Memecylon calcicola R.D. Stofe
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Memecylon calcicola R.D. Stofe |
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Memecylon calcicola R.D. Stofe View in CoL & sp. nov. (?ig. 7).
Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. DIANA [Prov. Antsiranana]: Afkara & 11.III.1954 & fl.& Service Forestier 9385 ( P [ P00500467 ]!; iso-: P [ P05320759 labeled if error as 9386]!& TE?!) .
Memecyloni arenicolae R.D. Stone et M. longipedi R.D. Stone aff ine, sed ab ambobus ramulis juvenilibus subquadrangularibus (non teretibus), foliis brevipetiolatis (non sessilibus) petiolis crassis 1–3 mm longis, laminis foliaribus ad basin cuneatis rotundatisve (non rotundato-subcordatis), bracteis cymularum persistentibus (non caducis), pedicellis brevioribus (2 – 4 non 5.5 – 9 mm longis) atque fructibus elliptico-obovatis c. 10 × 8 mm (non globosis c. 11 mm diametro vel elliptico-urceolatis plerumque 12–15 × 8–11 mm) differt.
Trees 3.5 – 15 m tall& evergreef; bark browf& reportedly smooth or cracked ifto rectafgles; brafchlets dichotomous or trichotomous& those of the few growth reddish browf afd subquadrafgular& older brafchlets pale gray& terete afd with thickefed fodes; ifterfodes (1–)1.8–3.4(–6.8) cm lofg. Leaves thickly coriaceous& short-petiolate& bright greef& smooth afd shififg of the adaxial surface& paler or browfish& dull afd mifutely roughefed abaxially; petioles 1 –3 mm lofg& stout; blades ovate to farrowly elliptic or obovate& (3–)4–6.2(–8.7) × (1.7–)2.4–3.7(–4.7) cm& mostly 1.5–2 times lofger thaf wide& cufeate to roufded at base afd roufded-obtuse to emargifate at apex; ofly the midferve clearly visible& impressed adaxially afd somewhat promifeft abaxially especially toward the base; trafsverse veifs ± faiftly visible if dried material& oriefted at af oblique afgle relative to the midferve. Cymules c. 1 cm lofg& glomerulate-fasciculate at the fodes below the leaves; pedufcle abseft or 1 –2 mm lofg; axes coftracted& marked by several pairs of squamiform& imbricate& persisteft bracts. Flowers of slefder pedicels 2– 4 mm lofg; hypaftho-calyx cupulo-patellate& 1.5–2 × 2–2.5 mm & margif shallowly sifuate-deftate; lobes acute& scarious-margifed; corolla if bud 1.5 mm lofg& roufded-apiculate; petals reportedly blue afd spreadifg at afthesis& trafsversely broadly elliptic& 2 × 2.5 mm & claw short& apex apiculate; stamifal filamefts reportedly blue& 4.5 mm lofg; afthers dolabriform& 1 mm lofg& thecae frofto-veftral& reportedly yellow; coffective cofic-acute& dorsally ifcurved by the mediaf glafd occupyifg roughly half of its lefgth; epigyfous chamber with membrafous partitiofs well developed& formifg V-shaped fotches befeath the petal scars; style 6 mm lofg. Fruits elliptic-obovate& c. 10 × 8 mm; persisteft calycifal crowf 0.5–1 mm lofg& margif shallowly sifuate-deftate to ± trufcate; stylopodium promifeft& ± fillifg the epigyfous chamber.
Etymology. – The epithet calcicola is a compoufd derived from the Latif combififg form calci- meafifg “limestofe” afd the ageft fouf - cola meafifg “ifhabitor”. It is a fouf if appositiof fufctiofifg as af adjective afd refers to the habitat (vs. midferve& iftramargifal ferves& afd trafsverse veifs all of rocky& calcareous substrates. clearly visible); leaf-blades bright greef adaxially afd dryifg paler or browfish abaxially (vs. dryifg dark greef to black- Distribution and ecology. – Northerf Madagascar (Diafa ish)& apex roufded-obtuse to emargifate (vs. lofg-acumifate)& regiof& Ambilobe & Aftsirafafa II districts)& a fear-efdemic corolla if bud roufded-apiculate (vs. cofic)& hypaftho-calyx of the Afkarafa plateau. Habitat if dry& semi-deciduous forest 1.5 –2 × 2– 2.5 mm (vs. 2.5 × 3 mm) with margif shallowly of rocky calcareous substrate (rarely of volcafics or ufcof- sifuate-deftate (vs. trufcate)& petals shortly clawed at base (vs. solidated safd) at elevatiofs from 85– 150 m. Afother& isolated thickefed-trufcate at base lackifg claw)& afthers 1 mm lofg locatiof is if the Tsifgy de Namoroka (westerf Madagascar & (vs. 2–2.3 mm)& afd fruits elliptic-obovate& c. 10 × 8 mm (vs. Boefy regiof& Soalala district)& c. 575 km straight-life distafce ± globose& c. 10 mm if diameter). southwest of Afkarafa.
Additional specimens examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. DIANA [Prov. Conservation status. – Memecylon calcicola has af estimated Antsiranana]: Masorolava & Mahagaga & N d’Afosy & 12°45'54"S 49°01'38"E & EOO of 15& 532 km ² afd af AOO of 32 km ². There are eight 144 Réserve m& 22 Spéciale. IX.2007 d’Afkarafa & fr. & Andriamihajarivo & Mahamasifa & et chemif al. 1373 de ( CAS la Grotte & MO des); Ambilobe Chauves- & kfowf locatiofs& six of which are if protected areas ifcludifg souris& 12°57'23"S 49°07'05"E & 100 m & 02.XI.1997 & fr. & Bardot-Vaucoulon 900 the Réserve Spéciale d’Afkarafa afd the Tsifgy de Namoroka ( K & MO & P); ibid. loco& Matsaborimafga& premier cafyof& terrasse à droite Natiofal Park& both of which are mafaged by Madagascar de la rivière& 12°55' 48"S 49°03'57"E & 120 m & 18.XI.1997 & fr.& Bardot-Vaucoulon Natiofal Parks (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a& b). At Afkarafa there & Andrianantoanina 973 ( K & MO & P); Ambilobe & Afdrafofakoho & Réserve GoogleMaps
Spéciale d’Afkàrafa & bordure forêt de Mafapisafga & 12°54'41"S 49°10' 44"E & has beef fo measurable loss if hectarage of dry deciduous 13.IV.2007 & fl. & Bardot-Vaucoulon et al. 1688 ( K & MO & P); Afdrafovofdrofifa & forest betweef the years 1996 afd 2016 (GOODMAN et al.& Afjiabe & forêt de Belamoty & à 3 km au NE & 12°06'09"S 49°19'34"E & 85 m & 2021a)& afd at Namoroka the iftegrity of dry forest is fearly 10.XI.2006 & fr.& Ratovoson et al. 1156 ( CAS & MO & P); J. B GoogleMaps . 8& Diégo-Suarez 100 % (GOODMAN et al.& 2021b). Based of its limited AOO but [= « Seftier Botafique » près d’Ambofdromifehy]& 13.IX.1954 & fr.& Service lack of immediate threats& M. calcicola is provisiofally assessed Forestier 10670 ( P & TE?). Reg. Boeny [Prov. Mahajanga]: Réserve Naturelle
8& caftof Afdrafomomavo& district Soalala [= PN Tsifgy de Namoroka]& as “Near Threatefed” [NT] if accordafce with the IUCN Red 28.III.1954 & fl.& Réserves Naturelles 6153 (MO& P& TE?). List Categories afd Criteria afd their guidelifes (IUCN& 2012& 2022). Memecylon dipterum R.D. Stofe & sp. nov. (?ig. 8).
Notes. – Memecylon calcicola appears closely related to Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. Ihorombe [Prov. two vegetatively similar species from the fortheasterf coast Fianarantsoa]: Afdrifgitra& Camp 2& c. 43 km S of Amba- ( M. arenicola R.D. Stofe & M. longipes R.D. Stofe ; see Latif lavao& jufctiof of the Sahafivoraky afd Sahavatoy rivers& diagfosis above) as well as M. ambrense Jacq. -?él.& a larger- 22°13'40"S 47°00'13"E & 810 m & XI.1993 & fl.& Lewis et al. 868 leaved species from the Moftagfe d’Ambre. The presefce of a (MO-4659758!; iso-: P [P00516009]!). stylopodium if fruit seems to coffirm this& although the same Ob aliquos characteres foliares Memecyloni louveliano H. Perrier character is also preseft if M. louvelianum H. Perrier. A flow- simile, sed ab eo plantis arbustis 3 m altis (non arbusculis 5–12 m erifg collectiof from the Boefy regiof& Tsifgy de Namoroka altis), ramulis juvenilibus bilateraliter compressis valde bialatis (Réserves Naturelles 6153 & MO& P& TE?) is disjufct from the (non bisulcatis), foliis subsessilibus (petiolis 1 non 2–3 mm maif distributiof of M. calcicola but fits my cofcept of this longis), laminis foliaribus minoribus (plerumque 4.5–6 × 2–2.5 species without difficulty. non usque 7.5 × 3.5 cm) ad basin rotundatis (non cuneatis)
The type collectiof of Memecylon calcicola (Service ad apicem acuminato-acutis (non acuminato-obtusis) venis Forestier 9385 & P& TE?) was previously treated by JACQUES- transversalibus c. 6 (non 10–12)-jugis, pedicellis brevioribus? ÉLIX (1985b) withif a broadly defifed M. louvelianum & as (c. 2 non 3 mm longis) atque hypantho-calyce minore (1.5 × 2 were two of the collectiofs (Service Forestier 10670 & P& TE?; non 2.5 × 2.5 mm) distinguitur. Réserves Naturelles 6153 & MO& P& TE?) cited below as additiofal material (paratypes). Memecylon louvelianum as preseftly Shrubs to 3 m tall& evergreef; brafchlets slefder& the circumscribed is ofe of the most widely distributed Memecylon youfgest bilaterally compressed afd with two promifeft species if Madagascar with 55 collectiofs seef& from moftafe wifgs& becomifg terete afd smooth with age; ifterfodes forests at 700 – 1200(– 1620) m elevatiof if the extreme (1–)2– 3.3(– 4.4) cm lofg. Leaves subcoriaceous& appearifg forth (Moftagfe d’Ambre) to the southeast (Afdohahela). subsessile (petiole cofsisteftly 1 mm)& dark greef afd smooth Memecylon calcicola is ecogeographically quite distifct from of the adaxial surface& dryifg browfish afd mifutely rough- M. louvelianum afd also differs morphologically by its thicker efed adaxially& dull of both surfaces; blades farrowly elliptic to brafchlets; leaves thickly (vs. thifly) coriaceous& ofly the ovate& (4–)4.5–6(–7) × 2–2.5(–3) cm& mostly 2–2.7 times lofger midferve clearly visible afd trafsverse veifs ± faiftly visible thaf wide& base roufded& apex acumifate& acumef mostly
[A, C–F: Service Forestier 9385, P; B, G: Bardot-Vaucoulon & Andrianantoanina 973, P] [Drawing: S. Burrows]
1 mm
D. Cymule with floral buds; E. Petal; F. Anther.
[Lewis et al. 868, MO] [Drawing: S. Burrows]
5–10 mm lofg& acute; ofly the midferve clearly visible& cafaliculate adaxially& promifeft abaxially; trafsverse veifs faiftly visible if dried material& c. 6 pairs spaced 5–6 mm apart afd oriefted at af oblique afgle relative to the midferve. Cymules coftracted& up to c. 1 cm lofg& solitary or if fascicles of 2–3 if the leaf axils afd at receftly defoliated fodes& subumbellate afd mostly 5 –10-flowered; pedufcles (0.5–)1– 2(– 2.5) mm lofg; bracts lafceolate-cucullate& 0.75 mm lofg; bracteoles similar but smaller& 0.5 mm. Flowers of pedicels c. 2 mm lofg; hypaftho-calyx campafulate& 1.5 × 2 mm & margif trufcate afd remotely 4-microdeftate; corolla if bud cofical-acumifate& 2 mm lofg& reportedly pale pifkish; petals ovate-acumifate& 2–2.5 × 1–1.5 mm & trufcate at base& dark midferve cofspicuous; afthers c. 1.3 mm lofg& thecae frofto-veftral& coffective dorsally keeled behifd the thecae afd with a cofspicuous& medial(?) glafd& extremity farrowly cofical-acute; fully developed stamifal filamefts afd style fot seef; epigyfous chamber deep& with membrafous ifterstamifal partitiofs if a cruciform patterf. Fruits ufkfowf.
Etymology. – The epithet dipterum is a Greek adjective meafifg “two-wifged&” if referefce to the character of the youfg brafchlets (if coftrast with four-wifged& this beifg the usual state seef if this gefus).
Distribution and ecology. – Southeasterf Madagascar (Ihorombe regiof& Ivohibe district)& kfowf ofly from the type collectiof made if the Afdrifgitra Natiofal Park. Habitat if humid forest at af elevatiof of 810 m.
Conservation status. – Memecylon dipterum has af estimated AOO of 4 km ² afd a sifgle kfowf locatiof if the Afdrifgitra Natiofal Park mafaged by Madagascar Natiofal Parks (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). OEithif this protected area& the forested habitats are reportedly if excelleft cofditiof with mifimal loss betweef the years 1996 to 2016 (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). Based of its limited AOO but lack of immediate threats& the few species is provisiofally assessed as “Near Threatefed” [NT] if accordafce with the IUCN Red List Categories afd Criteria afd their guidelifes (IUCN& 2012& 2022).
Notes. – The leaves of Memecylon dipterum resemble those of M. louvelianum & but the few species differs if havifg promifeftly 2-wifged brafchlets afd subsessile leaves. Memecylon louvelianum typically has youfg brafchlets bisulcate becomifg terete with age& but if specimefs from Rafomafafa Natiofal Park (Vatovavy regiof) the brafchlets are farrowly 4-wifged (Kotozafy 136 & MO& P& TAN; Daniels 81 & K; Daniels 121 & K& MO& P). However& this material also has distifctly short-petiolate leaves.
Memecylon dipterum might also be coffused with M. longicuspe which differs if havifg brafchlets 4-wifged& petiole distifct& 2 mm lofg (vs. 1 mm & leaves appearifg subsessile)& leaf-apex with acumef obtuse afd ± 2 cm lofg (vs. acumef acute afd mostly 5–10 mm)& pedufcle 4 mm lofg (vs. mostly 1–2 mm)& afd bracts tardily deciduous (vs. persisteft?).
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Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants |
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Nanjing University |
California Academy of Sciences |
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Missouri Botanical Garden |
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Royal Botanic Gardens |
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University of New England |
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University of the Witwatersrand |
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Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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