Lepanus ustulatus ( Lansberge, 1874 )

Gunter, Nicole L. & Weir, Thomas A., 2021, Revision of Australian species of the dung beetle genus Lepanus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): review of the L. ustulatus, L. storeyi, and L. nitidus species groups and description of eight new species, Zootaxa 4923 (1), pp. 1-66 : 12-19

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scientific name

Lepanus ustulatus ( Lansberge, 1874 )


Lepanus ustulatus ( Lansberge, 1874) View in CoL

( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 A–B, D–E; 3E; 4E; 5E; 6A–B)

Epilissus ustulatus Lansberge, 1874: 7 View in CoL ; Masters 1886: 10; Gillet 1911: 39; 1925: 5; Paulian 1934: 282.

Panelus ustulatus: Lea 1923: 361 .

Lepanus ustulatus: Matthews 1974: 104 View in CoL .

Type material digitally examined. Lectotype: “Wide Bay” (handwritten) / “Ex-Musaeo VAN LANSBERGE” (printed) / “MUSÉUM PARIS 1952 COLL. R. OBERTHÜR” (printed) / “ LECTOTYPE ” / “ Lepanus ustulatus (Lansberge) . LECTOTYPE, Y. CAMBEFORT det. 1981” (hand written) / “ MNHN EC8675” (printed); Paralectotypes: “Ex-Musaeo VAN LANSBERGE” (printed) / “R. PAULIAN Vidit” (printed)/ “MUSÉUM PARIS 1952 coll. R. OBERTHÜR” (printed) / “ PARALECTOTYPE ” / “ PARALECTOTYPE Lepanus ustulatus ( Lansberge 1874) ” (printed) / “ MNHN EC8676” (printed); “Ex-Musaeo VAN LANSBERGE” (printed) / “R. PAULIAN Vidit” (printed)/ “MUSÉUM PARIS 1952 coll. R. OBERTHÜR” (printed) / “ PARALECTOTYPE ” / “ PARALECTOTYPE Lepanus ustulatus ( Lansberge 1874) ” (printed) / “ MNHN EC8677” (printed); “Ex-Musaeo VAN LANSBERGE” (printed) / “R. PAULIAN Vidit” (printed)/ “MUSÉUM PARIS 1952 coll. R. OBERTHÜR” (printed) / “ PARALECTOTYPE ” / “ PARALECTOTYPE Lepanus ustulatus ( Lansberge 1874) ” (printed) / “ MNHN EC8678” (printed); “Brisbane” (handwritten) / “Ex-Musaeo VAN LANSBERGE” (printed) / “R. PAULIAN Vidit” (printed)/ “MUSÉUM PARIS 1952 coll. R. OBERTHÜR” (printed) / “ PARALECTOTYPE ” / “ PARALECTOTYPE Lepanus ustulatus ( Lansberge 1874) ” (printed) / “ MNHN EC8679” (printed).

Other material examined. 1407 other specimens from over 200 unique localities.

Queensland: Mount Beecher , 0.5 km NW, 23°54’58”S, 151°10’53”E, 27.ix–15.xii.1999 (T105335 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Eurimbula Creek via Round Hill Head , [24°12’00”S 151°46’48”E], 2–5.v.1975, R.I. Storey, (25-058453 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bulburin Barracks, 600 m, via Builyan [24°31’39”S, 151°28’01”E], 18.ix–2.xii.1989 (T80281– T80303 23 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bulburin Barracks, 600 m, via Builyan [24°31’39”S, 151°28’01”E], 2.xii.1989 – 16.i.1990 (T80304–T80319 16 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bulburin Barracks, 600 m, via Builyan , [24°31’39”S, 151°28’01”E], 7–9.x.1999 (T89647–T89648 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bulburin State Forest , [24°32’00”S 151°23’00”E], 8.xii.1972, R.I. Storey, (25-058565 specimens in QDPC) GoogleMaps ; Bulburin National Park , 24°31’26”S, 151°28’08”E, 570 m, 11–12.iv.2012, G.B. Monteith, (25-053941 2 specimens in ANIC, 25-053942 4 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Bulburin State Forest , [24°35’00”S 151°35’00”E], 12–14.iv.1974, B.P. Moore, (25-058331 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Mount Fort William, via Kalpowar [24°39’06”S, 151°20’24”E], 18.i.1990 (T50268–T50270,T80268– T80270 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Fort William, via Kalpowar [24°39’06”S, 151°20’24”E], 2.xii.1989 – 16.i.1990 (T50271, T80271 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Hurdle Gully , 10.8 km WSW Monto, 24°54’02”S, 151°01’10”E, 20–21.xii.1997 (T85382 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Forest Station, Bulburin State Forest, via Many Peaks , [24°32’00”S, 151°23’00”E], 200m, 2– 5.iv.1972, S.R. Monteith, (25-058446 13 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Ventor Tableland, 21km ESE Monto, Site 1, 24°53’35”S, 151°19’59”E, 475 m, 1.x.2013 – 5.xii.2013, G.B. Monteith, (25-057705 15 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; One Tree Hill , 1 km SE, 25°17’46”S, 151°54’36”E, 22–26.i.2001 (T105674–T105676 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; One Tree Hill , 1.6km ENE, 25°17’05”S, 151°55’10”E, 14.xii.1999 – 19.iii.2000 (T95331 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Yidney Scrub, Fraser Island , [25°19’00”S, 153°11’00”E], 1–4.xii.1975, G. Thompson & J.A. Slater, (25-058450 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Fraser Island, Garawongera Lake , 25°19’54”S, 153°09’14”E, 1–30.xi.1992 (T80343 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Woowoonga , 1.4 km SW, 25°26’28”S, 152°05’55”E, 21–22.i.2001 (T105673 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Woowoonga , 1.4 km SW, 25°26’28”S, 152°05’55”E, 20–23.iii.2001 (T105315–T105321 7 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Fairlies Knob , 0.5 km SE, 25°30’32”S, 152°17’22”E, 20.xii.2000 – 23.iii.2001 (T105685 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Fairlies Knob , 0.5 km SE, 25°30’32”S, 152°17’22”E, 20.x–20.xii.2000 (T105694–T105696 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Wetheron , 3.5 km SW, 25°34’01”S, 151°41’13”E, 19.xii.1998 – 27.i.1999 (T85224 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Teddington Weir , 25°39’11”S, 152°40’08”E, 30 m, 4–5.i.2012, G.B. Monteith, (25-053880 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Tinana Creek , 25°45’07”S, 152°41’38”E, 35 m, 6–7.xii.2011, G.B. Monteith, (25-053885 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Tallegalla Weir Junction , 25°45’25”S, 152°41’49”E, 35 m, 6–7.xii.2011, G.B. Monteith, (25-053886 3 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Stockhaven , 3 km SE, 25°48’03”S, 151°59’05”E, 10.x–19.xii.1998 (T85323–T85324 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Yarraman, Cooyar Range , 26°52’08”S, 151°54’10”E, 7.i–2.iii.1992, (T78237–T78242 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Yarraman, Cooyar Range , 26°52’08”S, 151°54’10”E, 2.iii–12.iv.1992 (T78243–T78244 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Yarraman, Cooyar Range , 26°52’08”S, 151°54’10”E, 1.xii.1991 – 7.i.1992 (T78245 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooloola, Womalah State Forest , 25°56’58”S, 153°05’31”E, 30.xi.1991 – 8.i.1992 (T78039–T78053 15 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooloola, Womalah State Forest , 25°56’58”S, 153°05’31”E, 8.i–3.iii.1992 (T78076–T78081 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooloola, Womalah State Forest , 25°56’58”S, 153°05’31”E, 3.iii–21.iv.1992 (T78082–T78098 17 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooloola, Womalah State Forest , 25°56’58”S, 153°05’31”E, 30.xi.1991 – 8.i.1992 (T78099–T78110 12 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooloola 3, 25°57’04”S, 153°06’43”E, 3.iii–21.iv.1992 (T78054–T78068 15 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooloola 3, 25°57’04”S, 153°06’43”E, 30.xi.1991 – 8.i.1992 (T78069–T78074 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bymien, Cooloola , 25°57’14”S, 153°06’18”E, 150 m, 3–4.ii.2013, G.B. Monteith, (25-057693 2 specimens, 25-057694, 25-057695 3 specimens, 25-057698 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Freshwater Road, Cooloola , [25°58’00”S, 153°09’00”E], 9.xi.1974, G.B. Monteith, (25-058462 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooloola, via Gympie , [25°58’00”S, 153°09’00”E], 25–27.iv.1975, R.I. Storey, (25-058448 7 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Gunalda 3.6 km NE, [25°58’00”S 152°35’00”E], 140 m, 21–26.i.2001, D.J. Cook, (25-060844 2 specimens also as COL582, COL 583 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Gunalda , 3.6 km NE, 25°58’26”S, 152°35’07”E, 18–21.xii.2007 (T154645–T154650 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Gunalda , 3.6 km NE, 25°58’26”S, 152°35’07”E, 15–17.ii.2008 (T154651 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Gunalda , 3.6 km NE, 25°58’26”S, 152°35’07”E, 21– 26.i.2001 (T105677–T105678 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; 2 km SE of Camp Milo, Cooloola National Park , [26°00’00”S, 153°05’00”E], 17–18.iv.1982, A. Calder, (25-057974 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Mudlo National Park , top, [26°00’40”S 152°13’52”E], 320 m, 20–21.xii.2011, G.B. Monteith, (25-053882 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Mudlo Gap , top site, 26°00’48”S, 152°13’46”E, 25.i–7.vi.1999 (T95330, T85211– T85213 View Materials 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mudlo Gap , top site, 26°00’48”S, 152°13’46”E, 17.xii.1998 – 25.i.1999 (T85214–T85215 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mudlo Gap , top site, 26°00’48”S, 152°13’46”E, 9.x–17.xii.1998 (T85216 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mudlo Gap , bottom site, 26°01’27”S, 152°13’57”E, 17.xii.1998 – 25.i.1999 (T85209–T85210 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mudlo Gap , bottom site, 26°01’27”S, 152°13’57”E, 9.x–17.xii.1998 (T85217–T85221 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mudlo Gap , bottom site, 26°01’27”S, 152°13’57”E, 25.i.1999 (T85222 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mudlo Gap , bottom site, 26°01’27”S, 152°13’57”E, 25.i– 7.vi.1999 (T85223 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Oakview State Forest , barracks, 26°06’47”S, 152°19’36”E, 15–16.i.2002 (T122782 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Nangur State Forest , 1st site, 26°07’45”S, 151°58’15”E, 24.xi.1995 – 3.ii.1996 (T78290–T85397 8 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Nangur State Forest , 2nd site, 26°07’55”S, 151°58’43”E, 24.xi.1995 – 3.ii.1996 (T78296–T85398 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Jack Smith Environmental Park on Boat Mountain , 26°09’17”S, 151°54’34”E, 15.xii.1994 – 26.i.1995 (T80226–T80227 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Oakview State Forest , summit, 26°09’40”S, 152°19’43”E, 15.i–27.v.2002 (T111420–T111429 10 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Oakview State Forest , summit, 26°09’40”S, 152°19’43”E, 25.ix.2001 – 15.i.2002 (T116837–T116846 10 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Oakview State Forest , 26°08’32”S, 152°20’12”E, 12.xii.1997 – 26.iv.1998 (T85311–T85315 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Gympie , 11 km ESE, 26°14’24”S, 152°45’36”E, 1.i–28.ii.2002 (T111395 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Marys Creek, Gympie , 26°15’44”S, 152°32’40”E, 1974–1975 (T105313 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooran Tableland , BS68, 26°15’49”S, 152°49’43”E, 16.i– 27.v.2002 (T111401–T111406 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooran Tableland , 26°16’25”S, 152°50’05”E, 30.xi.1991 – 8.i.1992 (T77869–T77911 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooran Tableland , 26°16’25”S, 152°50’05”E, 8.i–2.iii.1992 (T77912–T77952 41 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooran Tableland , 26°16’25”S, 152°50’05”E, 2.iii–17.iv.1992 (T77953– T77969 17 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooran Barracks , 0.5 km N, 26°17’01”S, 152°49’57”E, 16.i–27.v.2002 (T111396– T111400 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooran Barracks , 0.5 km N, 26°17’01”S, 152°49’57”E, 25.ix.2001 – 16.i.2002 (T116859 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cooran Plateau, 1300 feet via Gympie , [26°21’00”S, 152°47’00”E], 396 m, 3.x– 3.xi.1973, R.I. Storey, (CMNEN-00030167 specimens in CMNC) GoogleMaps ; Cooran Plateau via Gympie , [26°21’00”S, 152°47’00”E], 1300 m, 10–11.iii.1973, R.I. Storey, (25-058447 20 specimens in QM, 25-058564 2 specimens in QDPC) GoogleMaps ; Amamoor Creek , 26°23’55”S, 152°36’00”E, 15.i–27.v.2002 (T111410–T111417 8 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Amamoor Creek , 26°23’55”S, 152°36’00”E, 24.ix.2001 – 15.i.2002 (T116847–T116851 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Kandanga , 26°27’07”S, 152°34’40”E, 15.i–27.v.2002 (T111418–T111419 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Kandanga , summit, 26°27’07”S, 152°34’40”E, 24.ix.2001 – 15.i.2002 (T116852 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Dwyer Creek, Imbil , 26°27’53”S, 152°38’09”E, 15.i–27.v.2002 (T111407–T111409 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Dwyer Creek, Imbil , 26°27’53”S, 152°38’09”E, 24.ix.2001 – 15.i.2002 (T116871–T116876 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Perry’s Knob , 4 km NNE Rosewood, 27°36’11”S, 152°36’17”E, 11.xi.1998 – 13.i.1999 (T85290 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Perry’s Knob , 4 km NNE Rosewood, 27°36’11”S, 152°36’17”E, 13.i–16.v.1999 (T85291–T85309 19 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; 1 mi N Nambour , [26°37’08”S, 152°58’00”E], 27.v–2.vi.1975, R.I. Storey (25-058452 7 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Little Yabba Creek , 26°37’22”S, 152°41’26”E, 2.iii–12.iv.1992 (T77845–T77855 11 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Little Yabba Creek , 26°37’22”S, 152°41’26”E, 7.i.1992 – 2.iii.1992 (T77856–T77863 8 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Little Yabba Creek , 26°37’22”S, 152°41’26”E, 30.xi.1991 – 7.i.1992 (T77864–T77868 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mapleton Falls National Park , 26°37’49”S, 152°50’21”E, 8.i–03.iii.1992 (T78298–T78316 17 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mapleton Falls National Park , 26°37’49”S, 152°50’21”E, 30.xi.1991 – 8.i.1992 (T78317 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mapleton Falls National Park , 26°37’49”S, 152°50’21”E, 3.iii–17.iv.1992 (T80131–T80147 17 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Jimna , 26°38’37”S, 152°27’12”E, 29.xi.1991 – 7.i.1992 (T78142–T78147 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Jimna , 26°38’37”S, 152°27’12”E, 7.i– 02.iii.1992 (T78148–T78156 9 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Jimna , 26°38’37”S, 152°27’12”E, 02.iii–12.iv.1992 (T78157– T78184 28 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; 20 km NW Maleny, Booloumba Creek , [26°38’44”S, 152°39’03”E], 150 m, 26– 29.iii.1993, C. Carlton, (CMNEN-00030170 1 specimen in CMNC) GoogleMaps ; Tungi Creek, Jimna , 26°38’57”S, 152°28’21”E, 18.xii.1996 – 20.i.1997 (T78185–T78188 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tungi Creek, Jimna , 26°38’57”S, 152°28’21”E, 20.i–9.iii.1997 (T78189 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tungi Creek, Jimna , 26°38’57”S, 152°28’21”E, 9.iii–15.v.1997 (T78190–T78196 7 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Booloumba Creek , 26°39’09”S, 15802602 °38’32”E, 29.xi.1991 – 8.i.1992 (T77757–T77778 22 specimens in QM) ; Booloumba Creek , 26°39’09”S, 152°38’32”E, 8.i–2.iii.1992 (T77779– T77806 28 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Booloumba Creek , 26°39’09”S, 152°38’32”E, 2.iii–12.iv.1992 (T77807–T77826 20 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Sunday Creek, Conondale Range 26°42’39”S, 152°33’49”E, 7.i–2.iii.1992 (T80176 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Sunday Creek, Conondale Range , 26°42’39”S, 152°33’49”E, 29.xi.1991 – 7.i.1992 (T80177 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mary Cairncross Park , 26°46’52”S, 152°52’56”E, 29.xi.1991 – 8.i.1992 (T80251–T80259 9 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mary Cairncross Park , 26°46’52”S, 152°52’56”E, 8.i–3.iii.1992 (T80260–T80261 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mary Cairncross Park , 26°46’52”S, 152°52’56”E, 3.iii–12.iv.1992 (T80262–T80263 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Dularcha National Park , 26°47’41”S, 152°58’04”E, 1–3.iv.2004 (T122767 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Landsborough , 2.5 km NE, 26°47’31”S, 152°58’40”E, 25–27.iii.2004 (T122762–T122766 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Yarraman , 2.2 km SE, 26°51’35”S, 151°59’36”E, 14–15.i.1998 (T78203 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Yarraman , 26°51’38”S, 152°00’34”E, 2.iii– 12.iv.1992 (T78246–T78248 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Yarraman , 26°51’38”S, 152°00’34”E, 7.i–2.iii.1992 (T78249 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Saddle Tree Creek , 26°51’37”S, 151°38’06”E, 1.iii–12.iv.1992 (T80248–T80250 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mellum Creek Bridge, 26°51’51”S, 153°01’02”E, 22.ii–14.iii.2008 (T156697 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Saddle Tree Creek, Bunya Mountains , 26°52’09”S, 151°37’26”E, 1.i.1975 – 31.xii.1976 (T105312 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Top of Blackbutt Range , 26°52’38”S, 152°11’32”E, 24.xi.1995 – 3.ii.1996 (T116877, T85400 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Blackbutt Range, 6 mi E of Blackbutt, [26°53’00”S, 152°11’00”E], 22–23.xii.1973, R.I. Storey, (25-058451 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Neurum Creek Conservation Park, 26°58’20”S, 152°40’54”E, 25–27.iii.2004 (T122761 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Brisbane, Forest Park, Scrub Creek Road, [27°01’00”S 152°26’00”E], 18.ix–29.x.1998, P. Bouchard, (25-058458 17 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Glorious , [27°20’00”S, 152°46’00”E], 630 m, 14.xi.1986 – 30.i.1987, T. Hiller, (25-057981 5 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Mount Glorious , [27°20’00”S, 152°46’00”E], 13–20.iv.1975, R.I. Storey, (25-058449 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Glorious , [27°20’00”S, 152°46’00”E], 10.x.1999, P. Bouchard, K. Evans, & J. Skevington (25-058464 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Delaney , 0.9 km SSW, 27°01’14”S, 152°41’58”E, 10–11.ii.2001 (T105679 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Mee , 27°02’53”S, 152°40’49”E, 29.xi.1991 – 8.i.1992 (T80148– T80153 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Mee , 27°02’53”S, 152°40’49”E, 3.iii–12.iv.1992 (T80154 –T80164 11 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Mee , 27°02’53”S, 152°40’49”E, 8.i–3.iii.1992 (T80165–T80175 11 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Deongwar , 2 km SE, 27°12’53”S, 152°16’45”E, 14.x–31.xii.1998 (T85322 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Deongwar, 3 km S, Site 2, 27°13’49”S, 152°15’25”E, 30.xii.1998 – 26.iii.1999 (T85316–T85321 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Glorious , barracks, 27°19’54”S, 152°45’12”E, 16–28.iv.2007 (T148364–T148365 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Glorious , 27°20’20”S, 152°45’30”E, 1.i–31.iii.1982 (T78255–T78256 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Stony Creek, via Samford , 27°20’20”S, 152°47’52”E, 22.x.1994 – 2.ii.1995 (T78215–T78232 18 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Stony Creek, via Samford , 27°20’20”S, 152°47’52”E, 2.ii–8.iv.1995 (T78233–T78236, T87587 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cashs Crossing , [27°21’00”S, 152°58’00”E], 16.iii.1959, A. Diatloff, (25-058457 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Ravensbourne National Park , 27°22’09”S, 152°10’44”E, 1.iii–11.iv.1992 (T77829–T77835 7 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Ravensbourne National Park , 27°22’09”S, 152°10’44”E, 7.i–1.iii.1992 (T77836–T77844 9 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Boombana National Park , site 1, 27°24’08”S, 152°47’22”E, 15–16.ii.2004 (T122060–T122062 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 8, 27°26’37”S, 152°54’14”E, 15.iii–18.v.2000 (T105338 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 2, 27°26’28”S, 152°55’16”E, 27.i–15.iii.2000 (T105339 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 2, 27°26’28”S, 152°55’16”E, 16.x–21.xii.1999 (T105322–T105323 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 3, 27°26’44”S, 152°55’19”E, 16.x–21.xii.1999 (T105324–T105326 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 3, 27°26’44”S, 152°55’19”E, 27.i–15.iii.2000 (T105331–T105332 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 3, 27°26’44”S, 152°55’19”E, 10.xi.1999 (T118119–T118120 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 5, 27°26’44”S, 152°55’19”E, 16.x–21.xii.1999 (T105327–T105328 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 5, 27°26’44”S, 152°55’19”E, 21.xii.1999 – 27.i.2000 (T105329 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 5, 27°26’44”S, 152°55’19”E, 15.iii–18.v.2000 (T105337 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 1, 27°26’31”S, 152°55’27”E, 27.i–15.iii.2000 (T105330 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Enoggera Reservoir , site 1, 27°26’31”S, 152°55’27”E, 15.iii–18.v.2000 (T105336 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Jones Road, Brookfield , 27°28’08”S, 152°54’40”E, 12–13.ii.2011, G.B. Monteith, (25-053874–25-05376 3 specimens also as COL1673, COL1674, COL 1675 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Upper Brookfield Road , 27°28’21”S, 152°50’06”E, 12–13.ii.2011, G.B. Monteith, (25-053873, also as COL71672 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Slaughter Falls , 27°28’44”S, 152°57’34”E, 6–7.ii.2001 (T105680–T105684 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Upper Brookfield Road, Brisbane , [27°29’00”S, 152°52’00”E], 22.ix–4.x.1975, R.I. Storey, (25-058459 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Upper Brookfield Road, Brisbane , [27°29’00”S, 152°52’00”E], 24.viii–7.ix.1975, R.I. Storey, (25-058460 7 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Coot–tha , [27°29’00”S, 152°57’00”E], 15–20.iii.1971, G.B. Monteith, (25-058456 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Moggill Creek Brisbane, 27°30’25”S, 152°55’52”E, 22–23.i.2011, G.B. Monteith, (25-060829 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; The Knobby , 4 km W Glamorgan Vale, 27°30’27”S, 152°35’18”E, 13.i–16.v.1999 (T85310 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cameron’s Scrub , 27°30’32”S, 152°43’48”E, 75 m, 30.iv–1.v.2012, G.B. Monteith, (25-057576 2 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Cameron’s Scrub , top ridge, 27°30’29”S, 152°43’54”E, 13.i–16.v.1999 (T85231–T85234 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cameron’s Scrub , gully, 27°30’35”S, 152°43’54”E, 13.i–16.v.1999 (T85235–T85259 25 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cameron’s Scrub , gully, 27°30’35”S, 152°43’54”E, 11.xi.1998 – 13.i.1999 (T85260–T85286 27 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cameron’s Scrub, Snig track, 27°30’49”S, 152°43’43”E, 13.i–16.v.1999 (T85225–T85230 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Cameron’s Scrub, Snig track, 27°30’49”S, 152°43’43”E, 11.xi.1998 – 13.i.1999 (T85287–T85289 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Belmont Hill , top, 27°30’48”S, 153°06’59”E, 12.xii.1997 – 7.v.1998 (T78197–T78199, T89630–T89646 20 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Belmont Hills Bushlands , 27°30’47”S, 153°07’05”E, 25–27.ii.2004 (T122063 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Belmont Hill , gully, 27°30’44”S, 153°07’06”E, 12.xii.1997 – 7.v.1998 (T85325-T85338 14 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Pine Mountain (Flinton Hill in QM) , 27°31’23”S, 152°44’45”E, 1975–1976 (T78257–T78258 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Redwood Park, Toowoomba , [27°35’00”S 151°59’00”E], 8.xi.1988, E.S. Nielsen & M. Horak, (25-057983 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Buhot Creek, Burbank , 27°35’27”S, 153°10’19”E, 6.xi.2003 (T122059 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Cotton , 27°36’58”S, 153°12’21”E, 3.ix–12.xii.1997 (T78205–T78209 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Cotton, Scott’s Dam , 27°36’58”S, 153°12’21”E, 12.xii.1997 – 7.v.1998 (T85374–T85381 8 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Cotton , upper gully, 27°36’58”S, 153°12’32”E, 12.xii.1997 – 7.v.1998 (T78200–T78202, T85356–T785373 21 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Perry’s Knob , 27°36’00”S, 152°36E, 13.i–16.v.1999 (T98837 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bahr’s Scrub , 27°45’31”S, 153°10’06”E, 21.i–9.iii.1992 (T77622–T77647 26 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bahr’s Scrub , 27°45’31”S, 153°10’06”E, 10.xii.1991 – 21.i.1992 (T77648– T77670 23 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bahr’s Scrub , 27°45’31”S, 153°10’06”E, 9.iii–30.iv.1992 (T77671–T77682 12 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bahr’s Scrub , 27°45’31”S, 153°10’06”E, 10.xii.1991 – 21.i.1992 (T77706–T77726 27 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bahr’s Scrub , 27°45’31”S, 153°10’06”E, 21.i–9.iii.1992 (T77727–T77729 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Tamborine National Park , [27°53’11”S, 153°10’51”E], 24.vi–6.vii.1978, S. Peck & J. Peck (CMNEN- 00030168 1 specimen in CMNC) GoogleMaps ; Tamborine Mountain (general), [27°55’00”S, 153°10’00”E], 7.xii.1967, E. Matthews, (25-057973 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Tamborine Mountain (general), [27°55’00”S, 153°10’00”E], 26.xii.1972, R.I. Storey, (25-058455 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Palm Grove, Tamborine [Tamborine Mountain], [27°55’00”S, 153°10’00”E], 28.ix–12.x.1975, R.I. Storey, (25-058461 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; North Tamborine , 27°55’13”S, 153°11’50”E, 9.iii–25.iv.1992 (T105311 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; North Tamborine , 27°55’13”S, 153°11’50”E, 11.i– 9.iii.1992 (T78259–T78277 19 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; North Tamborine , 27°55’13”S, 153°11’50”E, 9.iii–25.iv.1992 (T78278–T78289 12 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tamborine, Guanaba shelf, 27°55’19”S, 153°13’14”E, 1.xii.1992 – 31.i.1993 (T80345–T80346 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount French National Park , 28°00’07”S, 152°37’00”E, 2.xii.1991 – 6.i.1992 (T80237–T80240 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount French National Park , 28°00’07”S, 152°37’00”E, 6.i–29.ii.1992 (T80241–T80244 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount French National Park , 28°00’07”S, 152°37’00”E, 29.ii–11.iv.1992 (T80245–T80247 3 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Glen Witheren , main scrub, 28°02’48”S, 153°07’12”E, 30.xii.1991 – 24.v.1992 (T80187–T80195 9 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Glen Witheren , main scrub, 28°02’48”S, 153°07’12”E, 1.ii– 30.iv.1991 (T80209–T80210 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Glen Witheren , shelf scrub, 28°02’58”S, 153°06’58”E, 30.x– 30.xii.1991 (T80196–T80208 13 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Burleigh Headland National Park , 28°05’45”S, 153°27’25”E, 1.i–4.iii.1992 (T77683–T77695, T77741–T77742 15 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Burleigh Headland National Park , 28°05’45”S, 153°27’25”E, 9.xii.1991 – 1.i.1992 (T77696–T77705 10 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Burleigh Headland National Park , 28°05’45”S, 153°27’25”E, 4.iii–2.iv.1992 (T77743–T77756 14 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Black Rock Scrub , 28°07’32”S, 152°39’48”E, 2.xii.2000 – 13.v.2001 (T105663–T105672, T106763–T106764 12 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Black Rock Scrub , 28°07’32”S, 152°39’48”E, 6.x–3.xii.2000 (T105686–T105693 8 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Black Rock Scrub , 28°07’32”S, 152°39’48”E, 2.xii.2000 – 13.v.2001 (T105341–T105342 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Black Rock Scrub , 28°07’32”S, 152°39’48”E, 6.x–3.xii.2000 (T105333–T105334 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Environment Centre, Numinbah Valley , 28°07’24”S, 153°14’10”E, 1978–1979 (T105314 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bonogin Road , 0.5 km W Smith Road, 28°07’50”S, 153°21’11”E, 3–7.iii.2008 (T156691–T156692 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Smith Road , gully rainforest, 28°08’47”S, 153°21’36”E, 3–7.iii.2008 (T156693–T156696 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–D, 28°08’31.2”S, 153°07’58.8”E, 13–23.i.2007 (T145225 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–D, 28°08’31.2”S, 153°07’58.8”E, 16–26.x.2006 (T145229, T145234 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–D, 28°08’31.2”S, 153°07’58.8”E, 21–26.x.2006 (T145238 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–D, 28°08’31.2”S, 153°07’58.8”E, 18–23.i.2007 (T145243 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–A, 28°08’52.8”S, 153°08’13.2”E, 13–23.i.2007 (T145222 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–A, 28°08’52.8”S, 153°08’13.2”E, 16–26.x.2006 (T145232 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–C, 28°09’3.6”S, 153°08’16.8”E, 13–23.i.2007 (T145224 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–C, 28°09’3.6”S, 153°08’16.8”E, 16–26.x.2006 (T145231 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–C, 28°09’3.6”S, 153°08’16.8”E, 13–18.i.2007 (T145240 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–C, 28°09’3.6”S, 153°08’16.8”E, 18–23.i.2007 (T145242 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Beechmont Road , 28°09’22”S, 153°11’42”E, 580 m, 29.ii.2012 –iii, 2012, G.B. Monteith, (25-053910 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Springbrook , north end, 28°09’47”S, 153°15’42”E, 30.viii–31.x.1997 (T78204 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–B, 28°09’18”S, 153°08’20.4”E 13–23.i.2007 (T145223 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–B, 28°09’18”S, 153°08’20.4”E 16–26.x.2006 (T145230–T145235 6 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–B, 28°09’18”S, 153°08’20.4”E 21–26.x.2006 (T145237 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–B, 28°09’18”S, 153°08’20.4”E 13–18.i.2007 (T145239 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–300–B, 28°09’18”S, 153°08’20.4”E, 18–23.i.2007 (T145241 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Gwinganna , 6 km SW by S of Tallebudgera, 28°11’00”S, 153°23’00”E, 18–23.iv.1994, D. Rentz, W. Lee & M. Upton, (25-057982 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Nichol’s Scrub , 28°11’26”S, 153°25’33”E, 1.i–4.iii.1992 (T78111–T78123 13 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Nichol’s Scrub , 28°11’26”S, 153°25’33”E, 4.iii–29.iv.1992 (T78124–T78134 11 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Nichol’s Scrub , 28°11’26”S, 153°25’33”E, 9.xii.1991 – 1.i.1992 (T78135–T78141 7 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–500–C, 28°12’36”S, 153°08’20.4”E, 22.iii–1.iv.2007 (T108394 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–500–C, 28°12’36”S, 153°08’20.4”E, 15–25.i.2007 (T145228 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–700–D, 28°12’14.4”S, 153°07’44.4”E, 14–24.i.2007 (T145226 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lower Coomera , 28°12’20”S, 153°10’46”E, 9.i.1995 – 6.iv.1995 (T126027–T126029, T80219–T80223 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lower Coomera , 28°12’20”S, 153°10’46”E, 3.xii.1994 – 9.i.1995 (T80215–T80218, T80344 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tullawallal, Binna Burra , 28°12’36”S, 153°11’22”E, 3.xii.1994 – 9.i.1995 (T80224–T80225 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Gannon , 1.5 km SE, 28°12’39”S, 153°19’27”E, 9–12.ii.2006 (T135162–T135166 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–500–B, 28°12’43.2”S, 153°08’27.6”E, 15–25.i.2007 (T145227 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–500–B, 28°12’43.2”S, 153°08’27.6”E, 18–28.x.2006 (T145233 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–500–B, 28°12’43.2”S, 153°08’27.6”E, 18–23.x.2006 (T145236 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–500–B, 28°12’43.2”S, 153°08’27.6”E, 20–25.i.2007 (T145244 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Tallebudgera , 0.4 km NE, 28°12’55”S, 153°21’35”E, 31.i–3.ii.1997 (T85388–T85395 8 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Orams Dump , 28°13’24”S, 153°18’59”E, 26.i–2.ii.2006 (T133766–T133767 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–900–D, 28°13’37.2”S, 153°07’51.6”E, 20.i.2008 (T155890 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Mount Cougal , W Peak, 1 km NNW, 28°13’42”S, 153°18’34”E, 26.i–2.ii.2006 (T133768 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tallebudgera Valley , falls area, 28°13’40”S, 153°18’46”E, 19.x.2003 (T124780 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tallebudgera Valley , falls area, 28°13’40”S, 153°18’46”E, 1.v.2005 (T132352 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tallebudgera Valley , falls area, 28°13’40”S, 153°18’46”E, 29.x.2004 (T132353 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tallebudgera Valley , falls area, 28°13’40”S, 153°18’46”E, 26.ix.1998 – 21.v.2000 (T116858 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tallebudgera Valley , falls area, 28°13’40”S, 153°18’46”E, 11.xi.1997 – 28.i.1998 (T85383–T85387 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Bilbrough Lookout , 1.3 km ENE, 28°13’47”S, 153°17’59”E, 4– 11.ii.2006 (T135160–T135161 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Springbrook Track , 300 m, 28°13’36”S, 153°18’30”E, 25–26.xi.2001 (T116836 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tallebudgera Valley , 420 m, 28°13’57”S, 153°18’13”E, 4–28.iv.1997 (T78075 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Numinbah Arch , 28°13’51”S, 153°14’37”E, 1.i–29.ii.1992 (T77598–T77621, T77737–T77740 28 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Numinbah Arch , 28°13’51”S, 153°14’37”E, 29.ii–11.iv.1992 (T77730– T77735, T77827–T77828 8 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Upper Tallebudgera 330 m, 28°14’00”S, 153°18’32”E, 2.i–17.ii.1995 (T78250–T78254 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tallebudgera Valley , 28°14’07”S, 153°17’59”E, 28.xii.1991 – 6.iii.1992 (T65288–T65291 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tallebudgera Valley , 28°14’07”S, 153°17’59”E, 6.iii–28.iv.1992 (T65292– T65296 5 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Tallebudgera Valley , 28°14’07”S, 153°17’59”E, 18.xi–28.xii.1991 (T65297–T65298 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lamington National Park, IBISCA Site IQ–900–A, 28°14’2.4”S, 153°08’27.6”E, 21–26.i.2007 (T145245 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Numinbah Valley Natural Arch National Park ., [28°14’19”S, 153°14’17”E], 300 m, 7.vii.1978, S. Peck & J. Peck (CMNEN-00030169 1 specimen in CMNC) GoogleMaps ; Levers Plateau , 28°18’57”S, 152°50’53”E, 6.i–29.ii.1992 (T65299–T65312 14 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Levers Plateau , 28°18’57”S, 152°50’53”E, 2.xii.1991 – 6.i.1992 (T65313–T65316 4 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Levers Plateau , 28°18’57”S, 152°50’53”E, 29.ii–11.iv.1992 (T65317–T65323 7 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; Levers Plateau via Rathdowney , [28°20’00”S, 152°52’00”E], 640 m, 1.xi.1975, I.D. Naumann, (25-058465 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Boyds Butte , 2 km ESE,, 28°14’21”S, 153°21’17”E 13.vii.2005 (T132354–T132355 2 specimens in QM) GoogleMaps ; New South Wales: Wiangaree State Forest Isaksson Ridge, [28°23’00”S, 153°06’00”E], 1050 m, 29.ii–3.iii.1980, A. Newton & M. Thayer, (25-057978 2 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Wiangaree State Forest, Sheepstation Creek , [28°23’00”S, 153°06’00”E], 600 m, 29.ii–3.iii.1980, A. Newton & M. Thayer, (25-057975–7 3 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Unumgar State Forest near Woodenbong, Pole Bridge road 788, [28°24’00”S, 152°40’00”E], 430 m, 2–11.i.1987, A. Newton & M. Thayer, (25-058330 8 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Byrrill Creek , campground, 28°26’55”S, 153°11’35”E, 30.i–1.ii.2008 (T154644 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Byrrill Creek , lower creek, 28°26’51”S, 153°11’39”E, 30.i–1.ii.2008 (T154642 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Beaury National Forest, Koreelah Range 1.8 km from Tooloom Lookout along Tucker box Road , 28°28’23”S, 152°24’04”E, 23.iii–9.v.1999, S. Lassar & C. Lemann, (25-060773 also as COL 753 specimens in AM) GoogleMaps ; Tooloom Plateau , 14 km W Urbenville, [28°29’00”S, 152°24’00”E], 15–21.ii.1984, I.D. Naumann, (25-057980 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Whian Whian State Forest , gate, 28°33’29”S, 153°20’09”E, 29–31.i.2008 (T154636 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; The Channon , 8 km NNE, 28°36’08”S, 153°17’48”E, 30.i–2.ii.2008 (T154643 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Minyon Falls , 3.5 km S, 28°38’27”S, 153°21’39”E, 29–31.i.2008 (T154637 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Boat harbour, site 2, 28°46’42”S, 153°19’45”E, 29.i– 31.i.2008 (T154638 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Lion’s Park, via Boatharbour , [28°47’00”S, 153°20’00”E], 19–20.i.1974, R.I. Storey, (25-058454 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Rotary Park, Lismore , site 2, 28°48’41”S, 153°17’46”E, 29–31.i.2008 (T154641 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Wilson Nature Reserve Lismore, [28°49’00”S, 153°16’00”E], 17.xii.1998, G. Williams & B. Williams, (25-058111 1 specimen in GWC) GoogleMaps ; Wilson Park, Lismore , 28°50’02”S, 153°17’25”E, 29– 31.i.2008 (T154639 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Davis Scrub , site 2, 28°52’02”S, 153°24’20”E, 29–31.i.2008 (T154640 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Victoria Park, via Alstonville , [28°54’00”S, 153°24’00”E], 16.xi.1974, G.B. Monteith, (25- 058463 1 specimen in QM) GoogleMaps ; Victoria Park near Alstonville [28°54’00”S, 153°24’00”E], 6.ii.1980, (1 specimen in AM) GoogleMaps ; Huonbrook [28°32’00”S, 152°21’00”E], 2.iii.1964, (2 specimens in AM) GoogleMaps ; Yabbra Scrub, Yabbra State Forest [28°31’00”S, 152°34’00”E], 14.xii.1988 (1 specimen in AM) GoogleMaps ; Lorien, Lansdowne , [31°52’00”S, 152°29’00”E], 7.ii.1981, G. Williams & T. Williams, (25-058112 1 specimen in GWC) GoogleMaps ; Lorien Wildlife Refuge 3km N Lansdowne, 31°45’00”S, 152°32’00”E, 16.ix.2010, G. Williams & T. Williams, (25-060880 also as COL1145 1 specimen in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; 4 km W. Lansdowne, Lorien , [31°45’00”S, 152°32’00”E], 4.i.1987, H. Howden & A. Howden (CMNEN- 00030171 1 specimen in CMNC) GoogleMaps ; Newbys Lane, Lansdowne , [31°47’00”S, 152°32’00”E], 14.i.1981, G. Williams & T. Williams, (25-057979 3 specimens in ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Swans Crossing, Kerewong State Forest , 12 km WNW of Kendall, 31°36”S, 152°34”E, 24.x.1993 (1 specimen in GWC) .

Description. Lectotype predominately black, humeri and apical edges of elytra reddish brown. Most other specimens also usually have red elytral humeri. Apical antennomere (3 rd) of antennal clubs white, basal 2 antennomeres (1 st, 2 nd) grey.

Total length: 5.0– 6.5 mm. Lectotype measurements (taken from photograph): total length 6.5 mm, elytral width 4.35 mm.

Male. Head: Width to length ratio 45: 32. Surface very finely reticulate with fine punctation. Dorsal part of eyes wide, separated by an interocular space approximately 8 times eye width (65: 8); eye canthus not dividing eye.

Prothorax: Pronotum with posterolateral angles distinct, lateral margins bordered. Surface finely punctate and finely reticulate in anterior half, finely punctate and nitid in posterior half. Pronotum width to length ratio 78: 47. Hypomeral surface finely reticulate, hypomeral stria absent.

Elytra: Surface reticulate. All striae on disc equal width, impunctate. Striae 6 and 7 not extending to the elytral base. 8th stria sometimes with a few punctures where it curves inwards posteriorly. Ratio of length of the elytra along suture to maximum elytral width 85: 100.

Legs: Protibia with ventral ridge not crenulate. Protibia with 3 teeth on the outer edge. Front edge truncate, apical digit broad and blunt apically, and apical spur absent. Mesotibia with a brush of setae apically on inner edge. Metatibia slightly bent with variously crenulated inner edge, and no round expansion apically. Metafemur slightly angulate basally on inner edge. Basal metatarsomere lobed on inner edge.

Abdomen: Pygidium with a transverse sinuate fold across base that is curved and impressed medially. Pygidial disc with a large flat, reticulate central area that occupies more than half the disc not extending under the transverse sinuate fold and separated from it by an impressed line. Ventrite 6 very finely punctate.

Pterothorax: Mesometaventral suture arched. Medial lobe of metaventrite very finely reticulate and virtually impunctate, broadly margined between mesocoxae. Lateral lobe of metaventrite very finely reticulate, finely punctate and setose. Mesoventrite very finely reticulate and notched anteriorly. Mesepimeron very finely reticulate. Metanepisternum reticulate.

Female. Protibia with front edge truncate and apical spur arising directly from front edge, apical digit absent ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ). Inner edge of metatibia not crenulate and inner edge of metafemur not angulate ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ). Mesotibia without a brush of setae apically.

Distribution. Known from rainforests, wet and dry sclerophyll forest from south of Gladstone, Queensland to Lansdowne, New South Wales ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). It has been recorded from the following Interim Biogeographic Regionalisations for Australia (IBRA) bioregions: South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), the most northerly extents of New South Wales North Coast (NNC) and New England Tablelands (NET), Sydney Basin (SYB), the most easterly extents of Brigalow Belt South (BBS). Notably, there is a large gap in the distribution that extends across most of the NNC bioregion, separating records north of 29°S from those south of 31°36”S. BIOCLIM modelling suggests that most of the NNC bioregion, except for a small gap at ~ 30°S, has suitable climatic conditions for the species ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 6 ). The region has been well sampled and the gap in the distribution likely reflects true absence.

Comments. Lepanus ustulatus is a generalist species, collected in traps with a variety of baits including macropod or human dung, mushroom, and carrion (chicken or squid). Also collected at light, in berlesed leaf litter, flight intercept and window traps. In a food preference study that tested attraction to 10 different baits including a variety of dung, carrion, fermenting fruits and mushroom lures, seven specimens of L. ustulatus were collected including six at domestic fowl dung and one specimen at vertebrate carrion ( Ebert et al. 2019).

In southern Queensland and northern New South Wales, L. ustulatus appears to be part of a mimicry ring involving several species of scarabs and hydrophilids that are attracted to dung and other decaying organic resources ( Fikacek et al. 2014). The species listed in the potential mimicry complex also includes Onthophagus arrilla Matthews 1974 ( Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae : Scarabaeinae : Onthophagini), O. sydneyensis ( Lansberge, 1874) , Liparochrus nanus Paulian, 1980 (Hybosoridae) , and Austrotypus nothofagi Fikacek, Minoshima & Newton, 2014 (Hydrophilidae) and are all superficially similar, most notably with distinct reddish-brown elytral humeri on the otherwise black body. Other recently described Lepanus that occur in the region, L. burnetti Gunter & Weir, 2019 and L. meierae , may also be part of this mimcry ring. Beyond the region, a number of other Lepanus species also have this colour pattern including most species in the L. ustulatus species group, although the reddish-brown humeri are less defined than in L. ustulatus .

Lepanus ustulatus is one of only seven species in the genus that has been assessed for the IUCN redlist and was classified as a species of least concern due to its wide distribution and expected lack of significant threats to its populations ( Weir 2013). This broad distribution of L. ustulatus from Gladstone to Landsdowne, especially the absence of records in much of the New South Wales North Coast Bioregion, is interesting to consider. There are no consistent morphological differences that support splitting the northern and southern populations of this species and sequence data from specimens from SYB and SEQ IBRA bioregions is congruent with expected levels of intraspecific variation. The disjunction within the distribution could represent an extinction of populations in the New South Wales North Coast bioregion.

Matthews (1974) assigned a lectotype for L. ustulatus from the series of MNHN specimens, formerly of the van Lansberge collection, and selected a male labelled “Wide Bay”. Lepanus ustulatus is the only species within this species group that occurs in southern Queensland including the region around Wide Bay. Specimens listed in Matthews (1974) from Paluma (Wet Tropics), Eungella and near Mackay (central Queensland) represent the morphologically similar and cryptic species, Lepanus lemannae described below. The two specimens of L. ustulatus reported by Aristophanous (2014) from the Atherton region were not examined but based on geographic range of these superficially similar species they are probably Lepanus lemannae .

Dorsal, lateral, ventral views, a close up of the pygidium and all labels of the lectotype of L. ustulatus , and the dorsal habitus, pygidia, and label images of the four additional paralectotypes are published on the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris ( France) online database.







Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Queensland Museum


Queensland Primary Industries Insect Collection


Australian National Insect Collection


Australian Museum
















Lepanus ustulatus ( Lansberge, 1874 )

Gunter, Nicole L. & Weir, Thomas A. 2021

Lepanus ustulatus:

Matthews, E. G. 1974: 104

Panelus ustulatus:

Lea, A. M. 1923: 361

Epilissus ustulatus

Paulian, R. 1934: 282
Gillet, J. J. E. 1925: 5
Gillet, J. J. E. 1911: 39
Masters, G. 1886: 10
Lansberge, G. van 1874: 7
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