Stachytarpheta Vahl, 1804

Cardoso, Pedro Henrique, Neto, Luiz Menini, Somavilla, Nádia Silvia & Trovó, Marcelo, 2022, A morphometric approach and recircumscription of the Stachytarpheta longispicata complex (Verbenaceae), European Journal of Taxonomy 833, pp. 12-45 : 25

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Stachytarpheta Vahl


Genus Stachytarpheta Vahl View in CoL

Key to the species of Stachytarpheta with pedicellate flowers

1. Pedicels longer than 2.4 mm; calyx externally lanuginose from base to apex ................................... ..................................................... S. longipedicellata (Moldenke) P.H.Cardoso comb. and stat. nov.

‒ Pedicels shorter than 2.4 mm; calyx externally tomentose from base to apex, or lanate or sericeous or tomentose-hirsutulous at base becoming strigose towards the apex ............................................ 2

2. Leaves adaxially strigillose; calyx tube narrow throughout, 1.98–2.9 mm wide, externally tomentose from base to apex ........................... S. brevibracteata (Moldenke) P.H.Cardoso comb. and stat. nov.

‒ Leaves adaxially strigose or sericeous; calyx tube narrow becoming broader towards the apex, 3.2– 7.13 mm wide, lanate or sericeous or tomentose-hirsutulous at base becoming strigose towards the apex ................................................................................................................................................... 3

3. Leaf-blades 8.15–15.88 mm long; adaxially sericeous, abaxially not foveolate (state of Minas Gerais) ................................................... S. minasensis (S.Atkins) P.H.Cardoso comb. and stat. nov.

‒ Leaf-blades 16.02–45.67 mm long; adaxially strigose, abaxially foveolate (states of Goiás and Distrito Federal) ............................................................................................................................................. 4

4. Leaves ovate, subrhomboid to subrotund, blades 16.02–33.42 × 13.3–27.2 mm, base cuneate to attenuate; pedicel tomentose-hirsutulous; calyx tomentose-hirsutulous at base ................................ ........................................................................................................... S. longispicata (Pohl) S.Atkins View in CoL

‒ Leaves fan-shaped or obovate, blades 19.32–45.67 × 24.96–48.52 mm, base truncate, rarely cuneate; pedicel densely sericeous; calyx sericeous at base ............................................................................. ....................................................................... S. ratteri (S.Atkins) P.H.Cardoso comb. and stat. nov.

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