Gemeneta Karsch, 1892

Ngoute, Charly Oumarou & Kekeunou, Sevilor, 2017, Redescription and diagnosis of the African genus Gemeneta Karsch, 1892 (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Catantopinae), Journal of Orthoptera Research 26 (2), pp. 161-170 : 162

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scientific name

Gemeneta Karsch, 1892


Gemeneta Karsch, 1892 View in CoL

Escalera = Bolívar, 1905 (syn. Dirsh 1958).

Type species.-

G. terrea Karsch 1892.

Revised diagnosis of genus, compared to Dirsh’s (1965) generic description.-

The generic description presented in this work differs somewhat from the description of Dirsh (1965). Dirsh decribes the integument as being strongly tuberculate, and his diagnosis emphasizes the presence of a fastigial furrow and a short epiphallus. Unlike Dirsh (1965), we find that only G. opilionoides has a strongly tuberculate integument and G. terrea has a less tuberculate and granulated integument; G. opilionoides lacks a fastigial furrow - this character is specific to G. terrea ; the epiphallic lophi of both species are lobiform but G. opilionoides have wide lophi while those of G. terrea are narrow or short like those described by Dirsh (1965).


Body with integument slightly or strongly tuberculate and granulated; antenna longer than head and pronotum together; head conical, frons incurved; fastigium of vertex elongate-angular and sloping forwards; frontal ridge weak, strongly constricted below lateral ocelli; eyes convex; ocelli small. Pronotum cylindrical, with median and lateral carinae substituted by granulae; dorsum crossed by three sulci; prosternal process conical; external apical spine of the hind tibia absent; elytra and wings absent; the third segment of foot longer than the first, and the first longer than the second. Male supra-anal plate elongated, angular, with deep transverse furrow. Subgenital plate conical, with acute apex. Valves of ovipositor long, straight, with slightly curved apices; cercus conical. Epiphallus with wide bridge, small ancorae and incurved lobiform lophi; ventral aedeagal valves and valves of cingulum elongated, enclosed in a wide ectophallic sheath; anterior apodemes of aedeagus divergent with rounded apices; gonopore process pointed; zygoma wide, apodemes of cingulum parallel with acute apices.











