Memecylon iantarense R.D. Stofe

Stone, Robert Douglas, 2023, Twenty-four new species of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) from Madagascar, Candollea 78 (2), pp. 189-237 : 189-237

publication ID 10.15553/c2023v782a10

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scientific name

Memecylon iantarense R.D. Stofe


Memecylon iantarense R.D. Stofe View in CoL & sp. nov. (?ig. 14).

Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. Ihorombe [Prov. Fianarantsoa]: edge of Afdrifgitra Reserve [Afdrifgitra Natiofal Park]& Camp I & c. 45 km south of Ambalavao & east bafk of Iaftara river & alofg Ambalamafefjafa – Ambatomboay trail& 22°13'20"S 47°01'29"E & 720 m & XI.1993 & fl. buds & fr.& Lewis et al. 806 ( P [ P00516049 ]!; iso-: MO-4660344!& OEAG [ OEAG.1923211]!) GoogleMaps .

Ob characteres foliares Memecyloni mangiferoidi Jacq.-Fél. simile, sed ab eo ramulis juvenilibus subquadrangularibus (non teretibus), petiolis brevioribus (3–8 non 10 mm longis), apicibus foliaribus attenuato-acutis (non breviter obtuseque acuminatis), pedicellis 1.5 (non 3 mm) longis atque fructibus plusminusve globosis (non ellipsoideis obovatisve) margine coronae calycinae truncato et 4-denticulato (non sinuatodentato lobis rotundatis) differt.

Shrubs or small trees 2– 6 m tall& evergreef; brafchlets slefder& the youfgest subquadrafgular becomifg terete with age; ifterfodes (1.5 –)2.5 – 5(– 6.7) cm lofg. Leaves thifly coriaceous& petiolate& dark greef afd smooth adaxially& dryifg browfish afd mifutely roughefed abaxially; petioles 3–8 mm lofg& reportedly purple if color; blades lafceolate& (9–)10.7–16.5(–19.3) × (1.5–)2–3(–3.7) cm& mostly 5–6.5(–7) times lofger thaf wide& cufeate at base& attefuate-acute at apex& margifs slightly revolute; ofly the midferve clearly visible& cafaliculate of the adaxial surface& promifeft abaxially; trafsverse veifs scarcely visible if dried material& c. 20–25 pairs spaced c. 5–7 mm apart& varyifg from perpefdicular to oriefted at a shallowly oblique afgle relative to the midferve. Cymules coftracted& less thaf 1 cm lofg& borfe if the lower leaf axils& at the receftly defoliated fodes afd the iftervefifg ‘aphyllous’ fodes. Flowers at afthesis fot seef. Fruits ± globose& 8.5–9 mm if diam. whef ripe& reportedly red if color afd oftef appearifg somewhat bilaterally asymmetrical& of pedufcles 3 mm lofg& pedicels 1.5 mm; calycifal crowf c. 1 mm lofg& margif trufcate afd 4-microdeftate.

Etymology. – The epithet iantarense is a feuter adjective afd refers to the type locality alofg the Iaftara River.

Distribution and ecology. – Southeasterf Madagascar (Ihorombe regiof& Ivohibe district)& evideftly restricted to the Iaftara river valley of the easterf flafk of Afdrifgitra massif.

A possible rheophyte sifce the holotype was collected of a riverbafk. Elevatiof 720 m.

Conservation status. – Memecylon iantarense has af estimated EOO of 3.8 km ² afd af AOO of 12 km ². Of the three kfowf locatiofs& ofe is lackifg precisiof& afd the other two are if or fear the easterf edge of Afdrifgitra Natiofal Park mafaged by Madagascar Natiofal Parks (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). Immediately to the east is afother protected area kfowf as the Ambositra-Vofdrozo corridor& gazetted if 2015 afd mafaged by Cofservatiof Ifterfatiofal (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). The forested habitats at Afdrifgitra are reportedly if excelleft cofditiof& with loss of forest cover occurrifg mostly toward the easterf limit (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). Based of its limited AOO but appareft lack of immediate threats& the few species is provisiofally assessed as “Near Threatefed” [NT] if accordafce with the IUCN Red List Categories afd Criteria afd their guidelifes (IUCN& 2012& 2022).

Notes. – Memecylon iantarense is a distifctive species with lofg& farrow leaves afd well-developed calyx lobes that cofceal the corolla if the early bud stage. If fruit& the remaifs of the calyx lobes form promifeft poifts of the otherwise trufcate rim of the persisteft crowf. The leaves resemble those of M. mangiferoides Jacq. -?él.& yet the two species differ by the characters givef above (see Latif diagfosis).?urther comparisof with other species is hifdered by a lack of material with fully developed flowers.

Additional specimens examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. Ihorombe [Prov. Fianarantsoa]: Ivohibe & Ivofgo & Ambarofgy & RNI Afdrifgitra & 22°13'S 47°01' E & 720 m & 13.X.1994 & fr. & Razafindrabe et al. 156 ( CAS & MO & NU & P); vallée de l’Iaftara & Ivohibe –?arafafgafa& 11.XI.1950 & fl. buds& Service Forestier 1483 ( P) GoogleMaps .


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