Astragalus insularis var. harwoodii Munz & McBurney,

Castillón, Eduardo Estrada, Quintanilla, José Ángel Villarreal, Delgado-Salinas, Alfonso & Rebman, Jon P., 2023, The genus Astragalus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Galegeae) in Mexico, Phytotaxa 586 (1), pp. 1921-1935 : 1921-1935

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.586.1.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Astragalus insularis var. harwoodii Munz & McBurney,


48.1. Astragalus insularis var. harwoodii Munz & McBurney, View in CoL Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 31: 66. 1932

Type:— USA, Colorado, Blythe Junction, Colorado Desert , 2 April 1920, Munz & Harwood 3592 (holotype: RSA0003013 : isotype US, not found) .

The variety with a larger growth habit and almost always with truncate to retuse leaflets.

Distribution:— Northwestern Sonora (from San Luis Río Colorado, Altar Desert and Pinacate), south along the coast (from Puerto Peñasco, through Álvaro Obregón, Puerto Lobos, Puerto Libertad, Tordilla, Cabo Tepoca to Bahía Kino and San Clemente), in the Gulf of California, on the San Lorenzo Islands, Salsipuedes and Isla Angel de la Guarda. In Baja California, on the eastern coast between San Felipe and Estrella (30°56’– 31°01’N), on the peninsula, from the height from San José and Chapala (29°23’N – 29°31’N) to Punta Prieta, Juáez, Bachandres (28°50’N – 114° 03’W), and the western coast in Baja California Sur, between Santa Maria (27°24’N – 112°18’W) and Santa Rosalia (27°20’N – 112°18’W). Also, in Arizona and California ( USA) ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 ).

Habitat:— Sandy, clayey and granite rock soils; gravelly and rolling sand plains; flood banks; beach sand; coastal plains with low dunes; associated to creosote bush scrub; associated with Joshua tree, prickly-pear, lomboy blanco, saltbush,wolfberry, creosotebush scrub; bottom of canyon; 1–1100 m.

Specimens examined:— BAJA CALIFORNIA: 22 March 1963, Summit of peak ca. 4 miles 4 miles SE of Refugio Bay, Isla Angel de la Guarda, R. Moran 10471 ( CAS, NY, US) ; 26 March 1960, 18 miles north of Punta Prieta ½ mile south of road to San Felipe, D. B. Wiggins 15972-A ( CAS) ; 17 March 1960, roadside 15 miles north of San Felipe, I. L. Wiggins, D. B. Wiggins 15786, 15788 ( CAS, MEXU) ; 26 March 1960, 2 miles northeast of junction of Gulf road with western road 20 miles north of Punta Prieta, I. L. Wiggins, D. B. Wiggins 15960-A ( CAS) ; 24 March 1962, San Lorenzo Island (southern island), I. l. Wiggins 17274 ( CAS) ; 20 April 1966, Isla Angel de la Guarda; summit of Cerro Angel, R. Moran 12922 ( CAS, NY, SD) ; 24 March 1962, North San Lorenzo Island, called Isla Partida, actually middle of three islands in the group, Gulf of California , I. L. Wiggins 17261 ( CAS) ; 17 March 1977, Isla Angel de la Guarda; en bajada, base oeste del pico, ca. 6.0 km al sureste de Puerto Refugio, R. Moran 23942 ( SD) ; 15 April 1947, Valle de Agua Amarga, a 15 millas al oeste de la Bahía de Los Ángeles , C. F. Harbison 41763 ( SD) ; IV-1905, Isla Cedros, T. S. Brandegee s.n. ( SD) ; 12 April 1963, 1.2 mile by road (Mex. 15) north of Casita. Valley bottom, R. S. Felger 7219 ( MEXU) . BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR: 1 June 1973, About 10 mi. NW of Santa Rosalia, R. W. Spellenberg 3327, M. Spellenberg, H. Wolfe, J. Sylvester ( NY) ; 11 February1984, Desierto de Vizcaino , al E de Bahía Asunción, Mpio. Mulegé, J. Cancino 19c, C. Plata ( MEXU) . SONORA: 29 April 1991, Paved highway from Puerto Peñasco to Caborca, ca. 8.5 km northeastward from mouth of Estero Morúa (junction of road to Playa Encanto), R. S. Felger 91- 46 ( NY) ; 27 February1958, Cholla Bay , Punta Peñasco, P. H. Raven 11674 ( NY) , Northern limits of Peñasco , 11680 ( CAS, NY) ; 22 March 1978, 29 mi. by road S of Desemboque , about 5 mi. due W of new highway under construction, ca. 3 mi. E of rocky, reddish mountains, R. & M. Spellenberg 4949 ( NY) ; 16 March 1936, Playa 1 mi. inland from Punta Penasca, I. L. Wiggins 8383 ( CAS) ; 23 February1935, Along beach 24 miles south of Punta Prieta , I. L. Wiggins 7740B ( CAS) ; 7 March 1983, Coast of the Gulf of California near the mouth of the Rio Concepcion , 10.6 miles NE of El Desemboque on the road toward Caborca, A. C. Sanders 3476, M. Dimmitt, G. Montgomery et al. ( NY) ; 3 March 1972, R. S. Felger 20349 ( ENCB, SD) ; 31 March 1988, 8.2 km NE of Arroyo Batamote (crossing) on Mex. Hwy 8 (40 km SW of Sonoyta ), R. S. Felger 88-242 ( ENCB) ; 10 March 1973, ca. 2 miles north of Sierra del Rosario , Gran Desierto, R. S. Felger 20777 ( ENCB) .


USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences






California Academy of Sciences


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


San Diego Natural History Museum


Universidad de Autonoma de Baja California













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