Nierstraszella lineata (Nierstrasz, 1905)

Schwabe, Enrico, Sirenko, Boris I. & Seeto, Johnson, 2008, A checklist of Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from the Fiji islands, Zootaxa 1777, pp. 1-52 : 6-9

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scientific name

Nierstraszella lineata (Nierstrasz, 1905)


Nierstraszella lineata (Nierstrasz, 1905) View in CoL

( Figures 1 View FIGURE 1. A C–D)

Chresonymy and synonymy in Sirenko (1992: 84) and Saito (2005: 104).

Lepidopleurus lineatus Nierstrasz 1905a: 8 , figs 4, 48–51; 1906: 146, 157; Ferreira 1980: 59; Dell'Angelo & Palazzi 1989: 80; Higo et al. 1999: 23.

Lepidopleurus andamanicus E. A. Smith 1906: 251 (lectotype NHM 1906.10.12.86 [designated by Kaas & Van Belle 1985: 118], three paralectotypes NHM 1906.10.12.87–89, type locality: India, Andaman Island off North Sentinel Island [11°33’N 92°15’E], 439 m [= 240 fath.], not seen); Rajagopal & Subba Rao 1974: 400; Schwabe 2006b: 20.

Lepidopleurus niasicus Thiele 1906: 13 , pl. 29, figs 1–5 (Lectotype in ZMB Moll 59912a [designated herein, see under remarks], two paralectotypes ZMB Moll 59912b, type locality: Indonesia, Northwest off Nias Island, 01°47.1’N 96°58.7’E, Valdivia St. 203, 660 m); Sirenko 1992: 84; Kilias 1995: 166.

Leptochiton diomedeae Berry 1917: 1 , pl. 1, figs 1–3, pl. 2 (holotype, USNM 215625, type locality: Japan, Honshu, off Shiono Misaki Light [33°25.10’N 135°37.20’E], U.S. S. Albatross St. D4967 [= off Shio Misaki Light], 446–463 m [= 244–253 fathoms], not seen); Ferreira 1980: 59; Kaas & Van Belle 1980: 39; 1998: 62; Ogasawara 2003: 277.

Lepidopleurus diomedae [sic]; Taki 1938: 412; Sirenko 1973: 59 (English version).

Lepidopleurus (Deshayesiella) diomedeae ; Taki 1961: 3.

Lepidopleurus (Deshaysiella) [sic] diomedeae ; Itoigawa et al. 1977: 57; Ogasawara 2003: 277.

Leptochiton lineatus ; Kaas & Van Belle 1980: 74; 1998: 110; Slieker 2000: 92, pl. 34, fig. 2.

Leptochiton niasicus ; Kaas & Van Belle 1980: 89; 1998: 130.

Lepidopleurus belknapioides Leloup 1981b: 317 , fig. 1, pl. 1, figs 1–3 (holotype MNHN 5862, one paratype IRSN, type locality: Philippines, 13°46.9'N 120°29.5'E, Campagne MUSORSTOM 1: stn CP 44, 592–610 m); Kaas & Van Belle 1985: 113; 1998: 29; Sirenko 1992: 84; Slieker 2000: 139.

Lepidopleurus philippinus Leloup 1981b: 322 , fig. 4, pl. 2, figs 1–3 (holotype MNHN 5981, paratypes MNHN, type locality: Philippines, 13°50.5'N 120°28'E, Campagne MUSORSTOM 1: stn CP 43, 448–484 m); Sirenko 1992: 84.

Lepidopleurus porosus Leloup 1981b: 322 , figs 5–6, pl. 2, figs 4–6 (holotype MNHN 6012, type locality: Philippines, 13°40.7'N 120°30'E, Campagne MUSORSTOM 1: stn CP 47, 685–757 m); Kaas & Van Belle 1985: 126; 1998: 148; Sirenko 1992: 84.

Leptochiton andamanicus ; Kaas 1982: 89; Kaas & Van Belle 1980: 7; 1998: 19.

Leptochiton (Leptochiton) lineatus ; Kaas 1990: 176.

Leptochiton philippinus ; Kaas & Van Belle 1998: 143.

Nierstraszella lineata View in CoL ; Sirenko 1998: 1; 2001: 61, figs 196–197; 2004: 112; Saito 2001: 9, pl. 4, fig. 18; 2004: 84, fig. 2B; 2005: 104; 2006a: 210, 220; Schwabe 2005a: 52, pl. 1, fig. 1; 2006a: 108; 2006b: 20; Lay 2006: 11, 39, 41, 42, 57–58; figs 22, 24; Vinther 2006: 24, 27; pl. 1.

Leptochiton diomedae [sic]; Higo et al. 1999: 23.

Nierstrasziella [sic] lineata ; Lindner 1999: 28.

Leptochiton diomedeae ; Slieker 2000: 96, pl. 36, fig. 1.

Locus typicus: Indonesia, off Roti Island, Timor Sea, Siboga sta. 297, 10 °39’S 123°40’E, 520 m.

Primary type: Lectotype (ZMA Moll. 3.05.011) designated by Ferreira (1979: 163), not seen.

Type (s) without name-bearing function: One paralectotype ( IRSN), seven paralectotypes ( ZMA).

Fiji record: Nierstraszella lineata ; Sirenko 2004: 112.

Material examined: MNHN: 16 adult spms, Fiji (16°35'S 179°41'W), N/ O Alis Campagne BORDAU I, St. CP1401, 600– 648 m, leg. Philippe Bouchet, Anders Warén & B. Richer de Forges, 25 February 1999, wet; MNHN: 5 adult spms, Fiji (16°45'S 179°59’E), N/ O Alis Compagne BORDAU I, St. CP 1395, 423– 500 m, leg. Philippe Bouchet, Anders Warén & B. Richer de Forges, 23 February 1999, wet; MNHN: 16 adult spms, Fiji (17°12.0'S 178°14.1'E), N/ O Alis Campagne MUSORSTOM 10, St. CP 1317, 471– 475 m, leg. Philippe Bouchet & B. Richer de Forges, 0 6 August 1998, wet; MNHN: 12 adult spms and 1 juvenile spm, Fiji (18°10.9'S 178°23.5'E), N/ O Alis Campagne MUSORSTOM 10, St. CP 1368, 380– 469 m, leg. Philippe Bouchet & B. Richer de Forges, 15 August 1998, wet; MNHN: 3 adult spms, SE Viti Levu (17'59.6'S 178°48.2'E) N/ O Alis Campagne MUSORSTOM 10, St CP 1360, 402– 444 m, leg. Philippe Bouchet & B. Richer de Forges, 13 August 1998, wet; MNHN: 12 adult spms, Sud de Viti Levu (18°11.1'S 178°23.4'E), N/ O Alis Campagne MUSORSTOM 10 St CP 1369, 392– 433 m, leg. Philippe Bouchet & B. Richer de Forges, 16 August 1998, wet; MNHN: 1 adult spm, Fiji (16°45'S 179°59'E), N/ O Alis Campagne BORDAU I, St. CP 1447, 420– 513 m, leg. Philippe Bouchet, Anders Warén, B. Richer de Forges, 0 4 March 1999, wet; MNHN: 16 adult spms, Fiji (16°35'S 179°41'W), N/ O Alis Campagne BORDAU I, St. CP 1401, 600– 648 m, 25 February 1999, wet, MNHN: 3 adult spms, NE Viti Levu (17°30.3'S 178°39.6'E) N/ O Alis Campagne MUSORS- TOM 10, St. CP1330, 567– 699 m, leg. Philippe Bouchet & B. Richer de Forges, 0 8 August 1998, dry; MNHN: 1 adult spm, Fiji (16°40'S 179°39'E) N/ O Alis Campagne BORDAU I, St. CP1404, 499– 527 m, leg. Philippe Bouchet, Anders Warén & B. Richer de Forges, 25 February 1999, dry.

Habitat: The species ranges bathymetrically from 110–1660 m ( Sirenko 2004, Saito 2006a).

Distribution: Known from the Pacific coast of Southern Japan ( Saito 2006a: 210), East Chinese Sea, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia to Vanuatu and Fiji ( Sirenko 2004: 112). The westernmost record is from the Andaman Islands ( Sirenko 2004: 112).

Remarks: This deep water species is associated with sunken plant remains and is not uncommon in the examined area.

Kilias (1995: 166) selected a specimen of Lepidopleurus niasicus Thiele, 1906 as the lectotype, which he erroneously mentioned to be figured in pl. 29, figs 1–3 of Thiele (1906), unaware that at least two additional specimens had been collected. He did not mark which of the three wet preserved specimens he designated as the lectotype so that it remains unclear which specimen he chose, and thus his lectotype designation is invalid (ICZN Art. 74.5). The available material comes from three stations and no type locality was ever fixed. To avoid further misidentification of the name-bearing type, the specimen from station 203, preserved flat and with all valves in situ, measuring c. 6.4 x 3.2 mm, is here selected as the lectotype ( Figure 1 View FIGURE 1. A D), with “ Indonesia, Northwest off Nias Island, 01°47.1’N 96°58.7’E, Valdivia St. 203, 660 m “ as the restricted type locality. The two paralectotypes are as follows: 1 specimen slightly curled, no valves present, from VALDIVIA station 194; and the other specimen preserved flat, all valves in situ, measuring 4.9 x 2.5 mm, from VALDIVIA station 199.


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Universiteit van Amsterdam, Zoologisch Museum


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Tomicus collection Canadian Forest Service














Nierstraszella lineata (Nierstrasz, 1905)

Schwabe, Enrico, Sirenko, Boris I. & Seeto, Johnson 2008

Leptochiton diomedeae

Slieker 2000: 96

Leptochiton diomedae

Higo 1999: 23

Nierstrasziella [sic] lineata

Lindner 1999: 28

Leptochiton philippinus

Kaas 1998: 143

Nierstraszella lineata

Lay 2006: 11
Vinther 2006: 24
Schwabe 2005: 52
Saito 2001: 9
Sirenko 1998: 1

Leptochiton andamanicus

Kaas 1982: 89
Kaas 1980: 7

Lepidopleurus belknapioides

Slieker 2000: 139
Sirenko 1992: 84
Kaas 1985: 113
Leloup 1981: 317

Lepidopleurus philippinus

Sirenko 1992: 84
Leloup 1981: 322

Lepidopleurus porosus

Sirenko 1992: 84
Kaas 1985: 126
Leloup 1981: 322

Leptochiton diomedeae

Ogasawara 2003: 277
Ferreira 1980: 59
Kaas 1980: 39

Leptochiton lineatus

Slieker 2000: 92
Kaas 1980: 74

Leptochiton niasicus

Kaas 1980: 89

Lepidopleurus (Deshaysiella) [sic] diomedeae

Ogasawara 2003: 277
Itoigawa 1977: 57

Lepidopleurus (Deshayesiella) diomedeae

Taki 1961: 3

Lepidopleurus diomedae

Sirenko 1973: 59
Taki 1938: 412

Lepidopleurus andamanicus

Schwabe 2006: 20
Kaas 1985: 118
Rajagopal 1974: 400
Smith 1906: 251

Lepidopleurus niasicus

Kilias 1995: 166
Sirenko 1992: 84
Thiele 1906: 13

Lepidopleurus lineatus

Higo 1999: 23
Ferreira 1980: 59
Nierstrasz 1905: 8
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