Telenomus turesis Walker, 1836

Tortorici, Francesco, Orrù, Bianca, Timokhov, Alexander V., Bout, Alexandre, Bon, Marie-Claude, Tavella, Luciana & Talamas, Elijah J., 2024, Telenomus Haliday (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) parasitizing Pentatomidae (Hemiptera) in the Palearctic region, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97, pp. 591-620 : 591-620

publication ID 10.3897/jhr.97.127112

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Telenomus turesis Walker


Telenomus turesis Walker

Figs 5 View Figure 5 , 6 View Figure 6 , 7 View Figure 7 , 8 B, D, F View Figure 8 , 9 B, D, F View Figure 9

Telenomus Turesis Walker, 1836: 353 (original description).

Phanurus chloropus Thomson, 1861: 173 (original description).

Telenomus turesis Walker: Mayr 1879: 699, 705 (description, keyed). Fergusson 1984: 232 (lectotype designation); Mineo et al. 2010: 116 (synonymy, type information, new distribution record for Ireland); Johnson 1992: 617 (cataloged, type information); Timokhov 2019: 55 (cataloged); Gokhman and Timokhov 2020: 216 (karyotype).

Telenomus Sokolowi Mayr, 1897: 442 (original description); Johnson 1992: 579 (type information).

Telenomus Mayri Sokolov, 1904: 29 (original description).

Aphanurus Turesis (Walker): Kieffer 1912: 75 (description, generic transfer).

Prophanurus Sokolowi (Mayr): Kieffer 1912: 53, 60 (description, generic transfer)

Microphanurus turesis (Walker): Kieffer 1926: 92, 98 (description, generic transfer, keyed).

Telenomus chloropus (Thomson): Kieffer 1926: 25, 29 (description, keyed); Kozlov 1967: 361, 364, 371 (lectotype designation, keyed); Kozlov 1968: 216, 217 (description, keyed); Boldaruyev 1969: 161, 170 (description, keyed); Voegelé 1969: 148 (keyed); Kozlov 1978: 638, 643 (keyed); Johnson 1984 b: 39, 65 (description, keyed); Graham 1988 a: 86 (taxonomic status); Johnson 1992: 579 (cataloged, type information); Petrov 1994: 276 (keyed); Doğanlar 2001: 112 (description); O’Connor and Mineo 2009: 106 (distribution); Mineo et al. 2010: 116 (junior synonym of Telenomus turesis Walker, possible type information).

Telenomus sokolowi Mayr: Kieffer 1926: 25, 26, 34 (description, keyed).

Telenomus tischleri Nixon, 1939: 129 (original description); Kozlov 1967: 364 (junior synonym of Telenomus chloropus (Thomson )); Johnson 1992: 580 (type information).

Telenomus sokolovi Mayr: Meier 1940: 79, 80 (description, keyed); Rjachovskij 1959: 82 (keyed); Kozlov 1963: 295 (synonymy); Viktorov 1967: 91 (keyed); Kozlov 1967: 361, 364 (lectotype designation, junior synonym of Telenomus chloropus (Thomson )); Javahery 1968: 431, 434 (description, keyed).

Telenomus mayri Sokolov: Kozlov 1963: 295, 296 (junior synonoym of Telenomus sokolovi Mayr).

Trissolcus turesis (Walker): Fergusson 1978: 120 (generic transfer).

Telenomus (Telenomus) chloropus (Thomson): Kozlov and Kononova 1983: 140, 161 (keyed, description, subgeneric assignment); Kononova 1995: 100 (keyed); Kononova and Proshchalykin 2012: 135 (cataloged); Kononova 2014: 141, 142 (description, keyed).

Diagnostic characters.

Female. Head: dense setation on compound eyes (Figs 6 A View Figure 6 , 7 B View Figure 7 , 8 D View Figure 8 ); granulate sculpture on the vertex (Figs 5 C View Figure 5 , 6 B View Figure 6 , 8 D View Figure 8 ); occipital carina incomplete (Fig. 8 B View Figure 8 ); hyperoccipital carina directly behind the lateral ocelli weakly indicated (almost absent in smaller specimens) (Figs 5 C View Figure 5 , 6 B View Figure 6 , 8 D View Figure 8 ); outer orbital furrow narrow, (1–1.5 times as wide as an ommatidium) (Fig. 8 D View Figure 8 ); clypeal sensillum present below the line connecting the medial and lateral clypeal setae (Fig. 8 F View Figure 8 ).

Mesosoma: mesoscutal humeral sulcus (mshs) indicated by cells (Figs 6 B View Figure 6 , 9 B View Figure 9 ); metapleural carinain antero-dorsal area of metapleuron (pdms, between metapleural arm and propodeal spiracle) incomplete, irregular (Fig. 9 B View Figure 9 ); surface of the furrow between metanotal trough and metascutellar arm (mns) smooth (Fig. 9 B View Figure 9 ); macrosculpture of mesoscutum imbricate (Fig. 9 D View Figure 9 ). Fore wing postmarginal (pm) and stigmal (st) veins length ratio: pm: st = 1.9: 1 (n = 20) (Fig. 7 A View Figure 7 ). Hind femora yellow to pale brown (Figs 5 C View Figure 5 , 6 D View Figure 6 ).

Metasoma: first metasomal tergite with one or rarely two pairs of sublateral setae (ss) (Figs 6 C, D View Figure 6 , 9 F View Figure 9 ).

Male. Antennal length ratio A 3: A 2 = 2: 1 (n = 20), antennomeres A 6 – A 11 elongate, uniform in length (Fig. 7 C View Figure 7 ). Genitalia: basal ring ( BS) ratio: Length: Width = 7: 4; minimum distance between inner margin of laminae volsellares ( LV): wide; external margin of penis valve ( PV) more intensely sclerotized and parallel rods (Fig. 7 D View Figure 7 ). Other morphological characters as in female.

Biological information.

Host species associated: Table 2 View Table 2 . Three specimens ( DISAFA - FT HYM- 0667, HYM- 0666 - OQ 466110, and HYM- 0662 - OQ 466105) were found overwintering in November in the mines of P. viburni in Viburnum leaves.

DNA barcoding.

Barcode sequences were obtained from 46 specimens of Te. turesis . Pairwise distance values within species are shown in Suppl. material 3. The genetic distances between the insects identified as the same species were between 0.000 and 0.096 (mean 0.015 + / - 0.004).

The analysis of COI sequences discovered that Te. turesis includes samples KY 843528 View Materials ( Ashfaq et al. 2022); the specimens BIOUG 55155 - D 12, BIOUG 16220 - G 06, BIOUG 15112 - C 08, BIOUG 36831 - G 01, BIOUG 27850 - E 03, and KF 303516 View Materials ( Gariepy et al. 2014 a), previously identified as Te. chloropus , and the sample OK 562072 View Materials ( Ozdemir et al. 2022) (Suppl. material 1).


Suppl. material 2.

Material examined.

Suppl. material 4.


Catholic University of Leuven


Biodiversity Institute of Ontario














Telenomus turesis Walker

Tortorici, Francesco, Orrù, Bianca, Timokhov, Alexander V., Bout, Alexandre, Bon, Marie-Claude, Tavella, Luciana & Talamas, Elijah J. 2024


Kononova SV 2014: 141
Kononova SV & Proshchalykin MYu 2012: 135
Kononova SV 1995: 100
Kozlov MA & Kononova SV 1983: 140

Trissolcus turesis (Walker): Fergusson 1978: 120 (generic transfer).

Fergusson NDM 1978: 120

Telenomus mayri

Kozlov MA 1963: 295

Telenomus sokolovi

Javahery M 1968: 431
Viktorov GA 1967: 91
Kozlov MA 1967: 361
Kozlov MA 1963: 295
Rjachovskij VV 1959: 82
Meier NF 1940: 79

Telenomus tischleri

Johnson NF 1992: 580
Kozlov MA 1967: 364
Nixon GEJ 1939: 129

Microphanurus turesis (Walker): Kieffer 1926: 92 , 98 (description, generic transfer, keyed).

Kieffer JJ 1926: 92

Telenomus chloropus

Mineo G & O’Connor JP & Ashe P 2010: 116
O’Connor JP & Mineo G 2009: 106
Doğanlar M 2001: 112
Petrov S 1994: 276
Johnson NF 1992: 579
Kozlov MA 1978: 638
Boldaruyev VO 1969: 161
Voegelé J 1969: 148
Kozlov MA 1968: 216
Kozlov MA 1967: 361
Kieffer JJ 1926: 25
Johnson NF : 39
Graham MWR de V : 86

Telenomus sokolowi

Kieffer JJ 1926: 25

Aphanurus Turesis (Walker): Kieffer 1912: 75 (description, generic transfer).

Kieffer JJ 1912: 75

Prophanurus Sokolowi (Mayr): Kieffer 1912: 53 , 60 (description, generic transfer)

Kieffer JJ 1912: 53

Telenomus Mayri

Sokolov NN 1904: 29

Telenomus Sokolowi

Johnson NF 1992: 579
Mayr G 1897: 442

Telenomus turesis

Gokhman VE & Timokhov AV 2020: 216
Timokhov AV 2019: 55
Mineo G & O’Connor JP & Ashe P 2010: 116
Johnson NF 1992: 617
Fergusson NDM 1984: 232
Mayr G 1879: 699

Phanurus chloropus

Thomson CG 1861: 173

Telenomus Turesis

Walker F 1836: 353