreened, mostly impunctate. Pygidial plate shagreened, without distinct elevated medial area.

Male ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 18–29 ).

Body length: 14–15 mm.

Colour. Body and legs dark ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 18–29 ). Clypeus fully yellow, except for two pairs of small lateral dark spots, one pair of arc-shaped spots at mid length and a second pair of smaller dot-shaped spots close to apex. Paraocular area dark ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 18–29 ). Antennae dark brown, flagellomeres 3–11 covered with minute grey scales. Apical tarsomeres light brown. Wings moderately infuscate, stigma brown, veins dark brown. Tergal marginal zones reddish-brown ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 18–29 ).

Pubescence. Body hair mostly brightly coloured, minutely plumose ( Figs. 21–22 View FIGURES 18–29 ). Clypeus with sparse, short whitish hair. Clypeal margin, supraclypeal area and area around antennal sockets with dense medium-lengthed whitish hair. Paraocular area, frons and ocellar triangle with medium to long dark brown hairs ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 18–29 ). Posterior margin of vertex with long erect golden hairs. Dorsoposterior margin of compound eye with few dark hairs. Genal area with yellowish to golden erect hairs, medium-lengthed dorsally, very long ventrally. Mesosoma with erect golden hairs, medium-lengthed and moderately dense on mesonotum (cuticle visible), sparser on mesonotal disc, long and very dense on scutellum, metanotum, mesepisternum and propodeum. Leg hair yellowish to golden. Tergal discs 1–4 with erect hairs, medium-lengthed and golden on disc 1, gradually shorter on 2–4. Tergal marginal zones 1–3 with moderately dense, thin yellowish short hair, forming weakly discernible hair bands. Tergal disc 5, tergal marginal zones 4–5 and terminal fringe with short dark brown hair ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 18–29 ).

Head ( Figs. 21–22 View FIGURES 18–29 ). As long as broad ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 18–29 ). Mandibles bidentate. Galea matt, very finely shagreened. Labral process much broader than long, more or less rectangular, very smooth and shiny, without striations, apical margin slightly concave. Clypeus moderately protuberant, more or less evenly arched, slightly flattened medially, shagreened and matt except for shiny apical margin, moderately punctured, distance between punctures 1–3 puncture diameters, puncture density increasing apically, an impunctate midline is sometimes weakly indicated. Lower part of paraocular area finely shagreened, finely punctured, distance between punctures 0.5–2 puncture diameters, puncture density increasing toward clypeal margin ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 18–29 ). Malar area well developed, malar length 0.5–0.55 width of mandible base ( Figs. 21–22 View FIGURES 18–29 ). Flagellomere 1 0.85 times shorter than 2+3+4. Ocelloccipital distance about 1.5 ocellar diameters. Vertex moderately carinate. Genal area about as broad as compound eye, posterior margin slightly edged.

Mesosoma. Integument sculpture and wing venation similar to female.

Metasoma. Tergal disc 1 moderately shagreened to smooth, finely and densely punctured, distance between punctures 1–1.5 puncture diameters. The following discs gradually smoother and shinier, punctation sparser, distance between punctures 2 puncture diameters. Tergal marginal zones weakly depressed, sculpture variable, ranging from strongly shagreened to almost smooth, occasionally with sparse fine punctures ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 18–29 ).

Genitalia and hidden sterna ( Figs. 23 View FIGURES 18–29 , 40, 43). Genital capsule very large and robust. Gonocoxites very large, attached to one another at base, gradually curving away apically, without dorsal lobes. Apex of gonostylus broadened ventrally and dorsally, with pointed ends in both directions. Penis valves of moderate width, curving ventrally at a right angle at mid length. Volsella developed, digitus large, more or less circular, flattened ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18–29 ). Sternum 7 weakly arched, with two large, well-separated medioapical lobes ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 30–43 ). Sternum 8 columnar, gradually narrowing apically, apical process slightly broadened, emarginate, resembling a fish tail ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 30–43 ).

Diagnosis. The female of Andrena papio can be distinguished from other species of Warnckandrena by the combination of large body size (smaller in A. coromanda , A. innesi , A. otoolei and A. ramlehiana ), long malar area ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–17 ; shorter in A. curiosa , A. innesi , A. otoolei and A. ramlehiana ), long glossa ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–17 ; shorter in A. coromanda , A. curiosa , A. innesi and A. ramlehiana ), dark legs (partly orange in A. coromanda ), clypeus which is uniformly shagreened and matt at least in basal ¾, and sparsely punctured ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 10–17 ; smooth at least in apical ½ in A. coromanda and A. curiosa , Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1–9 ; densely punctured in A. innesi , Fig. 11 View FIGURES 10–17 ), and light-coloured hair on the disc of tergum 4 ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–17 ; dark in A. coromanda and A. ramlehiana , Fig. 14 View FIGURES 10–17 ). The male of Andrena papio is easily distinguished from all other Warnckandrena except A. otoolei by the broad genitalia lacking a dorsal gonocoxite lobe ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18–29 ). Compared to A. otoolei , the male of A. papio has a longer malar area ( Figs. 21–22, 24–25 View FIGURES 18–29 ), inner margins of gonocoxites that are strongly diverging apically (parallel almost to apex in A. otoolei ), narrower penis valves, and larger digiti that are clearly visible above the level of the gonocoxite (hidden behind the gonocoxite in dorsal view in A. otoolei ) ( Figs. 23, 26 View FIGURES 18–29 ).

Distribution: Eastern and southern Turkey.

Flight period: May–June.

Flower records: None. The long malar area and glossa strongly suggest that the species visits long-tubed flowers, at least for nectar.

Pollen preferences: Unknown.

Genetic sequences available: None.

HOLOTYPE: TURKEY • ♂; Hakkâri Prov., Şemdinli ; 1700 m a.s.l.; 12 Jun. 1981; K. Warncke leg.; OLML .— PARATYPES: TURKEY • 2♂; 20 km N Ağrı; 1800 m a.s.l.; 28 May 1980; K. Warncke leg.; OLML 1♀; Amanusgeb. [Nur Mountains], Chanziri; OLML 1♂; Ağrı, 20 km N Patnos ; 29 May 1980; 1650 m a.s.l.; Max. Schwarz leg.; OLML 1♂; Hakkâri Prov., Şemdinli ; 1700 m a.s.l.; 12 Jun. 1981; K. Warncke leg.; OLML 1♀, 1♂; Hakkâri Prov., S Varegös / Mt. Sat ; 1700 m a.s.l.; 15 Jun. 1984; K. Warncke leg.; OLML .

Etymology. The species is named after the mammalian genus Papio Erxleben , in reference to the large reddish genitalia resembling a baboon’s bottom, and the elongate face resembling a baboon’s muzzle. The species epithet is a noun in apposition.


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