Dissomphalus verrucosus Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004

Colombo, Wesley D. & Azevedo, Celso O., 2016, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead, 1893 (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Espíri- to Santo, Brazil, with description of twenty-one new species, Zootaxa 4143 (1), pp. 1-84 : 12-13

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Dissomphalus verrucosus Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004


Dissomphalus verrucosus Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004

Dissomphalus verrucosus Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004: 330 (♂, holotype from Espírito Santo, UFES, figs 4, 5); 2006: 308.

Diagnosis. Male. Black. Mandible bidentate. Median clypeal lobe trapezoidal. Frons strongly coriaceous, very punctate. T2 with pair of shallow, elliptical lateral depressions, close to margin of T1, each depression with prominent flat-topped tubercle, pit on top, bearing tuft of setae inclined outward. Posterior hypopygeal margin straight. Genitalia: paramere with apex rounded, slightly arched inward, very wide, specially basally; ventral ramus shorter than dorsal body, laminar, surface horizontal, basal half wider, apex narrow, rounded, barely arched outward; dorsal body with two pairs apical lobes, outer pair wide, laminar, surface horizontal, apex rounded and arched upward, apical half of outer side with laminar projection directed upwardwith numerous warts in basal surface; inner pair stout, membranous and setay; apodeme extending beyond elliptical genital ring. Female unknown.

Variations. Depression of tergal process deeper; setae outer edge of depression thicker and more conspicuous.

Remarks. Seventeen specimens of D. verrucosus were registered from Espírito Santo ( Redighieri & Azevedo 2004; 2006), and we add more 136 new ones.

Material examined. Types: Holotype ♂, BRAZIL, Espírito Santo: Santa Teresa ( Estação Biológica de Santa Lúcia ), 23.III.2001, varredura C.O. Azevedo & R. Kawada col. ( UFES) . Material revised: 5♂, Santa Teresa , Estação Biológica de Santa Lúcia, 19º58’S 40º32’W, 06–12.IV.2001, armadilha Malaise, 6♂, varredura, C.O. Azevedo e eq[uipe] col. ( MZSP), 2♂, armadilha Malaise, 3♂, varredura, C.O. Azevedo e eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps . New material examined: BRAZIL, Espírito Santo: 1♂, Linhares , 01.IX.1999, V.L.R.M. Benassi col. ( UFES) ; 2♂, João Neiva, Alto Bérgamo , mata, 19º44’S 40º26’W, 27.X–3.XI.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, C.O. Azevedo & equipe col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, São Roque do Canaã, Alto Misterioso , 19º48’ 0,3S 40º46’ 29,8W, 02–11.XI,2007, [armadilha] Malaise, Waichert & eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; 28♂, S[anta] Teresa, Est [ação] Biol [ógica de] Santa Lúcia, [19º58’S 40º32’W], 31.I–11.IX.2003, varredura, [C.O.] Azevedo & [R.] Kawada col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; 3♂, 13–17.X.2008, 2♂, 30.VII–04.VIII.2005, 5♂, 09–13.V.2006, armadilha Malaise, M. Tavares, C. Azevedo & eq[uipe] col. (UFES); 6♂, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Fazenda Clarindo Krüger , 20º04’S 40º44’O, 29.XI–13.XII.2002, armadilha Malaise, [M.T.] Tavares, [C.O.] Azevedo e eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; 26♂, Fazenda Paulo Seick , 40º41’O 29.XI–13.XII.2002, armadilha Malaise, [M.T.] Tavares, [C.O.] Azevedo e eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) ; 1♂, 29.XI.2002, [M.T.] Tavar{ES}[es] col. (UFES); 1♂, S[anta] Leopoldina, Alto Rio das Farinhas, 20º08’S 40º36’W, 14–24.V.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, [C.] Waichert & [K.] Furieri col. (UFES); 5♂, Santa Leopoldina, Bragança , 20º31’S 41º05’W, 8– 15.X.2012, [armadilha] Malaise, C.O. Azevedo & eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; 46♂, Domingos Martins, Pico do Eldorado , 20º22’S 40º39’W, 26.XI–3.XII.2004, [armadilha] Malaise, [M.T.] Tavares & eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; 2♂, P[ar]q[ue] Est [adual da] Pedra Azul , 20º25’S 41º00’W, 26.VIII–2.IX.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise, C.O. Azevedo & eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; 4♂, Alfredo Chaves, Picadão , mata, 20º27’S 40º42’W, 8–15.X.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, C.O. Azevedo & eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Ibitirama, Parque Nacional do Caparaó , 20º29’S 41º43’W, 10– 14. III.2006, R. Kawada col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Brazil (Espírito Santo and São Paulo).


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo














Dissomphalus verrucosus Redighieri & Azevedo, 2004

Colombo, Wesley D. & Azevedo, Celso O. 2016

Dissomphalus verrucosus

Redighieri 2004: 330
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