Austrotinodes gorom, DI Cartwright, 2009

Cartwright, David I., 2009, Austrotinodes Schmid, a South and Central American caddisfly genus, newly recorded in Australia, with the description of new species (Trichoptera: Ecnomidae), Zootaxa 2142 (1), pp. 1-19 : 16

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scientific name

Austrotinodes gorom

sp. nov.

Austrotinodes gorom sp. nov.

Figs 31–33 View FIGURES 31–36

Diagnosis. Austrotinodes gorom , like A. camurus and A. pandus possesses long, curved dorso-basal processes near base of the inferior appendages, but can be distinguished from A. camurus by the dorsally directed processes at base of superior appendages and from A. pandus by having inferior appendages narrowed strongly about middle.

Description. Head, body and wings brown; wings similar to A. yalga ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 8–15 ). Forewing length about 3.0–3.3 times width: male 5.0– 6.3 mm. Fork 2 long, with footstalk, footstalk length about 1.0–1.5 times length of cross-vein r-m, length fork about same length as fork 3; fork 3 long, length about 2.7–3.8 times length footstalk, footstalk length about 1.5–2.0 times length cross-vein m. Hindwing length nearly 3 times width; fork 2 sessile, length about 1.1–1.2 times length of fork 3.

Male. Tergum X membranous with a pair of small mesal processes ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 31–36 ). Superior appendages in lateral view, slender, length about 4 times width, with pair of dorsal processes at base, with about three spines apically ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 31–36 ); in dorsal view, robust, length about 3 times width, broadened slightly near middle ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 31–36 ). Phallus robust, generally tube-like, with embedded spines, membranous dorso-apically; with a pair of long, strongly down-curved, slender processes (phallic guides) arising from near the base of the inferior appendages ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 31–36 ). Inferior appendages in ventral view, fused basally, with pair of widely separated apices ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 31–36 ); in lateral view, robust in basal half, narrowed strongly about middle with pointed apices ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 31–36 ).

Female. Unknown.

Holotype male: Queensland, Bellenden Ker Range, summit TV Stn (about 17°16'S, 145°53'E), 1560m, 1–7 Nov 1981, Earthwatch/ QM ( NMV, T- 20374). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: Queensland. 3 males (specimen CT-230 figured), collected with holotype ( NMV) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. Gorom - Aboriginal word for bent (dorso-basal processes near bases of inferior appendages).

Remarks. Recorded from one site on the Bellenden Ker Range, north-eastern Queensland (latitude 17°16'S).


Centro de Estratigrafia e Paleobiologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Queensland Museum


Museum Victoria













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