Hoplismenus pica WESMAEL, 1855

Riedel, Matthias, 2021, The Western Palaearctic species of the subtribe Hoplismenina HEINRICH (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (2), pp. 901-926 : 911-912

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Hoplismenus pica WESMAEL, 1855


Hoplismenus pica WESMAEL, 1855 View in CoL (figs 5, 18, 26)

H o l o t y p e: (♀)v.Siebold; Hoplismenus pica WESM. ♀ det. Kriech; [red] Hoplismenus pica WESM. Holotypus 1983 R Hinz ♀ ( ZSM), type studied .

syn. Hoplismenus septemguttatus TASCHENBERG, 1871

Holotype lost, synonymized by BERTHOUMIEU (1894).

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: 33♀♀, 4♁♁ from Austria, China, France, Germany, Italy,

Romania, Russia Far East. D e s c r i p t i o n: ♀: Body length 14-15 mm. Flagellum with 39-42 flagellomeres ; 1st

flagellomere 3.4-4.1× and 2 nd flagellomere 2.6-3.3× longer than wide, FI 0.95-1.0; widest flagellomeres 1.2× longer than wide. Temple distinctly and linearly narrowed behind eye. OED 1.9-2.0× ocellar diameter. Frons distinctly concave, superficially punctate, granulate. Face and clypeus punctate and granulate. Gena finely rugose or with longitudinally striate punctures. MI 1.8-2.0. Hypostomal carina low.

Mesosoma covered with fine pale brownish hairs. Side of pronotum finely rugose-punctate dorsally, coarsely rugose or striate ventrally. Notaulus only frontally indicated by fine rugae. Lateral lobe of mesoscutum finely rugose-punctate, dull. Mesopleuron finely rugose, dull; speculum rugose-punctate. Epicnemial carina low. Sternaulus indistinctly impressed. Metapleuron rugose. Juxtacoxal carina often indistinct. Scutellum distinctly elevated, rounded in profile, punctate, without lateral carina. Area superomedia slightly elevated, horseshoe-shaped, about square, coarsely rugose; anterior transverse carina indistinct. Area petiolaris coarsely rugose. Apophysis about as long as basally wide. Coxae densely punctate and granulate. Hind femur 4.5-5.2× longer than wide. Metasoma semi-amblypygous. Postpetiolus moderately to strongly widened, 0.75-0.90× as wide as distance between apophyses, median field coarsely punctate, ± rugose basally, almost smooth apically. Gastrocoelus distinctly impressed, with ridges. Thyridium transverse, 0.75-1.0× as wide as the interval. 2 nd tergite 1.3-1.4× and 3 rd tergite 2.0-2.1× wider than long. 2 nd tergite finely rugose-punctate; 3 rd tergite densely and finely punctate, with microsculpture; 4 th tergite with very superficial punctures, shining. Hypopygium about as long as distance between its apical margin and metasomal apex. Ovipositor sheath 0.24- 0.32× as long as hind metatarsus.

Color: black. Flagellomeres 7/8-12/13, sometimes clypeus apically, often short stripes on facial and frontal orbits, spot on subtegular ridge, sometimes collar, hind edge of pronotum and spot on tegula, apical 3/4 of scutellum, sometimes postscutellum, apophysis, posterolateral spots and apical margins of 1 st and 2 nd tergites yellow. Legs black; mid coxa sometimes with yellowish spot; fore leg and sometimes mid tibia ± ochreous frontally. Pterostigma ochreous. ♁: Body length 15 mm. Flagellum with 40 flagellomeres; 1st flagellomere 3.0× longer than wide. Tyloids on flagellomeres 8/10-18/19, long oval, maximally 0.6× as long as the flagellomere. OED 1.6× ocellar diameter. MI 1.0. Scutellum without lateral carina. Hind femur 4.4-5.0× longer than wide. 3 rd tergite 2.1× wider than long.

Color: black. Stripes or rings on flagellomeres 9-14, sometimes tyloids, face and clypeus mainly or entirely, frontal orbit, scape ventrally, collar, upper margin or hind edge of pronotum, subtegular ridge, scutellum, apophysis, dorsolateral edges of 1 st and 2 nd tergites, spots on coxae sometimes apical spot on hind femur yellow. Legs otherwise black, fore and mid legs ± ochreous frontally. Pterostigma ochreous.

H o s t s: Argynnis? niobe (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Lep., Nymphalidae ) (Vienna), Argynnis paphia (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Lep., Nymphalidae ) (Vienna), Calliteara pudibunda (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Lep., Erebidae ) (ZSM).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology

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