Turraea tsingycola Callm. & Nusb., 2024

Callmander, Martin W. & Nusbaumer, Louis, 2024, Descriptions of ten new species of Turraea L. (Meliaceae, Turraeeae) from Madagascar with notes on the species described by Buchenau, Adansonia (3) 46 (11), pp. 103-128 : 119-122

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5252/adansonia2024v46a11



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Turraea tsingycola Callm. & Nusb.

sp. nov.

Turraea tsingycola Callm. & Nusb. , sp. nov.

( Figs 10 View FIG ; 11A View FIG )

DIAGNOSIS. — Turraea tsingycola sp. nov. can be distinguished by its pauciflorous inflorescences with 1-2(-3) small white flowers (1.5-2.5 cm long), the absence of appendices on the distal part of the staminal tube, and its puberulous capsules.

TYPUS. — Madagascar • Melaky Region [Prov. Mahajanga], Tsingy de Bemaraha, north of the Manambolo river ; 19°09’S, 44°49’E; 50 m; 29.XI.1996; Jongkind, Andriantiana & Razanatsoa 3284 GoogleMaps (holo-, G [ G00404139 ]!; GoogleMaps iso-, BR [ BR0000005511259 ] image!, K!, MO [MO-3188638] image!, P [ P06709699 ]!, TAN, WAG [ WAG.1099824] image!) GoogleMaps .

PHENOLOGY. — Flowers in October, November, December, and February, fruits in December and January.

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. — The species appears to be endemic to the western dry deciduous forests mostly within the karstic limestones of Beanka and Bemaraha. The species is also known from two localities with fewer karstic areas. Turraea tsingycola sp. nov. grows at an altitude between 50 to 300 m.

ETYMOLOGY. — The epithet refers to the limestone geological formation called tsingy where most of the populations of the species have been collected.

CONSERVATION STATUS. — With its large geographical range, an EOO of 31702 km ², and an AOO of 56 km ², and fifteen localities, twelve of which are situated within a protected area network (Beanka, Bemaraha, and Complexe Tsimembo Manambolomaty), Turraea tsingycola sp. nov. is therefore preliminary assessed as “Least Concern” [LC] in accordance with IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ( IUCN 2012).

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — Madagascar • Melaky Region [Prov. Mahajunga], Beanka, partie centrale, Ambinda-Nord; 17°56’49”S, 44°28’37”E; 256 m; 9.II.2012; fr.; Bolliger et al. 194 ( G [ G00340417 ], K, MO, TEF) GoogleMaps Beanka, partie centrale, Ambinda-Nord; 17°56’46”S, 44°28’54”E; 272 m; 15.XI.2011; fl.; Gautier et al. 5617 ( G [ G00376048 ], K, MO, P [ P00800358 ], TEF) GoogleMaps Beanka, partie sud, Kinahango; 18°01’24”S, 44°30’33”E; 253 m; 19.XI.2011; Gautier et al. 5665 ( G [ G00376084 ], MO, P [ P00800356 ], TEF, WAG) GoogleMaps Beanka, sud de la Kimanambolo; 18°06’19”S, 44°34’48”E; 310 m; 5.XII.2012; fr.; Gautier et al. 5958 ( G [ G00377770 ], K, MO, P, TEF) GoogleMaps Beanka, partie nord, Ambabaky; 17°52’20”S, 44°29’18”E; 206 m; 25. I.2012; fr.; Hanitrarivo et al. 108 ( G [ G00376610 ], K, MO, P, TEF) GoogleMaps Beanka, partie nord, Ambabaky; 17°53’38”S, 44°29’16”E; 235 m; 26. I.2012; fl.; Hanitrarivo et al. 110 ( G [ G00376608 ], K, MO, P, TEF) GoogleMaps Beanka, partie centrale, Ambinda-Nord; 17°56’23”S, 44°28’05”E; 310 m; 6.II.2012; fr.; Hanitrarivo et al. 148 ( G [ G00376572 ], MO, P, TEF) GoogleMaps Tsingy de Bemaraha, rte Antsalova-Tsiandro, Berano, bordure W de la piste; 18°39’S, 44°44’E; 24.XI.1992; fl.; Labat et al. 2162 ( K, P [ P04670438 , P04670439 ], WAG [ WAG.1099835]) • GoogleMaps Andranoboka, nord de l’Antsingy; [18°24’S, 44°36’E]; 21.XI.1932; Leandri 539 ( G, MO, P [ P00263850 , P00263851 ], MO) GoogleMaps ibid. loco; 22-24.XI.1932; Leandri 544 ( P [ P04670432 , P04670435 ]) GoogleMaps Nord de la forêt d’Antsingy, clairières d’Amborokontsy; [17°58’13”S, 44°20’15”E]; 5.X.1932; Leandri 140 ( P [ P04670434 ]) GoogleMaps Beanka, partie nord, Andranovorimena; 17°51’16”S, 44°29’10”E; 16.XII.2011; fl.; Nusbaumer et al. 3148 ( G [ G00376219 ], K, MO, P, TEF) GoogleMaps Maintirano, Belitsaky, Antsakoabe, forêt d’Amboloando; 18°04’40”S, 44°31’45”E; 197 m; 10.X.2012; fl.; Rakotovao et al. 6100 ( G [ G00642056 ], MO, TAN) GoogleMaps Antsalova, Ouest Andranondahy, près de Berano; [18°39’S, 44°37’E]; 17.X.1966; fl.; Service Forestier 26117 ( G, P [ P04670436 ]) GoogleMaps ibid. loco; 24.X.1966; fl.; Service Forestier 26218 ( P [ P04670437 ]) GoogleMaps Manabe Region [Prov. Toliara], Sofia Region [Prov. Mahajunga], Ambondro-Ampasy, Analalava, Concession Loyseau; [15°01’S, 47°16’E]; 50 m; 29.X-3.XI.1958; fl.; Service Forestier 18858 ( G [ G00642057 ], K, MO, P [ P04670430 , P04670431 , P04670433 ], TAN) GoogleMaps .


Shrubs 2-4 m tall; twigs slender, young ones light brownish, pubescent. Leaves unifoliolate; leaf blade ovate, chartaceous, glabrous, primary veins puberulent abaxially on young leaves (2-)3.5-6(-7) × (1.5-)2-3(-3.5) cm, base obtuse, margin entire, sometimes undulate, rarely pinnatifid, apex acuminate, adaxial surface glossy green, abaxial surface pale green, domatia absent; primary vein slightly prominent on both surfaces; secondary veins and reticulum visible on both surfaces; petiole 2-5(-8) mm long, puberulous. Inflorescences pauciflorous, 1-2(-3) flowers. Flower buds enlarged and obtuse at the apex. Flowers 1.5-2.5 cm long; pedicel 5-8 mm long, puberulous. Calyx cupuliform, 1.5 × 2.5 mm, 5-lobed, each lobe with an apical tooth c. 0.5 mm long, puberulous outside, glabrous inside. Corolla white becoming yellowish of 5 spathulate petals, slightly longer than the staminal tube, 12-16 mm long, c. 1 mm wide at base, 2-2.2 mm wide in the proximal part, apex acute, glabrous. Staminal tube cylindrical, 9-10 × 0.6-0.8 mm long, enlarged at apex (1.2 mm wide), glabrous; appendices absent; anthers 10, subsessile, oblong, 10 × 0.2 mm, minutely mucronate; ovary ovoid to oblate, c. 1 mm in diam., glabrous, locules (4-)5, each with 2 collateral ovules; style exserted 6-7 mm, beyond the staminal tube c. 0.3 mm in diam. Receptaculum pollinis obovoid, 1.5 mm in diam.; stigma discoid, 0.7 × 1 mm. Fruit a capsule, globose ovoid, c. 10 mm diam., yellow-gray, dehiscing by 4-5 valves, puberulous; pericarp c. 0.1 mm thick; calyx persistent. Seeds centrally grouped, reniform, 5 × 2.5 mm; testa brownish, smooth; aril present.


The species has been identified with several unpublished names before its description above. The collection Labat et al. 2162 bears the unpublished name “ Turraea sakalavarum ” on labels, Service Forestier 18858 the name “ Turraea antonibeensis ” in Capuron’s hand and Service Forestier 26117 the name “ Turraea leandriana ” in Leroy’s hand. Finally, the name “ Turraea parviflora ” appears in the unpublished treatement by Leroy & Lescot.

Turraea tsingycola sp. nov. ressembles T. flagellata sp. nov. in its pauciflorous inflorescences with small white flowers but can be distinguished by its anthers minutely mucronate (vs bearing a long filiform tapering and twisted distal apicle) and the absence of appendices on the distal part of the staminal tube (vs presence of rudimentary appendices).


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Royal Botanic Gardens


Missouri Botanical Garden


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Parc de Tsimbazaza


Wageningen University


Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Developement Rural


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien













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