Indonemoura longihamata Bai & Qian, 2022

Bai, Xue, Shen, Dan & Qian, Yu-Han, 2022, Two new species of Indonemoura (Plecoptera, Nemouridae) from Yunnan Province, China, European Journal of Taxonomy 823 (1), pp. 1-9 : 4-7

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2022.823.1809

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scientific name

Indonemoura longihamata Bai & Qian

sp. nov.

Indonemoura longihamata Bai & Qian sp. nov.

Fig. 2 View Fig


The new species is somewhat similar to In. trilongispina Du & Wang, 2006 from Guizhou in having a similar epiproct and long spines on the paraproct, and also seems related to In. curvispina and In. bilateralia Du & Wang, 2009 in having a similar epiproct and hypoproct. However, the new species can be separated by the median lobe extending a long hamulus sclerotized bars, apex pointed, without other spines; outer lobe shorter than median lobe obviously and apex blunt rounded, with a tiny subapical spine; tip of hypoproct rounded. In In. trilongispina , median lobe with a long sclerotized bar and bearing a subapical spine and slightly inwardly directed acute apex; outer lobe without spines and denticles; tip of hypoproct pointed ( Wang et al. 2006: figs 8–9, 11); in In. curvispina , apex of median lobe spine-like and bilobed, outer lobe with a larger apical spine at outer margin and a small, dorsal, subapical spine at proximal margin (Li et al. 2017: figs 1–2, 5); in In. bilateralia , median lobe branched to two portions, inner portion membranous, outer portion forming a long, thin sclerotized bar with 3 or 4 prongs at tip; outer lobe much longer than median lobe, apex with a strong prong and a small lateral spine subapically ( Wang & Du 2009: figs 1–4).


The name refers to the median lobe of paraproct with a long hamulus shape. The Latin ‘ longi ’ and ‘ hamata ’ mean ‘long’ and ‘hamulus’.

Material examined

Holotype CHINA • ♂; Yunnan Province, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture , Yingjiang County, Tongbiguan Township ; 24°37′14″ N, 97°38′19″ E; 1351 m a.s.l.; 10 Jan. 2019; Chong-Xin Xie, Yu-Han Qian, Jin-Hong Xiang and Li Fu leg.; SWFU. GoogleMaps



MEASUREMENTS. Holotype: body length 9.4 mm; forewing length 12.3 mm; hindwing length 10.4 mm.

HEAD ( Fig. 2A View Fig ). Head light brown, three ocelli; compound eyes black and protruded; antennae light brown with abundant decumbent pubescence; mouthparts yellowish.

THORAX ( Fig. 2A–B View Fig ). Weak sclerotized. Pronotum slightly brown with rugosities; obvious nodules in cervical gills; legs lightly brown and with a brown narrowly band on the anterior of femora.

WINGS ( Fig. 2A View Fig ). Macropterous; wings brownish-yellow and membrane translucent, veins brown.

ABDOMEN ( Fig. 2A, C View Fig ). Abdominal segments generally brownish-yellow and weakly sclerotized. Tergum 9 weakly sclerotized with a thin and transverse sclerite on mid-anterior margin. Tergum 10 weakly sclerotized, median concaved below epiproct, a transverse arc-shaped sclerite anteriorly, two irregular sclerites posteriorly and a triangular sclerites on the both sides. Cerci long, cylindrical and membranous, without spines.

GENITALIA ( Fig. 2C–E View Fig ). Vesicle of sternum 9 mostly membranous, oval-shaped, apex rounded. Hypoproct exceptionally long and broad, apex gradually narrowed, forming a linguiform shaped sclerite. Epiproct narrowed, lightly enlarged in median portion, dorsal sclerites mostly membranous, with two triangular sclerites in the middle extending ventral surface, apex with a small notch mid-anteriorly; basal of epiproct narrowed and slightly sclerotized in lateral view, elevated at ⅓ of terminal, apex weakly upward; ventral sclerites expanded into a large arched-shaped and strong sclerotized ridges, fringed with some tiny spines. Paraproct divided into three lobes in ventral view, inner lobe short and covered by hypoproct, closely connected to the median lobe; median lobe broad basally in ventral view, and extending a long hamulus sclerotized bars, apex pointed in lateral view; outer lobe basal part elongated and recurved dorsally alongside cerci, terminal part slenderly sclerotized bar and apex blunt rounded in lateral view, shorter than median lobe, with a subapical tiny spine.




China: Western Yunnan Province.















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