Rogneda polyrhabdota, AX, 1959

Artois, Tom J., 2008, Revision of Rogneda Uljanin, 1870 (Rhabditophora, Eukalyptorhynchia, Polycystididae) with the description of seven new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 153 (1), pp. 1-28 : 6

publication ID 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00384.x

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Rogneda polyrhabdota



The polyrhabdota -group consists of two species with a reticulate dorsal pigmentation: R. polyrhabdota ( Fig. 6A View Figure 6 ) and R. schaereri ( Figs 1A View Figure 1 , 6B View Figure 6 , 7D, E View Figure 7 ). They have a stylet B resembling that of the steueri-group (see further below). This stylet is almost twice as long in R. schaereri as in R. polyrhabdota . The proximal part of plate B2 is sturdier in R. polyrhabdota . Moreover, plate B2 is relatively smaller in R. polyrhabdota (± 40% of plate B1; ±50% in R. schaereri ). Stylet A in both R. polyrhabdota and R. schaereri consists of one plate only, which at first sight suggests a close relationship between the two species. However, in R. polyrhabdota it is clearly a plate A1, with the distal part serrated and a thickened area at about its midpoint, at the place where in other species plate A2 is attached. This is much less obvious in R. schaereri . Here stylet A is a simple plate, with a stronger proximal end, more resembling plate A2 of the species of the steueri- group. Therefore, the resemblance between the two species could as well be superficial and not represent a common descent.

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