Dinahia privigna ( Stål, 1859 )

Sampaio, Aline & Fonseca, Claudio Ruy Vasconcelos Da, 2024, Taxonomic review of the monotypic genus Dinahia Bechyně, 1946 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae), Zootaxa 5419 (1), pp. 130-138 : 131-133

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5419.1.6

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scientific name

Dinahia privigna ( Stål, 1859 )


Dinahia privigna ( Stål, 1859)

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 – 26)

Deuterocampta privigna Stål, 1859: 314 (descr.); Gemminger & Harold, 1874: 3443 (cat., distr.); Weise, 1916: 50 (cat., distr.); Blackwelder, 1946: 676 (cat., distr.).

Chrysomela privigna ; Stål, 1865: 187 (distr., redescr.).

Dinahia privigna ; Bechyně, 1952: 26 (cat., distr.); Bechyně & Bechyně, 1965: 75 (distr.); Sekerka & Sampaio, 2023 (check.).

Desmogramma ståli Jacoby, 1903: 51 (descr.); Blackwelder, 1946: 675 (cat., distr.); Bechyně, 1946: 124 (cit.).

Desmogramma stali ; Weise, 1916: 46 (cat., distr.); Achard, 1923: 76 (key); Bechyně, 1952: 26 (cat., distr., syn.).

Type locality: Brazil .

Redescription: Body length: 7.1 – 7.9 mm (♂♂), 8.0 – 9.2 mm (♀♀); body width: 4.9 – 5.7 (♂♂), 6.0 – 6.5 (♀♀). Reddish brown, light brown and/or dark brown head, with or without 1–2 dark brown spots, featuring a subtle metallic green reflection. Scape, pedicel, antennomeres III–VI, as well as maxillary and labial palps yellowish, light brown and/or reddish brown; antennomeres VII–XI dark brown. Reddish brown mandibles, with the apex and part of the ventral region dark brown or black. Reddish brown and/or light brown pronotum, with one or more dark brown or black spots that may extend across almost the entire surface, accompanied by a subtle yellow or metallic green reflection. Reddish brown scutellum. Yellowish or light brown elytra with eight stripes: three reddish browns, one along the sutural margin extending generally from the base near the scutellum to the apex; and two interspersed in the median region, extending from the anterior third near the base to the posterior third near the apex. Additionally, five dark brown stripes with a slight metallic green reflection: one adjacent to the sutural margin, extending from the anterior third near the base to the posterior third close to the apex; three interspersed within the median region, spanning from the anterior third near the base to the posterior third near the apex; and one along the outer margin, extending from the humeral region to the posterior third close to the apex. Yellowish, light brown and/or reddish brown epipleura. Reddish brown, light brown, and/or dark brown ventral region and legs.

Head ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 , 11, 18) with fine and abundant punctuation. Oblong eyes. Antennomeres III–VI with short and sparse bristles; antennomeres VII–XI enlarged, slightly flattened, and with short and abundant bristles.Antennomere III, 1.7–1.8x the length of antennomere IV. Clypeus with medially acuminate frontoclypeal suture. Labrum with long and sparse bristles, and its apical emarginate margin. Robust mandibles, with, sparse punctuation, and long, sparse bristles. Maxillary palpomere III subconical and 1.5–1.6x the length of palpomere IV. Labial palpomere III elongated with truncated apex.

Thorax ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 –5, 8–12, 15–17, 18, 19, 24, 25) with prothorax with slightly rounded lateral margins. Pronotum with thick and abundant punctuation. Prosternal process with longitudinal keel, extending from the base to the apex, thick and sparse punctuation, and long, sparse bristles. Mesoventrite with coarse and sparse punctuation, and long, sparse bristles. Additionally, a short, slightly oblique process positioned just below the metaventral process. Metaventrite with fine and sparse punctuation, and prominent process with generally rounded margins.

Legs ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 , 9, 16, 25) moderately robust, with fine, sparse punctuation, and short, sparse bristles; apical half of the tibia (ventral and lateral regions) with short, abundant bristles. Tarsomere V without spiniform ventroapical projection. Simple claws.

Elytra ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 , 8–10, 15–17, 24, 25) with 11 longitudinal rows of fine and/or thick punctures extending from the anterior third, near the base, to or in proximity to the apex, delineating the stripes; excluding the row adjacent to the sutural margin, which is limited to the anterior quarter. Surface generally with disordered punctures in the yellowish parts and inside the stripes. Epipleura devoid of bristles.

Abdomen ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 , 9, 16, 25) with fine, sparse punctuation, and short, sparse bristles; last abdominal sternite with rounded apex.

Aedeagus (Figs. 20–23) symmetrical, elongated, sclerotized, and wavy. Basal lobe almost continuous with the median lobe. Median lobe, in lateral view, obtusely curved in the anterior third. Oblong apical orifice and generally with creases present up to the base of the ligule. Convex ventroapical region.Apical extremity slightly curved in lateral view, dorsally flattened, and with emarginate tip. Endophallus with long, curved flagellum, widened at the apex.

Spermatheca (Figs. 6, 7, 13, 14) short, sclerotized, and hook–shaped. Cornu strongly curved, with same width as median region, apex rounded, and the internal angle obtuse. Elongated nodulus. Spermatic duct thin, long, inserted laterally, wavy and curled medially.

Sexual dimorphism: Maxillary palpomeres IV of males are slightly wider than those of females.

Distribution: BRAZIL – Rio Grande do Sul: Bento Gonçalves and Marcelino Ramos; Santa Catarina: Florianópolis (São João Batista do Rio Vermelho), Seara (Nova Teutônia), and Timbó; and São Paulo: Cantareira and Salesópolis ( Bechyně, 1952; Bechyně & Bechyně, 1965).

Material examined (11 specimens): Type material (Figs. 24–26) – BRAZIL. 1 syntype of Dinahia privigna , 19392, Virmond Collection, ZMHB. Other material – BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Marcelino Ramos , 1♀ ( MIZA – 0060554), XII. 1955, [without collector] ( MIZA) ; Santa Catarina: Florianópolis ( São João Batista do Rio Vermelho ), 2♀ ( MIZA – 0060553, MZSP – 49117), I. 1950, Dirings leg. ( MIZA, MZSP) ; 1♂ ( MIZA – 0060555), XI. 1952, Dirings leg. ( MIZA) ; Nova Teutônia , 1♀ ( MZSP – 49115), XII. 1939, B. Pohl leg. ( MZSP) ; 1♀ ( MZSP – 49116), XII. 1946, B. Pohl leg. ( MZSP) ; São Paulo: Cantareira , 1♀ ( MIZA – 0060556), 17. XII. 1938, Zellibor – Hauff leg. ( MIZA); Salesópolis, 1♀ ( MIZA – 0060551), I. 1936 (Casa Grande), [without collector] ( MIZA) ; 1♂ ( MIZA – 0060552), X. 1940 (Casa Grande), [without collector] ( MIZA) ; 1♀ ( MZSP – 49179), 28. X. 1983 ( Estação Biológica de Boraceia ), Exc. DZUSP leg. ( MZSP) .


Museo del Instituto de Zoologia Agricola Francisco Fernandez Yepez


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo














Dinahia privigna ( Stål, 1859 )

Sampaio, Aline & Fonseca, Claudio Ruy Vasconcelos Da 2024

Dinahia privigna

Bechyne, J. & Bechyne, B. S. 1965: 75
Bechyne, J. 1952: 26

Desmogramma stali

Bechyne, J. 1952: 26
Achard, J. 1923: 76
Weise, J. 1916: 46

Desmogramma ståli

Blackwelder, R. E. 1946: 675
Bechyne, J. 1946: 124
Jacoby, M. 1903: 51

Chrysomela privigna

Stal, C. 1865: 187

Deuterocampta privigna Stål, 1859: 314

Blackwelder, R. E. 1946: 676
Weise, J. 1916: 50
Gemminger, M. & Harold, B. 1874: 3443
Stal, C. 1859: 314
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