Ammoecius dogueti ( BARAUD, 1980 ) DellacaSa & DellacaSa, 2002

DellacaSa, M. & DellacaSa, G., 2002, Systematic Redefinition Of Taxa Belonging To The Genera Ahermodontus Báguena, 1930 And Ammoecius Mulsant, 1842, With Description Of The New Genus Vladimirellus (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (4), pp. 269-316 : 289-291

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587419

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Ammoecius dogueti ( BARAUD, 1980 )

comb. nov.

Ammoecius dogueti ( BARAUD, 1980) View in CoL , comb. n.

( Figs 17–20 View Figs 15–20 , 23 View Figs 21–24 )

Aphodius (Ammoecius) dogueti BARAUD, 1980: 279 View in CoL ; DELLACASA M. 1988: 338.

Type locality: Algérie, Djurdjura : Tikdja. Type depository: BARAUD collection, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. Material examined: Paratype: Algérie, Djurdjura , Chemin lac Goulmine, 1600 m, 12.07.1979 ,

Maldes J. M. leg. (1 male, BCVLB); allotype: Algérie, Djurdjura , Tikdja, 19.05.1976 , Doguet S. leg.

(female, MNHNP, BARAUD Coll.).

4.0 mm, Morocco: Essaouira)

Description – Length 6.0– 6.5 mm. Oblong-elongate, convex, shiny, glabrous ( Fig. 23 View Figs 21–24 ). Black; clypeal margin and legs dark brown-reddish; antennal club testaceous. Head with cupuliform epistoma alutaceous, mostly smooth, only sides with few large punctures, anteriorly with strong transverse carina feebly arcuate, in front of which regularly, finely and granulosely punctured; clypeus widely sinuate at middle, distinctly denticulate at sides, laterally thickly bordered, border slightly upturned; genae obtusely angulate, rather elongately ciliate, distinctly protruding more than eyes; frontal suture shown by finely impressed lateral vestiges only; frons very finely and sparsely punctured; epipharynx: Fig. 17 View Figs 15–20 ; apex of corypha: Fig. 18 View Figs 15–20 . Pronotum broadly transverse, strongly convex, with extremely fine and regularly sparse punctation on disc, only with few large punctures on sides; latter subparallel, distinctly bordered; hind angles widely rounded; base not bisinuate, rather thickly bordered. Scutellum regularly triangular, slightly convex, nearly smooth. Elytra oval-elongate, strongly convex, feebly broadened backward, distinctly denticulate at shoulder; striae deep, coarsely punctured, moderately crenulate; interstices flat on disc, convex laterally and toward apex. Hind tibiae with superior apical spur as long as first tarsal segment; latter as long as following three combined. Male: large punctures on pronotal sides relatively more sparse; inferior apical spur of middle tibiae shortened, obliquely truncate and slightly inwardly hooked apically; aedeagus: Figs 19–20 View Figs 15–20 . Female: large punctures on pronotal sides relatively denser; inferior apical spur of middle tibiae rather elongate and regularly acuminate apically.

Distribution: Algeria (Djurdjura massif).


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay














Ammoecius dogueti ( BARAUD, 1980 )

DellacaSa, M. & DellacaSa, G. 2002

Aphodius (Ammoecius) dogueti

BARAUD, J. 1980: 279
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