Weinmannia decora Tul.

Bradford, Jason C. & Miller, James S., 2001, New taxa and nomenclatural notes on the flora of the Marojejy massif, Madagascar. V. Cunoniaceae: Weinmannia, Adansonia (3) 23 (2), pp. 219-236 : 222-232

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scientific name

Weinmannia decora Tul.


Weinmannia decora Tul. View in CoL (species-group G)

Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 4, 8: 154 (1857). — Type: Bernier 324, Vohémar, 13°22’S, 50°00’E (holo-, P!; iso-, P!) GoogleMaps .

COLLECTIONS EXAMINED FROM MAROJEJY. — MADAGASCAR, Prov. Antsiranana: Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 673, near trail to “Camp 3”, 1040 m, 14°26’S, 49°45’42”E ( MO, P, TAN); Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 688, forest between camps 2 and 3, 1100 m, 14°26’S, 49°44’30”E ( MO, P, TAN); Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 694, forest between camps 2 and 3, 1230 m, 14°26’S, 49°44’30”E ( MOP, TAN); Humbert & Saboureau 31823, partie occidentale du Massif de Marojejy (nord-est), de la vallée de l’Ambatoharanana au bassin supérieur de l’Antsahaberoka, 1700-1800 m, 14°32’S, 49°36’E ( MO, P) GoogleMaps .

A species widespread in eastern and northern uplands. Only Humbert & Saboureau 31823 specimen is typical of the species. The material collected by BRADFORD is similar in the number of leaflets, venation pattern, and tooth shape, but differs from the typical W. decora in its shorter, broader leaflets. It is nethertheless placed here because the only fertile collection (Bradford 673) has glabrous ovaries, which are uncommon in sect. Spicata .

Weinmannia hepaticarum Bernardi (speciesgroup C)

Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 83: 147 (1964). — Type: Humbert 23545, Madagascar, Prov. Antsiranana, vallée de la Lokoho, Mt. Beondroka , au nord de Maroambihy, sylve à lichens sur gneiss et quartzite, 1000-1450 m, 14°26’S, 49°48’E (holo-, P) GoogleMaps .

This species is known only from the type collection. BERNARDI (1965) cited a second collection, which is now referred to a new species, W. lowryana J.C. Bradford (see below). Therefore, the emended description of W. hepaticarum in BERNARDI, which is based on material of both species, is inaccurate. Weinmannia hepaticarum may be a highly reduced form of W. rutenbergii .

Weinmannia humbertiana Bernardi (speciesgroup G)

Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 83: 139 (1964). — Type: Humbert & Cours 23814, sommet oriental du Massif de Marojejy (nord-est), 1850-2137 m, 14°25’S, 49°43’E (holo-, P) GoogleMaps .

COLLECTIONS EXAMINED FROM MAROJEJY. — MADAGASCAR, Prov. Antsiranana: Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 695, forest between camps 2 and 3, 1200 m, 14°26’S, 49°44’30”E ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 703, forest and shrubby thickets above “Camp 3” trail leading to summit, 1740 m, 14°26’12”S, 49°44’30”E ( MO, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Humbert 22505, pentes orientales du massif du Marojejy (Nord-Est), c. 1400-1500 m, ( P) ; Humbert 23532 (paratype), Mt. Beondroka au nord de Maroambihy, 1000-1450 m ( MO, P) ; Humbert & Cours 23814 (type); Miller & Lowry 4106, along the trail to the summit of Marojejy Est, NW of Mandena , wind swept ridges below the third camp, 1200- 1300 m, 14°26’S, 49°15’E ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Miller & Lowry 4137, along the trail to the summit of Marojejy Est, 1300-1600 m, 14°26’S, 49°14’E ( MO, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Rasoavimbahoaka et al. 26, environs d’Andohan’Antsahaberôkakely et Marojejybe, 1672 m, 14°25’45”S, 49°39’30- 49°42’15”E ( MO) GoogleMaps .

This species is currently known only from the

Marojejy region.

Weinmannia humblottii var. anceps Bernardi (species-group G)

Flore de Madagascar et des Comores, fam. 93: 41 (1965).— Type: Perrier de la Bâthie 6421, Analamazaotra, 18°58’S, 48°25’E (holo-, P!; iso-, P!) GoogleMaps .

COLLECTIONS EXAMINED FROM MAROJEJY. — MADAGASCAR, Prov. Antsiranana: Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 697, forest between camps 2 and 3, 1200 m, 14°26’S, 49°44’30”E ( MO, TAN); Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 707 & 708, south of and below summit of Marojejy, 2000 m, 14°27’S, 49°44’E ( MO, P, TAN); Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 724, along tributary of Manantenina river , 19 km NW of Manantenina, 725 m, 14°26’S, 49°45’42”E ( MO, P, TAN); Guillaumet 4047 GoogleMaps , R.N. Marojejy , 2000 m ( MO, TAN) .

This species is common at high elevations in several areas, including Marojejy, Anjanaharibe- Sud, Manongarivo, the mountains north of the Masoala peninsula, and along the eastern escarpment.

Most Marojejy collections of this species are from high elevations and have small, 3-foliolate leaves. Bradford 724 is the record from the lowest elevation in the area, and it has larger, 5-7-foliolate leaves, which match the type of the variety better than the high elevation material. All these collections have glabrous, obovate, basally decurrent leaflets with basally entire margins.

Weinmannia lowryana J.C. Bradford , sp. nov. (species-group D)

Arbor parva . Folia imparipinnata, 3-5-foliolata, rhachidi leviter alata, foliolis lateralibus obovatis, 2.2- 2.4 cm longis, 0.5-1.2 cm latis, apiceum obtusis, basim attenuatis. Inflorescentia racemosa , c. 4 cm longa, bracteis c. 1 mm longis, subtendens florem singularis. Flores pedicelli c. 1 mm longi, gracilibus. Ovarium dense puberulum . Semina non visi.

TYPUS. — Humbert 23057, Madagascar, Prov. Antsiranana, contreforts occidentaux du massif de Marojejy (nord-est) près du col de Doanyanala (limite des bassins de la Lokoho et de l’Andraronga), forêt ombrophile sur latérite de gneiss près des torrents, 800-1200 m, 25 jan.-25 fév. 1949 (holo-, P!; iso-, G, K, MA, MO!, NY, WAG).

Small tree; branching every one to five nodes,

not dichotomously; internodes 1-5 cm long; young stems with dense, short, appressed to spreading, straight to curved, glossy trichomes; lateral branches with a short internode c. 1-

2.5 mm long, then internodes of c. 1 cm or longer.

Axillary buds enclosed by a pair of c. 2 mm long stipules, puberulous medially, fused basally, quick-

ly caducous; medial stipules orbicular to obovate,

3-6 mm long and wide, trichomes restricted to midline, about 0.5 mm long, appressed. Leaves decussate, imparipinnate, nearly glabrous, 3-5-foliolate, rachis weakly alate, up to 1.5 mm wide, whole leaf 2.5-4 cm long, petiole 4-8 mm long, leaflets obovate with attenuate bases, terminal leaflets 1.8-3.5 cm long, 0.8-1.6 cm wide, lateral leaflets 1.2-2.4 cm long, 0.5-1.2 cm wide; margins serrate in apical half to third of leaf only, teeth blunt, sinus shallow, glandular; 10-12 secondary veins per leaflet, semicraspedodromous, with veins terminating at the sinus.

Flower-bearing axes racemose, about 4 cm long; racemes borne in pairs from sparsely puberulous peduncles, each c. 1 mm long, with a vegetative bud between each raceme (i.e. forming dyads), dyads borne axillary near the distal end of stems, or racemes borne from leaf axils along the main stem. Floral bracts c. 1 mm long, sparsely puberulous, subtending a single flower that may be 2-4 mm from the bract, pedicel c. 1 mm long, sparsely puberulous.

Flowers bisexual, calyx and corrolla of 5, free lobes; sepals triangular, 1 mm long, glabrous; petals elliptic, c. 1 mm long; androecium of 10 stamens, diplostemonous, filaments thin, c. 2.5 mm long, anthers c. 0.4 mm long; nectary thin, entire or divided into 5 segments opposite the petals; ovary densely puberulous, styles c. 2- 2.5 mm long. Fruits unknown. — Fig. 1 View Fig .

This species, which is known only from the type collection, was cited by BERNARDI (1965) under W. hepaticarum but was not used to prepare the original description ( BERNARDI 1964). Weinmannia lowryana is considered distinct from W. hepaticarum based on the presence of a terminal bud versus a terminal raceme in the IM (see key above and BRADFORD 2001, fig. 3), flowers sparse on the axis versus congested, and leaves

larger with sparser venation and smoother tex- shaped, puberulous, c. 1 mm long, subtending ture. Illustrations reportedly of W. hepaticarum in solitary flowers that spread apically in a line away BERNARDI (1965, fig. IX) are actually composed from the bract, flowers inserted up to 1-3 mm of the two species: 6a. is of W. hepaticarum from their bract. whereas 6b. is of W. lowryana . This species is Flowers bisexual, 4-5-merous, diplostemonous; named in honor of Porter P. LOWRY II who col- calyx fused basally, sepal lobes triangular, 0.75- lected many Weinmannia specimens at Marojejy. 1 mm long, sparsely puberulous, margins mem-

branous, weakly ciliate or glabrous; petals white,

elliptic, c. 1.5 mm long; stamens 8-10, filaments

Weinmannia integrifolia J.C. Bradford , sp. nov. c. 4 mm long, glabrous, anthers 0.5 mm long; (species-group G) nectary disc thin, entire, easily broken into rec-

tangular costae, c. 0.3 mm tall; ovary ovate,

Arbor 5-17 m alta. Folia unifoliolata, glabra, elliptica c. 1.25 mm tall, c. 1 mm wide, densely puberulous, ad obovata, 3.5-9.5 cm longa, 1.3-4 cm lata, apiceum locules with several (c. 12) ovules, styles c. 2 mm obtusis, basim acutis, margine integra vel serrata ad apiceum. Inflorescentia spicata, 6-10 cm longa, bracteis long. Capsules 4-5 mm long (style to receptacle), c. 1 mm longis, subtendens florem sessilis, singularis. calyx persistent, placenta remaining upright Ovarium dense puberulum . Semina comosa. between separate carpels, endocarp and exocarp

separating in old fruits, seeds elliptic, 1-1.25 mm

TYPUS. — Rasoavimbahoaka et al. 4, Madagascar, long, 0.4-0.5 mm wide with longitudinal stria- Prov. Antsiranana au, Réserve Naturelle aux Intégrale sommet 12, tions, comose with kinky, c. 0.25-1 mm long, Marojejy, Nord d’Andapa, environs du de l’Est, 1300-1500 m, 14°29’S, 49°38’E, 21-22 Jan. shinny, translucent trichomes.— Fig. 2 View Fig . 1994 (holo-, GoogleMaps MO; iso-, P, TAN).

PARATYPES. — MADAGASCAR, Prov. Antsiranana :

Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 700, forest and shrubby

thickets above “Camp 3”, trail leading to summit,

Tree, 5-17 m tall, branching every one to sev- 1360 m, 14°26’12”S, 49°44’30”E ( MO, P, TAN); eral nodes, sometimes dichotomously, internodes Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 713, 714, forest above 1-5 cm long, lateral branches with a short “Camp 3” along trail to summit, 1330 m, 14°26’12”S GoogleMaps , internode, c. 1 mm long, then internodes of 49°44’30”E ( MO, P, TAN); Bradford & c. 1 cm or longer, the stems gray, cylindrical


Rafamantanantsoa, to summit, 1440 718, forest m, 14 above °26’12 “Camp ”S, 49° 3 44 ” ’30 along ”E

young growth glabrous. Axillary buds stipulate, ( MO, P, TAN); Rakotomalaza, Messer & Ravelonarivo stipules, c. 3 mm long, fused basally and some- 897, along tributary at head of Andranomifototra what persistent; medial stipules elliptic, nearly river, Campment 4, 1625 m, 14°26’24”S, 49°44’30”E glabrous, with scant, c. 0.2 mm long appressed ( MO, P, TAN); Ralimanana 106, Toamasina GoogleMaps :

trichomes along midsection, caducous, colleters






Ambatolaidama 1000 m, 15°18, ’30 7 ” km S, 49 au °59 NE ’E

c. 0.3 mm long, black. Leaves decussate, unifoli- (MO). olate, elliptic to obovate, 3.5-9.5 cm long, 1.3- 4 cm wide, apex obtuse to rarely acute, base acute and decurrent, surfaces glabrous, petiole This species is known from Marojejy and the indistinct, margin entire to serrulate along the mountains north of the Masoala Peninsula. apical one-fourth only, teeth blunt, sinus shal- With unifoliolate, entire (or nearly so) leaves, low, lateral veins (14-)18-24, semicraspedodro- W. integrifolia is most similar to W. mammea mous, with veins terminating at the sinus (where Bernardi (Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 83: 141, 1964). It difthey occur). fers by having smaller leaves and shorter petioles. Flower-bearing axes spicate, spikes 6-10 cm In W. integrifolia , leaves are usually between long, usually borne in pairs from glabrous pedun- 4 and 8 cm long and have a 0.5-1.5 cm long peticles, each c. 1 mm long, with a vegetative bud oles. By contrast, the type of W. mammea (other between each spike (i.e. forming dyads), dyads specimens referred to this species in BERNARDI usually borne axillary or sometimes terminally 1965 are doubtfully conspecific) has 10-15 cm near the distal end of stems. Floral bracts keel long leaves, with c. 3 cm long petioles.



Weinmannia marojejyensis J.S. Mill. & dyads), dyads borne axillary near the distal end of J.C. Bradford, sp. nov. (species-group F) stems, or spikes borne from leaf axils along the

main stem. Floral bracts obovate, c. 1.5-3 mm Arbor 5-18 m alta. Folia imparipinnata, 7-13 folio- long, c. 1-1.5 mm wide, subtending a group of lata, rhachidi teri ad leviter alata, foliolis lateralibus ses- (1-)3-4 flowers that spread apically in a line away silibus, oblongis ad ellipticis, 6-20 mm longis, 4-8 mm lata, apiceum acutis ad obtusis, basium obliqquis, mar- from the bract, more flowers per bract basally gine integra vel serrata ad apiceum. Inflorescentia spicata, than apically, flowers inserted from to 1-15 mm (5-) 7-9 cm longa, bracteis 1.5-3 mm longis, subtensens 3- from their bract. 4 flores sessilia. Ovarium puberulum . Semina non visi. Flowers bisexual, pentamerous; sepals ovate, 1-

1.4 mm long, densely puberulous except along TYPUS. — Miller & Lowry 4044, Madagascar, Prov. the membranous magins, but these weakly ciliate; Antsiranana, Réserve Naturelle de Marojejy , along the trail to the summit of Marojejy Est, NW of Mandena, petals white, oblong to slightly obovate, 1.5- wet, evergreen forest between the second and third 2 mm long; stamens 10, filaments 2.5-3 mm camps, 1100-1200 m, 14°26’S, 49°15-16’ E, 13 Feb. long, glabrous, anthers 0.4-0.5 mm long; floral 1989 (holo-, MO; iso-, BR, K, P, TAN, WAG). nectary composed of nearly separate segments ,

0.5-0.7 mm tall; ovary ovoid, 1 mm tall, densely Broad-crowned tree 5-18 m tall, branching puberulous, trichomes glossy-orange, styles every one to few nodes, occassionally dichoto- 1 mm long. Capsules 2-2.5 mm long, calyx permously, internodes 1-3 cm long, lateral branches sistent, placenta remaining upright between sepawith a short internode c. 1 mm long, then inter- rate carpels, endocarp and exocarp separating in nodes of c. 1 cm or longer, stems gray-brown, old fruits, seeds unknown.— Fig. 3 View Fig . cylindric, young growth densely pubescent, trichomes 0.5-1 mm long, yellow-brown to red- ARATYPES ADAGASCAR P. — M, Prov. Antsiranana: brown. Axillary buds enclosed by stipules, Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 668, near trail to

Camp 3” along a ridge, 990 m, 14°26’S, 49°45’42”E c. 2 mm long, with dense, appressed pubescence,( MO, P, TAN); Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 674, lateral stipules barely fused basally, usually near trail to “Camp 3” along a ridge, 1060 m, caducous on young branches; medial stipules 14°26’S, 49°45’42”E ( MO, P, TAN); Bradford & caducous, puberulous, orbicular, 2.5-4 mm wide, Rafamantanantsoa 692, forest between camps 2 and colleters 0.2-0.3(-0.5) mm long, glossy-black. 3 GoogleMaps


, 1130 m


, 14


° 26’ S, 49°44’30”E



, forest

, P, TAN



Leaves decussate, imparipinnate, (3-)7-13(-23)- “Camp 3”, 1300 m, 14°26’12”S, 49°44’30”E (MO, foliolate, rachis (25-) 35-45 mm long, terete to P, TAN); Miller 4085, along the trail to the summit slightly alate, up to 1 mm wide, sparsely to of Marojejy Est, NW of Mandena, wind swept ridges densely puberulous with an abaxial tuft of tri- below the third camp, 1200-1300 m, 14°26’S, chomes in the axil of each leaflet, lamina glabrous 49

Ravelonarivo °15’E (MO 837, P,, Marojejy TAN);, Rakotomalaza sur la crête, le, long Messer de & la

above, lustrous, with sparse, short trichomes piste C, 1150-1300 m, 14°26’S, 49°44’30”E (MO, P, below, these denser along the margin and mid- TAN). vein, lateral leaflets sessile, oblong to elliptic, 6- 20 mm long, 4-8 mm wide, apex acute to obtuse, base oblique, distally acute, basally obtuse to This species is known only from Marojejy. rounded, terminal leaflet usually slightly larger With spicate inflorescences, bracts subtending than the laterals, 12-21 mm long, base acute to c.4 flowers, and pubescent, usually 7-13-folioattenuate, margin entire or serrulate for the apical late leaves, W. marojejyensis is one of the most one-half, teeth blunt, sinus shallow, lateral veins distinctive Weinmannia species in Madagascar. 6-8(-9), semicraspedodromous, with veins termi- Only W. sanguisugarum typically has as many nating at the sinus. leaflets, but these are glabrous, and bracts sub- Flower-bearing axes spicate, spikes (5-) 7-9 cm tend a single flower in this species. All of the long, usually borne in pairs from densely puberu- possibly related taxa in species-group F ( W. hildelous peduncles, each 20-80 mm long, with a veg- brandtii, W. icacifolia , and W. rakotomalzana ) are 1- etative bud between each spike (i.e. forming 5-foliolate.

1 cm

Weinmannia pauciflora J.C. Bradford , sp. nov. (species-group G)

Frutex vel arbor ad 5 m alta. Folia unifoliolata, glabra, elliptica ad obovata, 2.5-8 cm longa, 1-4 cm lata, apiceum obtusis ad acutis, basim decurrenti, margine serrata. Inflorescentia spicata, 7-10 cm longa, bracteis 1- 1.5 mm long, subtendeus floreum sessilis, singularis. Ovarium puberulum . Semina comosa.

TYPUS. — Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 702, Madagascar, Prov. Antsiranana, Réserve Naturelle Intégrale de Marojejy, near tributary of Manantenina river , 10 km NW of Manantenina, forest and shrubby thickets above “Camp 3”, along ridges with forest varying from tall trees to stunted shrubbery depending upon elevation and exposure, forest about 4-5 m tall along trail leading to summit, 1690 m, 14°26’12”S, 49°44’30”E, 5 Nov. 1996 (holo-, GoogleMaps MO; iso-, P, TAN).

Small tree or shrub, 1-5 m tall, branching every few to several nodes, rarely dichotomously; internodes 0.5-6 cm long, glabrous; lateral branches with a short internode, c. 2 mm long, then internodes of c. 1 cm or longer. Axillary buds enclosed by basally fused stipules, c. 3 mm long, that usually persist on young branches; medial stipules elliptic to obovate, 4-13 mm long, 2-6 mm wide, glabrous to puberulous along midsection. Leaves decussate, pinnate, unifoliolate or rarely trifoliolate, coriaceous, glabrous or with isolated short trichomes along midvein; mature leaves elliptic to obovate, 2.5-8 cm long, 1-4 cm wide (leaves borne from trunk shoots up to 18 cm long, 11 cm wide), apex acute to obtuse, base decurrent, petiole usually less than 0.5 cm long; margins serrate, teeth blunt, sinus shallow, glandular, 15-20 secondary veins per leaf, semicraspedodromous, with veins terminating at the sinus.

Flower-bearing axes spicate, spikes slender, 7- 10 cm long, axis glabrous or sparsely puberulous; spikes usually borne in pairs from glabrous to puberulous peduncles, each c. 1 mm long with a vegetative bud between each spike (i.e. forming dyads), or spikes borne from leaf axils along the main stem; dyads borne axillary or medially near the distal end of stems. Flowers solitary in the axils of keel-shaped, glabrous to sparsely puberulous bracts, each 1-1.5 mm long, flowers borne up to 2 mm from a bract, relatively sparse on axis, only c. 70 flowers per spike.

Flowers pentamerous, sepals basally fused, apically blunt, 1.5-2 mm long, glabrous, or ciliate along membranous margins; petals obovate, 2.5 mm long; androecium of 10 stamens, filaments thin, 3.5-4.5 mm long; floral nectary disc thin, or composed of 10, more or less, square segments about 0.5 mm long; ovary bicarpellate, c. 1-1.5 mm long, densely puberulous, trichomes glossy-orange; ovules numerous; styles c. 1.5 mm long. Capsules c. 4 mm long, 3 mm wide, calyx persistent, placenta remaining upright between separate carpels; endocarp and exocarp separating in old fruits; seed body elliptic, 1.5 mm long, 0.7 mm wide, with longitudinal striations, comose, translucent trichomes about 0.5 mm long.— Fig. 4. View Fig

PARATYPES. — MADAGASCAR, Prov. Antsiranana: Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 704, forest and shrubby thickets above “Camp 3”, trail leading to summit, 1750 m, 14°26’12”S, 49°44’30”E ( MO, P, TAN); Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 706, 709, South of and below summit of Marojejy, 2000 m, 14°27’S, 49°44’E ( MO, P, TAN); Miller & Lowry 4156, along the trail to the summit of Marojejy Est, 1900-2133 m, 14°26’S, 49°13-14’ E GoogleMaps ( MO, P, TAN) GoogleMaps .

This species is known only from Marojejy. The presence of spicate inflorescences with bracts subtending a single flower places W. pauciflora in species-group G. Unifoliolate leaves are also found in W. bojeriana , but W. pauciflora is distinguished by its sparse versus congested flowerbearing axes, and its usually smaller leaves. Serrate leaf margins distinguish W. pauciflora from W. mammea and W. integrifolia , which are also in species-group G and have unifoliolate leaves.

Weinmannia rakotomalazana J.C. Bradford , sp. nov. (species-group F)

Arbor 3 m alta. Folia imparipinnata, 3-5-foliolata, rhachidi non alata, foliolis lateralibus ellipticis, 2.5-3 cm longis, 0.9-1.3 cm latis, apiceum acutis, basim acutis, margine serrulata, pagine inferiore pubescentia. Inflorescentia spicata, ad 8 cm longa, bracteis c. 1.5 mm longis, subtendens 1-4 flores sessilia. Ovarium puberulum . Semina non visi.

TYPUS. — Bradford & Rafamantanantsoa 676, Madagascar, Prov. Antsiranana, Réserve Naturelle Intégrale de Marojejy, near tributary of Manantenina River , 10 km NW of Manantenina, near trail to “Camp 3” along a ridge, 1160 m, 14°26’S, 49°45’42”E, 3 Nov. 1996 (holo-, GoogleMaps MO; iso-, P, TAN).

Tree, branching every few to several nodes, not dichotomously, internodes 1-3 cm long; young stems densely covered by slender, soft, orange trichomes, c. 1 mm long; lateral branches with a short internode c. 2 mm long, then internodes of c. 1 cm or longer. Axillary buds enclosed by basally fused stipules, c. 3 mm long, usually persistent on young branches; medial stipules elliptic to obovate above the slender point of attachment, up to 10 mm long, 6 mm wide, medially pubescent with appressed trichomes, sparsely pubescent otherwise. Leaves decussate, imparipinnate, (3-)5-foliolate, rachis not winged, coriaceous, leaves 5-6 cm long, rachis segments 1.2-1.5 cm long, leaflets elliptic, 2.5-3 cm long, 0.9-1.3 cm wide, apex acute, terminal leaflets c. 0.5 cm longer than lateral ones, mature leaves nearly glabrous above, surface sparsely pubescent on lamina below, more densely pubescent along midveins, immature leaves dark (at least when dried) with conspicuous, orange trichomes, c. 1 mm long, especially along the rachis, midveins and also on both lamina surfaces, margins serrulate, 20-24 secondary veins per leaflet, semicraspedodromous, with veins terminating at the sinus.

Flower-bearing axes spicate, spikes up to 8 cm long in bud, at least 9 cm long in fruit, densely puberulous (trichome length c. 0.5 mm or less); spikes usually borne in pairs from puberulous peduncles, each 1-2 mm long, with a vegetative bud between each spike (i.e. forming dyads), or rarely the peduncle bearing a terminal spike with lateral vegetative buds, or spikes borne from leaf axils along the main stem; dyads borne axillary near the distal end of stems. Floral bracts keelshaped, puberulous, c. 1.5 mm long, subtending

a group of 1-4 flowers that spread apically in a line away from the bract, more flowers per bract basally than apically, flowers inserted up to 3-

4 mm from their bract.

Flowers known only in bud, perianth pentamerous, calyx puberulous, androecium of 10 stamens, filaments thin, nectary disc thin, with c. 5 costae that break apart easily, ovary puberulous, ovules numerous. Calyx persistent in fruit, placenta remaining upright between separate carpels, endocarp and exocarp separating in old fruits, seeds unknown.— Fig. 5 View Fig .

This species is known only from the type collection made at Marojejy, and was found in stunted, wet, montane forest along a ridge.

Based on the structure of the spike, Weinmannia rakotomalazana may be closely related to W. hildebrandtii , W. icacifolia and W. marojejyensis . These four species have bracts subtending 1-4 flowers that dissociate from the bract during elongation of the axis (speciesgroup F). Weinmannia rakotomalazana is similar to W. marojejyensis in having compound leaves and persisent pubescence on young stems and buds. It differs most obviously from W. marojejyensis , however, by having fewer and larger leaflets (usually 5-foliolate versus 7-13-foliolate), and from W. hildebrandtii and W. icacifolia by having more numerous and usually smaller leaflets (1 or 3-foliolate in these species). This species is named in honor of P.J. RAKOTOMALAZA, one of the Malagasy botanists whose efforts have contributed so greatly to our knowledge of the flora of Marojejy.


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