Hishimonus concavus Knight

Dai, Wu, Fletcher, Murray J. & Zhang, Yalin, 2013, First records of the genus Hishimonus Ishihara from Thailand (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Opsiini) including description of three new species, Zootaxa 3670 (3), pp. 301-316 : 303-304

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3670.3.1

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scientific name

Hishimonus concavus Knight


Hishimonus concavus Knight View in CoL

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 A, 1D, 3A–F)

Hishimonus concavus Knight 1970a: 133 View in CoL . Holotype male (not examined), Philippines, Biliran Island, Baker (USNM)

Material examined: THAILAND: 1 male, 1 female, Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP, ecotone between mix deciduous and dipterocarp forest, 15o38.132’N 101o23.922’E, 698m, malaise trap 7–13.ii.2007, Katae Sa-nog & Buak aw Adnafai T1646; 2 females, same data as previous but Savannah/Tepa waterfall, 15o36.9’5N 101o25.63’E, 604m, 13–19.iv.2007, T5006; 2 females, Petchabun Khao Kho NP, Mix deciduous, 16o39.589’N 101o8.185’E, 168m, malaise trap 12–19.i.2007, Somchai Chachumnan & Saink Sington, T1395; 2 females, 2 females, same data as previous but 16o32,546’N 101o2.501’E, 560m, 12–19.xii.2006, T1183; 1 female, same data as previous but 16o39.572’N 8o8.194’E, 171m, 5–12.i.2007, T1391; 1 female, same data as previous but 16o39.479’N 101o8.195’E, 260m, 5–12.ii.2007, T1600; 1 female, same data as previous but 16o39.587’N 101o8.134’E, 220m, T1602; 1 female, same data as previous but 19–26.ii.2007, T1608; 1 female, Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP, dry evergreen forest at waterfall, 15o34.802’N 101o25.99’E, 430m, malaise trap 28.xi–4.xii.2006, Katae Sa-nog & Buak aw Adnafai T1041; 1 female, Chaiyaphum Tat Tone NP, near water tank, 15o58.426’N 101o2.24’E, 265m, malaise trap 19–26.ii.2007, Tawit Jaruphan & Orawan Budsawong, T1732; 2 females, Chaiyaphum Tat Tone NP Phu Hang Sing, 15o58.723’N 102o2.231’E, 290m, malaise trap 5–12.i.2007, Tawit Jaruphan & Orawan Budsawong, T1560; 1 female, Loei Phu Kradueng NP, Forest protection unit Loei 5 (Phaxbung), 16o50.54’N 101o41.863’E, 406m, malaise trap 7–13.ii.2007, Sutin Khonglasae, T1496 ( QSBG).

Description. Head, thorax and most of abdomen pale greenish yellow. Apex of abdomen mainly brown. Tegmen with extensive brown markings, darker around indistinct posterior patch, with median section anterior to posterior patch translucent whitish. Bases of hind tibia macrosetae black.

Male genitalia: Subgenital plates broadly rounded laterally at base then tapered to apical point bearing apical fingerlike process. Paramere with apical process almost straight, directed posteriorly, more or less parallel with apical process on other paramere. Aedeagus with shafts widely separated at base, curving dorsally with apex of each shaft recurved, shaft bearing flange on anterior margin in basal half.

Comments. Knight’s (1970a) original material comprised only two males and four females from two localities in the Philippines. The presence of numerous specimens from Thailand indicates that the species is more widespread in SE Asia. Knight (1970a) considered its affinities to be with H. arcuatus Knight from Sri Lanka which is similar in the structures of the aedeagus, connective and paramere but differs in having a short toothlike process rather than a lamellate expansion on each shaft. In both cases, these structures may be analogous to a basal process on each side which has become fused entirely with the shaft except apically.


















Hishimonus concavus Knight

Dai, Wu, Fletcher, Murray J. & Zhang, Yalin 2013

Hishimonus concavus

Knight 1970: 133
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