Paramixogaster jubata Reemer, 2024

Reemer, Menno & Sankararaman, Hariharakrishnan, 2024, Revision of the Oriental species of the hoverfly genus Paramixogaster Brunetti, 1923 (Diptera, Syrphidae, Microdontinae), ZooKeys 1208, pp. 1-48 : 1-48

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1208.122829

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Paramixogaster jubata Reemer

sp. nov.

Paramixogaster jubata Reemer sp. nov.

Figs 23 View Figures 23, 24 , 25 View Figures 25, 26 , 73–80 View Figures 73–80 , 135 View Figures 130–137

Type material.

Holotype. Vietnam • 1 ♂, holotype of Paramixogaster jubata sp. nov. Reemer; S. Vietnam, Dông Nai, Cat Tien National Park ; alt. 100 m.; 13–20 May 2007; C. van Achterberg & R. de Vries leg.; RMNH. Label 1: “ S. Vietnam: Dông Nai // Cat Tien N. P., ca. 100 m // 13–20. v. 2007. Mal. traps // 25–29, eco-trail; C. v. Achter- // berg & R. de Vries, RMNH ’ 07 ”; label 2 (red): “ HOLOTYPE // Paramixogaster // jubata // Reemer 2024 ”.

Paratypes. Vietnam • 1 ♂; Cat Tien National Park ; 13–20 May 2021; Malaise trap; C. van Achterberg & R. de Vries leg.; RMNH; MZH DNA voucher Y 0721. [abdomen missing] .

Thailand • 1 ♂; Phitsanulok T 567, Thung Salaeng Luang National Park ; 580 m.; 16 ° 50.217 ' N, 101 ° 52.541 ' E; 11–18 Aug. 2006; Malaise trap; Pongpilak Pranee leg.; QSBG GoogleMaps .


Only male known. Body length: 6–7 mm. A small species without lateral bulges on the frons and postpedicel 3.3–3.7 × as long as scape (n = 3). In colouration it looks much like P. indica and P. vespiformis , from which it differs by the longer than wide tergite 2 (wider than long in P. indica and P. vespiformis ) and the long setulae on the vertex, which are at least twice as long as the diameter of the ocelli (approximately as long as diameter of ocelli in P. indica and P. vespiformis ) (Figs 25 View Figures 25, 26 , 76 View Figures 73–80 ). Male genitalia as in Fig. 135 View Figures 130–137 .


(based on holotype). Adult male Body size: 7 mm.

Head. Face occupying ~ 2 / 5 of head width in frontal view, with sides slightly converging ventrad; yellow, except for brown macula laterad of antennal fossa and median brown macula of almost 1 / 3 of width of face; yellow setulose, except black setulose on median brown macula. Gena yellow, yellow setulose. Oral margin laterally hardly produced. Frons yellow; yellow setulose. Vertex with large median dark brown macula, yellow laterally; black setulose on brown part, yellow setulose on yellow parts. Occiput yellow, yellow setulose. Eye bare. Antennal fossa approximately as high as wide. Antenna with scape and pedicel yellow, postpedicel brown; postpedicel ~ 3.7 × as long as scape. Arista slender, yellow, slightly longer than scape.

Thorax. Mesoscutum black with yellow fascia along transverse suture and yellow median vitta from anterior margin to ~ 3 / 4 of length; mostly black setulose on black parts and yellow setulose on yellow parts, except for large median patch of longer yellow setulae on posterior 1 / 3. Postpronotum yellow, bare. Postalar callus yellow, yellow setulose. Scutellum without calcars; yellow; yellow setulose. Pleurae yellow, except anterior anepisternum, ventral part of posterior anepisternum, ventral katepisternum and katepimeron brown. Anepisternum with shallow sulcus separating posterior from anterior part; yellow setulose anteriorly and posteriorly, with wide bare part in between. Anepimeron entirely long yellow setulose. Katepisternum long yellow setulose dorsally; bare ventrally. Katatergite long microtrichose, anatergite short microtrichose. Metanotum shining brown. Calypter grey. Halter yellow.

Wing: hyaline; microtrichose, except bare on cell br (only with microtrichia along vena spuria), on basal 1 / 2 of cell bm, and basal 1 / 3 of cell cup.

Legs: yellow, except hind tibia and basal 2 / 3 of hind tibia brown; yellow setulose, except mid tibia, hind tibia, and hind femur black setulose. Coxae and trochanters dark brown.

Abdomen. Constricted basally, narrowest at tergite 1, widest halfway tergite 4. Tergite 1 blackish brown; black and yellow setulose. Tergite 2 with two long, oblique, pale-yellow maculae from anterior to posterior margin, which leave blackish brown antero-lateral corners and a blackish brown posterior triangle; mostly yellow setulose, but with some yellow setulae anteriorly and yellow setulose along lateral margin. Tergite 3 blackish brown on slightly less than anterior half, yellow posteriorly; black setulose on dark parts, yellow setulose on yellow parts. Tergite 4 blackish brown on anterior 3 / 5, except for median yellow triangle, which is an extension of the yellow fascia on the posterior 2 / 5 of the tergite; black setulose on anterior 3 / 5, yellow setulose on posterior 2 / 5. Sternite 1 yellow; bare. Sternites 2 and 3 yellow; yellow setulose. Sternite 4 yellowish with vague dark brown markings; black setulose. Genitalia as in Fig. 135 View Figures 130–137 .


Thailand and Vietnam.


The specific epithet jubata (Latin, adjective) means ‘ with manes’. This refers to the setulae on the vertex, which are longer than in the resembling species P. indica .


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis











