Cardiomya cleryana ( d’Orbigny, 1842 ), d’Orbigny, 1842

Lima, Tarcilla Carvalho De, Oliveira, Cléo Dilnei de Castro & Absalão, Ricardo Silva, 2020, Small, rare and little known: new records and species of Cardiomya (Bivalvia: Cuspidariidae) from Brazil, European Journal of Taxonomy 619, pp. 1-20 : 5-7

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2020.619

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cardiomya cleryana ( d’Orbigny, 1842 )


Cardiomya cleryana ( d’Orbigny, 1842) View in CoL

Fig. 2 View Fig A–E

Sphenia cleryana d'Orbigny, 1842: 572 (description, as “ Sphena Cleryana ”), 708 (reference to

illustrations, as “ Sphaenia Cleryana ”); 1846: pl. 83, figs 16–18 (as “ Sphaenia Cleryana ”). Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) simillima E.A. Smith, 1915: 104 View in CoL , pl. 2, fig. 24.

Sphenia cleryana – d’Orbigny 1853: 285.

Cuspidaria cleryana – Morretes 1949: 52.

Cardiomya cleryana View in CoL – Rios 1970: 219; 1975: 261, pl. 85, fig. 1255; 1985: 281, pl. 99, fig. 1385; 1994: 303, pl. 104, fig. 1483; 2009: 606, fig. 1678. — Figueiras & Sicardi 1980: 157. — Layerle & Scarabino 1984: 6. — Poutiers & Bernard 1995: 151, 158. — Forcelli 2000: 171, figured. — Scarabino 2003a: 238. — Absalão et al. 2006: 223, 258. — Allen 2011: 440. — Passos & Magalhães 2011: 7. — Oliveira & Sartori 2014: 10, 13–14, fig. 2D–E. — Barroso et al. 2016: 2, 6–8, 11, in part. — Machado et al. 2016: in part. — Oliveira et al. 2017: 2, 4–6, 8–9, 11, 14, in part.

Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) simillima View in CoL – Powell 1951: 51. — Figueiras & Sicardi 1970: 420–421, pl. vi, fig. 93. — Poutiers & Bernard 1995: 166. — Oliveira et al. 2017: 289, fig. 3C–D.

Cuspidaria simillima View in CoL – Castellanos 1982: 41.

Cardiomya simillima View in CoL – Rios 1970: 220; 1972: 197. — Zelaya 2005: 117.

Cardiomya perrostrata auct ., non Dall, 1881 – Rios 1975: 261, pl. 85, fig. 1257; 1985: 281, pl. 99, fig. 1387; 1994: 303, pl. 104, fig. 1485. — Absalão & Pimenta 2005: 51, fig. 134.

Material examined

Type material

BRAZIL • [4v], syntypes of Cardiomya simillima ( Smith, 1915) ; off Rio de Janeiro; 73 m depth; NHMUK 1915.4.18.512–515 .

CARIBBEAN SEA • [4v and fragments], syntypes of Cardiomya ornatissima ( d’Orbigny, 1853) ; NHMUK 1854.10.4.554.

COUNTRY UNKNOWN • [fragments], syntypes of Cardiomya striata (Jeffreys, 1876) ; North Atlantic ; 1260–2651 m depth; NHMUK 1877.11.28.50 .

DENMARK • [2v and fragments], syntypes of Cardiomya striata ; Greenland; 56°11′00″ N, 37°41′00″ W; 2652 m depth; Valorous Expedition 1875, stn 12; USNM 63965 About USNM GoogleMaps [fragments], syntypes of Cardiomya striata ; Greenland; 56°01′00″ N, 34°42′00″ W; 1262 m depth; Valorous Expedition 1875, stn 13; USNM 172288 About USNM GoogleMaps .

IRELAND • [1s], syntype of Cardiomya striata ; Rockall Bank ; 56°07′00″ N, 14°19′00″ W; 1152 m depth; Porcupine Expedition 1869, stn 23; USNM 172289 About USNM GoogleMaps [fragments], syntypes of Cardiomya striata ; Rockall Bank ; 56°13′00″ N, 14°18′00″ W; 768 m depth; Porcupine Expedition 1869, stn 23-A; USNM 172290 About USNM GoogleMaps .

SCOTLAND • [1s], syntype of Cardiomya striata ; Off Hebrides islands ; 60°45′00″ N, 04°49′00″ W; 933 m depth; Lightning Expedition 1868, stn 6; USNM 172286 About USNM GoogleMaps [1s], syntype of Cardiomya striata ; Off Hebrides islands , 59°36′00″ N, 07°20′00″ W; 969 m depth; Lightning Expedition 1868, stn 12; USNM 172287 About USNM GoogleMaps .

UNITED STATES – Florida state [2s], syntypes of Cardiomya perrostrata (Dall, 1881) ; off Dry Tortugas; 24°08′00″ N, 82°51′00″ W; 620 m depth; Blake Expedition, stn 43; USNM 63119 About USNM GoogleMaps [1s], syntype of Cardiomya perrostrata ; same collecting data as for preceding; MCZ 8100 About MCZ GoogleMaps .

Other material

ARGENTINA • [2v]; Patagonia , west of Bustamante Bay; 45°15′ S, 65°26′ W; MACN 9151-14 View Materials GoogleMaps .

BRAZIL – Pernambuco state • [in part, 5v]; Ilha de Itamaracá ; CMPHRM 3659 . – Espírito Santo state • [in part, 2v]; Guarapari; MZSP 77301 View Materials . – Rio de Janeiro state • [4v]; 107 m depth; USNM 96108 About USNM [2v]; 06 Aug. 1979; IBUFRJ 3355 [in part, 1v]; Macaé, APA de Santana ; 5–10 m depth; IBUFRJ 6434 . – São Paulo state • [in part, 2v]; Caraguatatuba ; 23°44′40″ S, 45°01′14″ W; 40 m depth; 16 Oct. 2001; ZUEC-BIV 2217 GoogleMaps [in part, 2v]; Caraguatatuba ; 23°44′16″ S, 45°03′02″ W; 45 m depth; 16 Oct. 2001; ZUEC-BIV 2218 GoogleMaps [2v]; São Sebastião, Praia do Araçá ; 23°49′20″ S, 45°24′10″ W; 21 Mar. 2014; ZUEC-BIV 5135 GoogleMaps [19v]; São Sebastião ; 29 Apr. 1949; MNHNM 3281 View Materials [4v]; Ubatuba, Praia da Enseada ; 10 m depth; 25 May 1967; MZSP 57255 View Materials [1s, 5v]; Tabatinga, Praia de Mococa ; MZSP 87193 View Materials . – Rio Grande do Sul state • [20v]; Off Rio Grande ; 100 m depth; 4 Apr. 1998; Revizee, stn 6839; MORG 50583 .

UNITED STATES – Florida state [1s, 2v]; off West’n Dry Rocks ; 164 m depth; 1916; USNM 460734 About USNM .

URUGUAY • [4v]; MNHNM 2005-04l6 [3s]; west of Uruguay; 34°40′ S, 52°18′ W; 100 m depth; 18 Sep. 1938; MACN 23465 View Materials GoogleMaps .


Shell small (maximum length 10.5 mm; maximum height 8 mm). Shell flank triangular, umbones blunt. Anterodorsal margin descending, anterior margin rounded little extended, ventral margin rounded, crenulated. Rostrum very short to short, posteroventral sinuation shallow, posterodorsal margin slightly curved upwards, not extending above the umbones. External sculpture of 17–25 almost equally

spaced radial ribs of varied expression on the shell flank; rostrum with one to three radial lines or only commarginal growth lines.

Type localities

Jamaica, Cuba, Guadeloupe, Saint Thomas and Brazil, Cape São Tomé, Rio de Janeiro, 80 m.

Geographic distribution

Florida, USA to Chubut Province, Argentina. Confirmed records: United States: Florida, Off West’s Dry Rocks ( USNM 460734). Brazil: East and Northeast ( Rios 1970), Pernambuco state: Ilha de Itamaracá ( CMPHRM 3659); Espírito Santo state: Guarapari ( MZSP 77301); Rio de Janeiro State: Macaé, APA de Santana ( IBUFRJ 6434), Rasa Island ( Rios 1970), off Juatinga, Paraty ( Rios 1970); São Paulo State: Mocóca ( Morretes 1949), Tabatinga ( MZSP 87193), Ubatuba ( MZSP 57255), Caraguatatuba (ZUEC- BIV 2217-2218), São Sebastião ( Morretes 1949); Rio Grande do Sul State: Southeast of Rio Grande ( Rios 1972), off Torres, Tramandaí, Solidão, Conceição, Cassino, Sarita, Albardão and Chuí ( Rios 1975). Uruguay: 100 miles south of Rocha Department ( Figueiras & Sicardi 1970). Argentina: Chubut Province: west of Cruz Bay ( Castellanos 1982); Patagonia ( Zelaya 2005). Bathymetry: from 49 m ( Rios 1970) to 180 m ( Rios 1972).


Cardiomya ornatissima differs from C. cleryana by its straight posterodorsal margin by having only and 6–7 strong radial ribs, which may be followed or not by incomplete ribs. Cardiomya perrostrata can be distinguished from C. cleryana by its long rostrum, rounded shell flank, and the presence of a shoulder. Cardiomya striata can be distinguished from C. cleryana by its quadrangular shell flank, well marked shoulder, and radial ribs covering the entire shell, including the rostrum.

Cardiomya simillima , described from Rio de Janeiro (73 m depth) and Malvinas / Falkland Islands (229 m depth), exhibits the same shell outline and ornamentation than C. cleryana and it was therefore usually considered as a junior synonym ( Rios 1975, 2009; Poutiers & Bernard 1995; Forcelli 2000; Scarabino 2003b; Bouchet 2009; Barroso et al. 2016; Machado et al. 2016; Oliveira et al. 2017), an opinion with which we agree.

The record of C. simillima to Malvinas / Falkland Islands was uncritically replicated by many authors (e.g., Powell 1951; Figueiras & Sicardi 1970; Rios 2009; Barroso et al. 2016; Machado et al. 2016). Nevertheless, subsequent records from Malvinas / Falkland Islands were never provided.As has happened to others species records from the Terra Nova expedition (for details see Scarabino 2003b; Signorelli et al. 2019), it is possible that a labeling error occurred in the record of C. simillima from station #38 ( Malvinas / Falkland Islands, 229 m). Taking into account the evidence of tag scrambling and also the biogeographical implications of such an unusual distribution, the record of station #38 from Terra Nova expedition to C. simillima (= C. cleryana ) should be viewed with caution.


Natural History Museum, London


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo














Cardiomya cleryana ( d’Orbigny, 1842 )

Lima, Tarcilla Carvalho De, Oliveira, Cléo Dilnei de Castro & Absalão, Ricardo Silva 2020

Cuspidaria simillima

Castellanos Z. A. 1982: 41

Cardiomya cleryana

Oliveira C. D. C. & Sartori A. F. & Absalao R. S. 2017: 2
Barroso C. X. & Salani S. & Rabay S. G. & Matthews-Cascon H. 2016: 2
Oliveira C. D. C. & Sartori A. F. 2014: 10
Allen J. A. 2011: 440
Passos F. D. & Magalhaes F. T. 2011: 7
Absalao R. S. & Caetano C. H. S. & Fortes F. R. 2006: 223
Scarabino F. 2003: 238
Forcelli D. O. 2000: 171
Poutiers J. M. & Bernard F. R. 1995: 151
Layerle C. & Scarabino V. 1984: 6
Figueiras A. & Sicardi O. E. 1980: 157
Rios E. C. 1975: 261
Rios E. C. 1970: 219

Cardiomya simillima

Zelaya D. G. 2005: 117
Rios E. C. 1972: 197
Rios E. C. 1970: 220

Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) simillima

Oliveira C. D. C. & Sartori A. F. & Absalao R. S. 2017: 289
Poutiers J. M. & Bernard F. R. 1995: 166
Figueiras A. & Sicardi O. E. 1970: 420
Powell A. W. B. 1951: 51

Cuspidaria cleryana

Morretes F. L. 1949: 52

Sphenia cleryana

d'Orbigny A. D. 1853: 285

Sphenia cleryana

d'Orbigny A. D. 1842: 572
Smith, 1915: 104

Cardiomya perrostrata auct

Rios 1975: 261
Absalão & Pimenta 2005: 51
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