Notolegnotus Greathead and Evenhuis, 2001

Greathead, D. J. & Evenhuis, N. L., 2001, Annotated keys to the genera of African Bombylioidea (Diptera: Bombyliidae; Mythicomyiidae), African Invertebrates 42 (1820), pp. 105-224 : 163

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.7909975


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2023-05-08 20:16:42, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 02:54:28)

scientific name

Notolegnotus Greathead and Evenhuis

gen. nov.

Notolegnotus Greathead and Evenhuis View in CoL gen. n.

Type species Notolegnotus brevis sp. n.

A single female specimen from Namibia, superficially like a Legnotomyia sp. , is remarkable in having vestigial mouthparts. On close examination, it also differs from Legnotomyia in having a leaf-shaped antennal flagellum without any long hairs, face not projecting, fine hairs on the laterotergite, and first abdominal tergum not interrupted medially. Although the specimen lacks the right wing and has only the left mid and hind legs remaining, it is described here because it represents a new genus clearly allied to the predominantly palaearctic genus Legnotomyia . It is also of zoogeographical significance in providing a further example of the link between the Namibian fauna and that of north-eastern Africa.

Description: Head: Relatively small, about 1.5 x as wide as high; occiput not inflated; frons with a deep central depression in female; face not produced. With short fine hairs on occiput, ocellar triangle and coarse hairs at sides of face. Antenna with scape about 1.5 x as wide as long, pedicel similar, both with short coarse hairs below; first flagellomere leaf-shaped, laterally flattened and covered in minute spicules, truncate at apex, and with a minute second flagellomere and transparent style. Proboscis, short but robust, not projecting beyond oral cavity, underside with hairs. Labella reduced in size, appearing as a small apical swelling. Palpi very small, knob-like. Thorax: Broad and deep, almost bare but with scattered scales and fine hair on propleura and laterotergites only. Legs: Femora with scattered decumbent scales only, tibiae and tarsi spiculate. Claws bent at tips, pulvilli well developed. Wing: Similar to Legnotomyia , but R 4 very straight and curved only just before it reaches costa. Abdomen: Short and broader than thorax, First tergum not interrupted medially as in Legnotomyia . Fine hair present on first tergum and sparse scales on remaining terga.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile









