Convolvulus stachydifolius var. stachydifolius

Wood, John R. I., Williams, Bethany R. M., Mitchell, Thomas C., Carine, Mark A., Harris, David J. & Scotland, Robert W., 2015, A foundation monograph of Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae), PhytoKeys 51, pp. 1-282 : 59

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scientific name

Convolvulus stachydifolius var. stachydifolius


14a. Convolvulus stachydifolius var. stachydifolius Figure 4, t. 24-32.

Convolvulus quadriflorus Hochst., in J.A.Lorent, Wanderungen 335.1845. ( Lorent 1845: 335). Type. Bir, Lorent s.n. (?B†).

Distinguishing features.

Indumentum of leaves and stem puberulent to pubescent; corolla 2.5-3.5 cm long.


Eastern Mediterranean region east to Iran, growing as a weed, often in fallow fields: Turkey (Davis 42295, Davis & Hedge 28188); Iran (Wright & Bent 519-103, Koelz 14798, Bélanger 431); Iraq (Guest 1376, 1467, Rawi et al. 28127, Bornmüller 1529); Syria (Dinsmore 3651, Gaillardot 2059, Barkoudah 1262); Lebanon (Breidy et al. LEB-409); Palestine/Israel (Dinsmore 7651); Jordan (Dinsmore 10620); Egypt.