Jornandes rachelleae, Schaffner & Schwartz, 2008

Schaffner, JC & Schwartz, MD, 2008, Revision Of The Mexican Genera Ficinus Distant And Jornandes Distant With The Description Of 21 New Species (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (309), pp. 1-87 : 61-63

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Jornandes rachelleae

sp. nov.

Jornandes rachelleae View in CoL , new species Figures 3, 10E, 28, 29

HOLOTYPE: 3, MEXICO: Puebla: 7.3 mi SW of Izucar de Matamoros [18.52184 ° N 98.57917 ° W], July 22, 1981, Bogar, Schaffner, Friedlander ( AMNH _ PBI 00184927 About AMNH ). Deposited in the collection of the Instituto de Biología , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico City, D.F. GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by head shining brownish orange with maxillary plate and apex of clypeus darker, pronotum brownish orange, remainder of body dark fuscous to black; appearing glabrous dorsally; antennal segment II usually yellowish brown, medially and dark at base and apex; often with hind femur fuscous (fig. 3); vertex much wider than length of antennal segment I; antennal segment II slender, only slightly enlarged apically; labium reaching mesocoxa; width of pronotum greater than length of antennal segment II; metepisternum dorsal to evaporative area of scent gland with microtrichia (fig. 28C).

DESCRIPTION: Male: COLORATION: Dorsum brownish orange, brown and dark fuscous to black. Head brownish orange, clypeus black at apex, maxillary plate fuscous; antennal segment I pale brown with dark fuscous subapical ring, segment II pale brown medially usually dark fuscous to black on base and apical third, segments III and IV dark fuscous to black; labium brown with base of segments I and II and apex of labium dark fuscous to black. Pronotum brownish orange. Mesoscutum brownish orange; scutellum, corium, and membrane of hemelytron dark fuscous to black. Procoxa pale yellowish brown, mesocoxa pale or more usually brown to dark fuscous, metacoxa dark fuscous, pro- and mesofemora brownish orange, hind femora ranging from brownish orange to dark fuscous, tibiae varying from uniformly yellowish brown to areas of fuscous coloration, tarsomeres dark fuscous. Pleura of meso- and metathorax primarily dark fuscous to black, evaporatorium of scent gland dark fuscous. Abdomen dark fuscous to black. VESTITURE: Head and thorax, except for appendages, almost completely glabrous, except for scattered short setae; decumbent setae on antennal segments II–IV not longer than diameter of respective segment; semierect spines of tibiae slightly longer than diameter of respective tibia; decumbent setae of abdomen longer and more dense. GENITALIA (fig. 29): Genital segment with tergal process placed right of midline on dorsal margin of aperture, process broad basally, moderately long, smooth margined, and with narrow, pointed apex; ventroposterior margin of capsule broadly and acutely notched; distal width of subgenital plate wide, strongly projecting dorsal to aperture of capsule. Left paramere C-shaped in dorsal view; with sensory lobe not projected; diameter of paramere evenly thick to moderate subapical constriction, then expanded to notched mittenlike apical region. Right paramere elongate, slightly longer than length of left paramere; diameter of paramere widest basally; distal region tapered, flattened, serrate; apex broadly serrate. Phallotheca subrectangular, length almost equal to length of spiculum; aperture sinuate, open on right, dorsal, and apical surfaces. Vesica with long sinuate, medially thickened spiculum; apical region of spiculum bifurcate, narrow, slightly serrate, apically pointed with lobes projecting to right side; base of spiculum sinuate, broadly affixed to dorsal margin of ductus seminis, posterior portion of base with smooth, hooked, and pointed spine and with flattened, truncate process on anterior portion of base.

Female: Noticeably smaller in size, lateral margins more curved and membrane shorter, color and vestiture same as in male.

MEASUREMENTS: Male (n 5 15; holotype given first followed in parentheses by average and range): Length, 3.66 (3.89, 3.66– 4.20); width, 1.78 (1.83, 1.70–1.98). Head length, 0.26 (0.24, 0.20–0.28); width, 0.92 (0.93, 0.90–0.98); vertex width, 0.44 (0.46, 0.44–0.50). Length of antennal segment I, 0.28 (0.27, 0.24–0.28); II, 1.10 (1.06, 0.94– 1.12); III, 0.80 (0.76, 0.70–0.82); IV, 0.38 (0.39, 0.36–0.42). Pronotal length, 0.78 (0.77, 0.70–0.82); width across base, 1.44 (1.47, 1.40–1.58). Cuneal length, 0.68 (0.71, 0.66– 0.80); width across base, 0.56 (0.57, 0.54– 0.60).

Female (n 5 13; average followed in parentheses by range): Length, 3.29 (3.10– 3.46); width, 1.85 (1.74–2.02). Head length, 0.27 (0.24–0.28); width, 0.94 (0.90–0.98); vertex width, 0.50 (0.48–0.54). Length of antennal segment I, 0.25 (0.24–0.28); II, 1.01 (0.98–1.08); III, 0.70 (0.62–0.76); IV, 0.38 (0.32–0.42). Pronotal length, 0.72 (0.70– 0.76); width across base, 1.38 (1.32–1.46). Cuneal length, 0.54 (0.52–0.58); width across base, 0.60 (0.54–0.66).

DISCUSSION: As viewed from above, the body is almost devoid of setae. The labium, which is longer than in most species of the genus, reaches the mesocoxa. The difference

00118197); scale 5 0.20 mm.

in size between males and females is striking, with females smaller than males; the intersex difference is greater than that in any other species of the genus, although it is reduced in specimens from Guanajuato and Querétaro. The color pattern of the head is very similar to that of J. cruralis and several other species of the genus in having a fuscous band running from an eye, along the length of the maxillary plate, across the apex of the clypeus and on around to the other eye. The cuticular sculpturing of the corium is clearly seen and a few setae are found on the membrane of the hemelytron. We have material from regions north and south of Mexico City. We consider all to be conspe-

cific based on the limited variation in the male genitalia.

HOST PLANT: Salvia sp. (Lamiaceae) .

ETYMOLOGY: Name in honor of the first author’s daughter Rachelle.

DISTRIBUTION: Known from 10 localities in arid areas of Guerrero, Puebla, Guanajuato, and Querétaro (fig. 10E).

PARATYPES: MEXICO: Guanajuato: Ojo de Agua, 20.65 ° N 100.58333 ° W, 06 Sep 1969, L. A. Kelton, Salvia sp. (Lamiaceae) , 173 (AMNH_PBI 00112172–AMNH_PBI 00112188), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00112189–AMNH_PBI 00112192), 13 (AMNH_PBI 00111002) (CNC). Guerrero: 17 mi E of Tixtla, 17.57274 ° N 99.21959 ° W, 1605 m, 11 Jul 1985, Jones and Schaffner, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00185227) (TAMU). 4 mi W of Chilpancingo, 17.56992 ° N 99.56555 ° W, 1506 m, 15 Jul 1984, Carroll, Schaffner, Friedlander, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00245172) (TAMU). 6 mi E of Xochipala, 17.7936 ° N 99.54263 ° W, 1067 m, 13 Jul 1985, Jones, Schaffner, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00185228) (TAMU). 6 mi NE of Tixtla de Guerrero, 17.64501 ° N 99.36861 ° W, 16 Jul 1984, Carroll, Schaffner, Friedlander, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00185229) (TAMU). Puebla: 4.4 mi SW of Acatepec, 18.98809 ° N 98.33118 ° W, 26 Jul 1974, Clark, Murray, Ashe, Schaffner, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00185230), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00185231) (TAMU). 5 mi SE of Izucar de Matamoros, 18.54858 ° N 98.41242 ° W, 20 Jul 1984, Carroll, Schaffner, Friedlander, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00185232) (TAMU). 7.3 mi SW of Izucar de Matamoros, 18.52184 ° N 98.57917 ° W, 22 Jul 1981, Bogar, Schaffner and Friedlander, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00119097) (AMNH). 13 (AMNH_PBI 00118197), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00119098) (CNC). 63 (AMNH_ PBI 00185212–AMNH_PBI 00185217), 9♀ (AMNH_PBI 00185218–AMNH_PBI 00185226) (TAMU); 01 Aug 1976, Peigler, Gruetzmacher, R. and M. Murray, Schaffner, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00185209), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00185210, AMNH_ PBI 00185211) (TAMU). Chila, 20.3 ° N 98.2 ° W, 1200 m, 25 Aug 1969, L. A. Kelton, 3♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00112209–AMNH_PBI 00112211) (CNC). Queretaro: Queretaro, 20.6 ° N 100.38333 ° W, 1868 m, 04 Sep 1969, L. A. Kelton, Salvia sp. (Lamiaceae) , 133 (AMNH_PBI 00112196– AMNH_PBI 00112208) (CNC).


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