Ljania Thor, 1898

Ao, Min, Yi, Tian-Ci & Guo, Jian-Jun, 2021, The first record of the water mite genus Ljania Thor, 1898 (Acari, Hydrachnidiae Aturidae) from China, with description of two new species, Zootaxa 4970 (2), pp. 391-398 : 392

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4970.2.11

publication LSID




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scientific name

Ljania Thor, 1898


Genus Ljania Thor, 1898

Diagnosis. After Smit & Pešić (2014): Idiosoma with complete dorsal and ventral shield; dorsal furrow with one pair of lateroglandularia in shallow lateral indentations of the dorsal shield; three pairs of genital acetabula, Ac plates fused with the ventral shield in males but separate in females ( Figs. 1B View FIGURE 1 , 2B View FIGURE 2 , 3B View FIGURE 3 ); a prominent ridge present on each side extending anterolaterally from insertions of IV-L; Posterolateral suture lines of Cx-IV maybe complete or completely absent; palp without projections or heavy ventral setae; Legs without sexual dimorphism, I-L obviously longer than II-L.

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