Anacharis typica Walker, 1835

Vogel, Jonathan, Forshage, Mattias, Bartsch, Saskia B., Ankermann, Anne, Mayer, Christoph, von Falkenhausen, Pia, Rduch, Vera, Müller, Björn, Braun, Christoph, Krammer, Hans-Joachim & Peters, Ralph S., 2024, Integrative characterisation of the Northwestern European species of Anacharis Dalman, 1823 (Hymenoptera, Cynipoidea, Figitidae) with the description of three new species, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97, pp. 621-698 : 621-698

publication ID 10.3897/jhr.97.131350

publication LSID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Anacharis typica Walker, 1835

stat. nov.

Anacharis typica Walker, 1835 stat. rev.

Figs 2 D View Figure 2 , 3 D View Figure 3 , 17 A – E View Figure 17

Anacharis typicus Walker, 1835: 520 - lectotype ( NHMUK) ♀, photographs examined (Fig. 16 A – C).


(n = 10). Belongs to the eucharioides species group. Medium sized species (2.9–3.5, mean 3.2 mm, similar to A. eucharioides , A. martinae and A. petiolata ). Differing from A. eucharioides and A. martinae by having a centrally smooth mesoscutellum (Fig. 17 D, E View Figure 17 , centrally carinate in A. eucharioides and A. martinae ) and a smooth lateromedial area of the pronotum (Fig. 17 B View Figure 17 , rugose to obliquely carinate in A. eucharioides and A. martinae ). Differs from A. petiolata mainly by having the hind coxa often distinctly bicoloured, with noticable paling apically (Fig. 17 A View Figure 17 , hind coxa less distinctly bicoloured, though weak paling is notable apically in A. petiolata ). The hind trochanter in A. typica has a similar pattern of paling as hind coxa or is as pale as in hind femur (hind trochanter similarly dark as the hind coxa in A. petiolata ). Additional to morphological differences, A. typica is exclusively collected in temperate environments below 700 meters above sea level (whilst A. petiolata is collected from boreal environments above 1,000 meters above sea level).

CO 1 barcode.

n = 10. Maximum intraspecific distance: 0.5 %. Minimum distance to closest species ( A. eucharioides ): 5.7 %. CO 1 barcode consensus sequence:


Type material.

Lectotype of Anacharis typicus Walker, 1835

81 61 [on backside of mounting board]



In Coll under typical

B. M. 1981. Under typica


LECTOTYPE Anacharis typica Walker det. N. D. M. Fergusson, 1981

B. M. TYPE HYM 7. 163

[QR code] NHMUK 012858913

[for images, see Fig. 16 A – C View Figure 16 and]

Other material examined.

DNA barcode vouchers. Austria • 1 ♂; Styria, NP Gesäuse, Gsengquelle ; 47.5683 ° N, 14.5902 ° E; ca 680 m a. s. l.; 2 Sep. 2015; Haseke leg.; ZFMK -TIS-2640691 GoogleMaps .

Belgium • 1 ♀; West Flanders, Beernem, Centrum ; 51.1259 ° N, 3.3202 ° E; ca 10 m a. s. l.; 8 May 2022; De Ketelaere, Augustijn leg.; hand picked; ZFMK -TIS-2640858 GoogleMaps . • 1 ♀; West Flanders, Beernem, Gevaerts ; 51.1411 ° N, 3.3215 ° E; ca 10 m a. s. l.; 24 Apr. 2022; De Ketelaere, Augustijn leg.; hand picked; ZFMK -TIS-2640857 GoogleMaps .

Germany • 1 ♀; Hesse, Waldeck-Frankenberg, National park Kellerwald-Edersee, Maierwiesen ; 51.1555 ° N, 9.0015 ° E; ca 370 m a. s. l.; 22 Jun. - 8 Jul. 2021; GBOL III leg.; Malaise trap (Krefeld version); ZFMK -TIS-2640806 GoogleMaps . • 3 ♂♂; Hesse, Waldeck-Frankenberg, NP Kellerwald-Edersee, „ Banfe-Haus “; 51.167 ° N, 8.9749 ° E; ca 270 m a. s. l.; 7–21 Jul. 2022; GBOL III leg.; Malaise trap; ZFMK -TIS-2640757 , ZFMK -TIS-2640758 , ZFMK -TIS-2640760 GoogleMaps . • 1 ♀; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Vorpommern-Rügen, Großer Vilm, Biosphärenreservat ; 54.325 ° N, 13.539 ° E; ca 30 m a. s. l.; 24 May- 3 Jun. 2016; Rulik, Björn et al. leg.; Malaise trap; ZFMK -TIS-2629503 GoogleMaps . • 1 ♀; North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Schladern near Windeck, Sieg river , right river bank; 50.8 ° N, 7.585 ° E; ca 130 m a. s. l.; 4–11 Jul. 2017; ZFMK et al. leg.; Malaise trap; ZFMK -TIS-2629276 GoogleMaps .

Lithuania • 1 ♀; Silute distr., Sysa, Sysa , control plot; 55.3127 ° N, 21.4049 ° E; ca 0 m a. s. l.; 14–25 Jun. 2020; Petrasiunas, Andrius leg.; Malaise trap; ZFMK -TIS-2637717 GoogleMaps .

Material without DNA barcode. Belgium • 2 ♂♂; Walloon Brabant, Ottignies ; 9–16 Jul. 1983; Paul Dessart leg.; Malaise trap; JV_Prel_0074 ( RBINS), JV_Prel_0045 ( RBINS) . • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding 28 May- 4 Jun. 1983; JV_Prel_0075 ( RBINS), JV_Prel_0076 ( RBINS) . • 1 ♂; West Flanders, Harelbeke, Gavers , Wetland with pools; 50.8379 ° N, 3.3215 ° E; ca 10 m a. s. l.; 11 Jun. 2022; Bart Lemey leg.; hand caught; JV_Prel_0052 ( RBINS) GoogleMaps .

Germany • 1 ♂; Hesse, Werra-Meißner-Kreis, Großalmerode, Private garden, Siedlerweg , semi-abandoned garden with wet spot, ivy hedge and salix; 51.2591 ° N, 9.7871 ° E; ca 380 m a. s. l.; 12–20 Jul. 2022; Jonathan Vogel leg.; Malaise trap; ZFMK -TIS-2640704 GoogleMaps . • 1 ♂; North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Schladern near Windeck, Sieg river , right river bank; 50.8 ° N, 7.585 ° E; ca 130 m a. s. l.; 18–25 Jul. 2017; ZFMK et al. leg.; Malaise trap; ZFMK -HYM-00039677 GoogleMaps . • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding 1–8 Aug. 2017; ZFMK -HYM-00039674 , ZFMK -HYM-00039675 GoogleMaps .

Italy • 1 ♂; Val d’Aoste, Boertolaz , (Villeneuve); ca 800 m a. s. l.; 15 Sep. 1978; L. Martile leg.; Malaise trap; NHRS - HEVA 000023180 View Materials ( NHRS) .

Sweden • 1 ♂; Gotland, Eksta sn, Stora Karlsö , calcarous low herb pasture; 57.2873 ° N, 17.9775 ° E; ca 40 m a. s. l.; 26–29 Aug. 2014; Hymenoptera Inventory 2014 leg.; Malaise trap; MT Loc # 2; NHRS - HEVA 000023181 View Materials ( NHRS) GoogleMaps . • 1 ♂; Gotska sandön, Kapellängen ; 7 Jul. 1964; Bror Hanson leg.; NHRS - HEVA 000023182 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 1 ♂; Öland, Glömminge, Gillsättra ; 4 Aug. 2004; Mattias Forshage leg.; specimen in coll MF . • 1 ♀; Öland, Kastlösa ; 26 Jun. 1962; Karl-Johan Hedqvist leg.; NHRS - HEVA 000023198 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 1 ♂; Öland, Kastlösa ; 28 Jun. 1962; Tor-Erik Leiler leg.; NHRS - HEVA 000023197 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 2 ♂♂; Scania, Kristianstads kommun, Trunelän, Degeberga , Grazed meadow at alder stand along stream; 55.7746 ° N, 14.2156 ° E; ca 80 m a. s. l.; 1–13 Aug. 2019; Swedish Insect Inventory Programme (SIIP), Station Linné leg.; Malaise trap; NHRS - HEVA 000023184 View Materials ( NHRS), NHRS - HEVA 000023185 View Materials ( NHRS) GoogleMaps . • 1 ♂; Scania, Lomma ; 10 Jul. 1963; Hans von Rosen leg.; NHRS - HEVA 000023188 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding 13 Aug. 1963; NHRS - HEVA 000023189 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 2 ♀♀; same collection data as for preceding 14 Aug. 1963; NHRS - HEVA 000023186 View Materials ( NHRS), NHRS - HEVA 000023187 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 1 ♂; Scania, Saxtorp ; 5 Jun. 1961; Karl-Johan Hedqvist leg.; NHRS - HEVA 000023183 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 1 ♂; Scania, Stenshuvuds NP , lush mixed oak forest; 55.6603 ° N, 14.2755 ° E; ca 30 m a. s. l.; 22 Sep. - 1 Nov. 2004; Swedish Malaise Trap Project (Swedish Museum of Natural History) leg.; Malaise trap; NHRS - HEVA 000023190 View Materials ( NHRS) GoogleMaps . • 1 ♀, 1 ♂; Småland ; [18 xx]; Carl Henning Boheman leg.; female - NHRS - HEVA 000023191 View Materials ( NHRS); male - NHRS - HEVA 000023192 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 1 ♂; Södermanland, Tockenön Jul. 1950; Anton Jansson leg.; NHRS - HEVA 000023193 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 1 ♂; Uppland, Vallentuna ; 7 Jun. 1959; Karl-Johan Hedqvist leg.; NHRS - HEVA 000023195 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding 15 Sep. 1962; NHRS - HEVA 000023194 View Materials ( NHRS) . • 1 ♂; Västmanland, Köping ; 18 May 1975; Walter Siering leg.; NHRS - HEVA 000023196 View Materials ( NHRS) .

Switzerland • 1 ♀; Grisons, Pontresina ; unknown leg.; specimen at NMBE .


Summer species, flying mainly from April to September, peak in July. No clear preferences in terms of habitat.


Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom (locus typicus of A. typica : southern England, near London or Isle of Wight).

Found in elevations up to 400 m a. s. l., rarely up to 800 m a. s. l.


The specimen labelled as lectotype is clearly a female, not a male as stated by Fergusson (1986). Despite this incongruence we acknowledge the specimen labelled as lectotype by Fergusson as such.

The lectotype is glued to its ventral side on cardboard, face down, wings also glued to the board. It is overall intact, though the 13 th antennal segment is either broken in half and the fragment is lost, or the segment is malformed. The tarsomeres of the right fore leg are missing from second tarsomere onwards. Both wings and legs obscure the lateral mesosoma on both sides.

With 2.6 mm body length, the lectotype is a comparably small specimen of this species (average body length 3.2 mm). Additionally, the lectotype is unusual by its overall reddish colouration, which may have been caused by ageing. Otherwise, it is morphologically well-fitting with the specimens we examined.

For a comparison of the similar A. typica and A. petiolata , see the remarks section of A. petiolata .

One specimen from Belgium ( JV _Prel_0076 ) was similarly coloured as the Bavarian specimens ( BC- ZSM -HYM-27596 -F 10 & BC- ZSM -HYM-27596 -F 09 , see variation section in description of A. martinae ) of A. martinae , having the head distinctly darker than the otherwise pale body.

In the distribution section we only list those records that we can verify by having seen actual specimens. Additional distribution records can be inferred from sequences from BOLD, if they match with our species cluster of A. typica . They were obtained from specimens originating from Canada (e. g. SMTPI 9646-14). The identities of these sequences as A. typica need to be confirmed by examination of the physical specimens before reliably citing A. typica for Canada.


Natural History Museum, London


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections


Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology














Anacharis typica Walker, 1835

Vogel, Jonathan, Forshage, Mattias, Bartsch, Saskia B., Ankermann, Anne, Mayer, Christoph, von Falkenhausen, Pia, Rduch, Vera, Müller, Björn, Braun, Christoph, Krammer, Hans-Joachim & Peters, Ralph S. 2024

Anacharis typicus

Walker F 1835: 520