Ficus motuoensis Zhen Zhang & Hong Qing Li, 2022

Zhang, Zhen, Zhang, Mei-Jiao, Zhang, Jian-Hang, Zhang, De-Shun & Li, Hong-Qing, 2022, Ficus motuoensis (Moraceae), a new species from southwest China, PhytoKeys 206, pp. 119-127 : 119

publication ID

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PhytoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Ficus motuoensis Zhen Zhang & Hong Qing Li

sp. nov.

Ficus motuoensis Zhen Zhang & Hong Qing Li sp. nov.

Figs 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3


China. Tibet (Xizang): Linzhi, Motuo , Deergong. 25 Jun 2021, Zhen Zhang & Jian-Hang Zhang ZZ 966 (holotype HSNU00079864!, isotype HSNU00079862!); paratype Zhen Zhang & Jian-Hang Zhang ZZ 905 (HSNU00079863!), Zhen Zhang & Jian-Hang Zhang ZZ 955 (HSNU00079861!), Zhen Zhang & Jian-Hang Zhang ZZ 962 (HSNU00079865!, HSNU00079866!, HSNU00079867!) .


Ficus motuoensis is similar to F. disticha in the shape and texture of the bathyphylls, but differs from the latter by its larger acrophylls (4.5-6.5 cm in F. motuoensis versus 2.5-5 cm in F. disticha ) and larger syconia (8-10 mm in F. motuoensis versus 3-6 mm in F. disticha ). The new species also resembles F. hederacea and F. diversiformis in the aspect of the acrophylls, but can be distinguished from these by its globose and spotted syconia (versus without spots in F. hederacea and F. diversiformis ) with a shorter peduncle (1-2 mm in F. motuoensis versus 10-12 mm in F. hederacea and 3-12 mm in F. diversiformis ).


Gynodioecious root-climber. Branchlets densely pale pubescent, glabrous in biennial branches, with some lenticels in biennial branches. Stipules 2, 2-3 mm in length, long triangular-lanceolate, glabrous, reddish-brown, caducous; bathyphylls distichous, petiole 2.5-4 mm, greenish to light brown, adaxially furrowed, densely white pubescent at the both sides of furrow, lamina elliptical, 1.5-2.5 × 0.8-1.2 cm, symmetric, thinly chartaceous, base rounded, apex acute, margin entire, veins 4-5 pairs, abaxially slightly raised, basal vein up to 1/3 the length of the lamina, both surfaces glabrous, the abaxially surface tessellate; acrophylls distichous, petiole 5-10 mm, brown, subgrabrous, adaxially furrowed, lamina elliptical, 4.5-6.5 × 2.5-3.5(-4) cm, coriaceous, base rounded, apex acute to obtuse, margin entire, veins 5-6(-7) pairs, abaxially slightly raised, basal vein up to 1/3 the length of the lamina, both surfaces glabrous, the abaxially surface tessellate. Figs axillary on the leafy or leafless branchlets, in pairs or sometimes solitary; peduncle 1-2 mm, basal bracts 3, ca. 1 mm in length, broadly ovate, glabrous; receptacle globose, 8-10 mm in diameter when fresh, greenish to red when mature, densely covered by light-green speckles, glabrous; ostiole ca. 2 mm in diameter; internal hairs absent. Staminate flowers numerous, scattered, sessile; calyces 3-4, light pink, translucent, glabrous, ovate-lanceolate, ca. 2 mm in length; stamens 2-3, slightly shorter than calyx; anther oblong, ca. 1.2 mm in length, not mucronate; filament free, ca. 0.6 mm in length, a few hairs born on the joint of filaments. Gall flowers numerous, sessile; calyx 3-5, light pink, translucent, lanceolate to linear, 2-2.5 mm in length, glabrous; ovary elliptical, base constricted to being gynophore, 0.5-2 mm; style subapical, short, ca. 0.2 mm in length; stigma funnel-form, margin lacerate. Pistillate flowers not seen.

Chinese name.

Mo Tuo Rong (墨脱榕).


The specific epithet indicates its type locality, Motuo County, Tibet, in China.

Distribution and habitat.

Only found in the type locality, i.e. China: Tibet, Linzhi, Motuo County. However, considering that Motuo is close to Assam in India, the new species probably also exists in India. The new species develops very well in the type locality, as it has been recorded in five different villages (Bari, Yarang, Gelin, Deergong and Maniweng). The individuals of the new species are rather abundant without the risk of extinction. The new species grows in the tropical monsoon forest climbing on substrates, such as soils and tree trunks, whereas its fertile branches often break away from the substrate at the time of reproduction. It is located at an altitude of 700-2000 m.


Based on the morphological traits and phylogenetic placement, the new species is related to F. disticha , F. diversiformis and F. hederacea . In the latest division framework of Ficus , these three species were assigned to sect. Ficus Apiosycea (Miq.) Pedern. & Romaniuc ( Zhang et al. 2020). However, the taxa in sect. Ficus Apiosycea are mainly distributed in Malesia ( Zhang et al. 2020). In total, six Chinese taxa belong to sect. Ficus Apiosycea , including F. hederacea , F. laevis , F. punctata Thunb., F. sagittata Vahl, F. trichocarpa Blume and F. villosa Blume, but south China is only the northern limit of their distribution range ( Chang et al. 1998; Berg and Corner 2005). Therefore, the new species, which is endemic to southwest China, could be very useful for exploring the biogeography of sect. Ficus Apiosycea .











