Borniochrysa zhenxiana, Wang & Lai & Liu, 2022

Wang, Maozhi, Lai, Yan & Liu, Xingyue, 2022, New record of Borniochrysa Brooks & Barnard, 1990 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) from China, with description of two new species, Zootaxa 5222 (5), pp. 478-488 : 483-484

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scientific name

Borniochrysa zhenxiana

sp. nov.

Borniochrysa zhenxiana sp. nov.

( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 )

Diagnosis. The new species is characterized by its greenish body, black cephalic stripes on genae, yellowish scape, brown labial and maxillary palpi but pale on joints between palpomeres; reddish marking on occiput; prothorax medially with longitudinal stripe, meso- and metanotum with brown or black stripe along sutures between prescutum, scutum, and scutellum; unmarked forewing with three gradate series of crossveins, with all veins slightly brownish at base; male gonarcus laterally with a pair of long blade-like gonocoronua, and entoprocessus with a medially directed projection that is at an acute angle to anterior stem of entoprocessus.

Description. Body. Mostly greenish. 8.5–9.8 mm long ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ).

Head. 1.1–1.4 mm wide (including compound eyes). Yellowish, with black stripes on genae; no marking on frons; with reddish marking near antenna on occiput, sometimes indistinct. Maxillary and labial palpi brown, but pale on joints between palpomeres; terminal palpomere slightly acute apically. Antennae: scape and pedicel yellowish, flagellum yellowish throughout, generally darkened into brown distad, with flagellar setae brown, arranged in four rings ( Fig. 3B, C, D View FIGURE 3 ).

Thorax. Pronotum as long as broad, with yellowish longitudinal median stripe, a brownish stripe present along anterolateral margin, a transverse sulcus present near posterior margin, lateral marking present as a pair of brown bands, lateral setae dark and dense. Meso- and metathorax with black stripes along sutures between prescutum, scutum and scutellum, setae pale, mostly short ( Fig. 3A, B, C View FIGURE 3 ).

Legs. Greenish, unmarked; setae pale; claws brown.

Forewing. 10.5–10.9 mm long. Wing membrane transparent; veins mostly greenish, basal two costal crossveins, 1m-cua, distal sections of CuP and A brownish, longitudinal veins except Sc and RA brownish at base, with apex slightly fading; costal area narrow basally; with 19 costal crossveins present, basal ones sinuous; pterostigma greenish, unmarked; four crossveins present between Sc and R, one at base, three posteriad pterostigma; 11 radial crossveins, intramedian cell (im) triangular, subdistally connected by 1rp-m crossvein; three series of gradate veins present (number of gradate: 5/3/6); gradate series not absolutely parallel to each other, basal crossveins of first gradate series meeting PsM or not; distal cubital cell (dcc) open; CuP not forked; veins pale; anal lobe rounded ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ).

Hindwing. 9.4–10.0 mm long. Pterostigma greenish; veins greenish, slightly brownish at base; 14 costal crossveins present; three crossveins between Sc and RA posteriad pterostigma; eight crossveins between PsM and PsC; two gradate series of crossveins present ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ).

Legs. Entirely greenish; unmarked; claws brown.

Abdomen. Yellowish dorsally, with brown band at each side; venter pale, unmarked.

Male genitalia.Tergite 9 and ectoproct fused, elongate; ectoprocts with narrow, dorsally curved apical projection, bearing a few stout setae at tip; tignum and gonapsis absent; gonarcus medially fused, laterally with a pair of long blade-like gonocoronua, lateral arms simple, expanded; entoprocessus slender, with a medially directed projection at an acute angle to anterior stem of entoprocessus, slightly curved at tip; mediuncus closely associated with gonarcus, elongate, laterally expanded, mediuncus process absent; parameres absent; numerous gonostae present. ( Fig. 4A, C, D, F, G View FIGURE 4 ).

Female genitalia. Tergite 9 and ectoproct fused; praegenitale absent; sclerotized plate between subgenitale and sternite 7 absent; vela about same size as spermatheca; spermathecal duct coiled ( Fig. 4B, H, I View FIGURE 4 ).

Type material. Holotype, 1♁, CHINA, Yunnan, Yingjiang Country (Rũ), Xima Town (ǙLj), 1200 m, 24.7532°N, 97.7007°E, VI.2021, Weizong Yang ( CAU) GoogleMaps . Paratypes, 2♁, same data as holotype; 2♁ 4♀, China, Yunnan, Yingjiang Country (Rũ), Xima Town (ǙLj), 24.7532°N, 97.7007°E, VIII.2019 GoogleMaps , Weizong Yang ( CAU).

Etymology. The specific name base on the locality of holotype, Yunnan, Yingjiang Country (Rũ). This locality was named as Zhenxilu (DZđä) during Yuan dynasty in ancient China, the name means “defend the western frontier”.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Remarks. This new species and B. winkleri appear to be similar by having pale crossveins in forewings with three series of gradates, green yellowish body, black stripes on meso- and metathorax, while they can be differentiated by the brown stripe on scape in B. winkleri but absent in B. zhenxiana sp. nov., and the brownish labial and maxillary palpi in B. winkleri but darker in B. zhenxiana sp. nov. The new species can also be distinguished from B. winkleri by the entoprocessus with a medially directed projection at an acute angle to anterior stem, and it can be distinguished from B. squamosa by the medially projection present on entoprocessus.


China Agricultural University













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