Austrotinodes camurus, DI Cartwright, 2009

Cartwright, David I., 2009, Austrotinodes Schmid, a South and Central American caddisfly genus, newly recorded in Australia, with the description of new species (Trichoptera: Ecnomidae), Zootaxa 2142 (1), pp. 1-19 : 15-16

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scientific name

Austrotinodes camurus

sp. nov.

Austrotinodes camurus sp. nov.

Figs 28–30 View FIGURES 25–30

Diagnosis. Austrotinodes camurus , like A. gorom and A. pandus possesses long, curved dorso-basal processes near base of the inferior appendages, but differs in having a pair of long ventrally directed processes at base of superior appendages.

Description. Head, body and wings brown; wings similar to A. yalga ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 8–15 ). Forewing length about 2.9 times width: male 4.1 mm. Fork 2 long, with footstalk, footstalk length about 1.7 times length of cross-vein rm, length fork about 1.1–1.2 times length of fork 3; fork 3 long, length about 2.5 times length footstalk, footstalk length about 2.1 times length cross-vein m. Hindwing length about 3 times width; fork 2 with short footstalk, footstalk length about 0.5–0.8 times length cross-vein r-m, fork length about 1.0–1.3 times length of fork 3.

Male. Tergum X membranous with a pair of small mesal processes ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 25–30 ). Superior appendages in lateral view, tapered gradually basally, length about 3.5 times width, with pair of longer ventro-basal processes, with two apical spines ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 25–30 ); in dorsal view, robust, length about 3 times width, broadened slightly near middle ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 25–30 ). Phallus robust, generally tube-like, with embedded pair of spines; with a pair of long, strongly down-curved, slender processes (phallic guides) arising from near the base of the inferior appendages ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 25–30 ). Inferior appendages in ventral view fused basally, with paired apices divergent and widely separated ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 25–30 ); in lateral view, robust in basal half, narrowed strongly about middle with pointed apices ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 25–30 ).

Female. Unknown.

Holotype male (specimen CT-420 figured): Queensland, Bellenden Ker Range, Cableway base stn (about 17°16'S, 145°53'E), 100m, 17–24 Oct 1981, Earthwatch/ QM ( NMV, T- 20373). GoogleMaps

Etymology. Camurus - Latin, curved or hooked (dorso-basal processes near bases of inferior appendages).

Remarks. This species is known from only one male specimen recorded from the type locality in northeastern Queensland (latitude 17°16'S).


Queensland Museum


Museum Victoria













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