Anastrophyllum austroamericanum

Váňa, Jiří, Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders & von Konrat, Matt, 2013, Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 33. Notes on Anastrophyllaceae (Marchantiophyta), Phytotaxa 81 (1), pp. 26-32 : 28

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Anastrophyllum austroamericanum


Transfer of Anastrophyllum austroamericanum to Sphenolobus

De Roo et al. (2007) showed that Sphenolobus is a genus that should be segregated from Anastrophyllum . Two species, Sphenolobus minutus and Sphenolobus saxicola ( Schrader 1797: 97) Stephani (1902a: 168) were included in the study. Recently Sphenolobus ellipticus ( Inoue 1978: 13) Katagiri & Furuki (2012: 206) was transferred from Anastrophyllum . One more species, Anastrophyllum austroamericanum , remains to be transferred. It is a species morphologically close to Sphenolobus minutus but differs in the reddish-brown coloration, presence of intercalary branching ( Bazzania - type), somewhat oblique (not transverse) leaf insertion, presence of small trigones in leaf cells, typical “ Anastrophyllum ” decolorate perianth mouth.

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