Alutella Kobayashi and Kato, 1951

Álvarez, María Eugenia Dies, Gozalo, Rodolfo, Cederström, Peter & Ahlberg, Per, 2008, Bradoriid arthropods from the lower-middle Cambrian of Scania, Sweden, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53 (4), pp. 647-656 : 652-653

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Alutella Kobayashi and Kato, 1951


Genus Alutella Kobayashi and Kato, 1951

Type species: Alutella nakamurai Kobayashi and Kato, 1951 from the lower Cambrian Mantou Formation of Jinxian County, Liaoning Province, China; by original designation .

Remarks.—The concept of Alutella was discussed by Hou et al. (2002), who provided a discussion of the family Comptalutidae and the genus Alutella that we follow in this paper. They also noted that the genus Alutella can not be readily assigned to any of the four subfamilies of Comptalutidae discussed by Hinz−Schallreuter (1999).

Stratigraphic and geographic distribution.—Tsanglangpuan and Lungwangmiaoan stages (lower Cambrian) and, probably, lowermost middle Cambrian of North China ( Huo et al. 1991; Hou et al. 2002). Yunnanocephalus –Malungia and Palaeolenus zones (lower Cambrian) of South China ( Hou et al. 2002). Atdabanian (lower Cambrian) of central Kazakhstan ( Melnikova et al. 1997). Botoman (lower Cambrian) of the Eastern Trans−Baikal region ( Melnikova et al. 1997). Lower part of the traditional middle Cambrian (probably Acadoparadoxides oelandicus Superzone ) of Scania (Almbacken drill core), southern Sweden (herein).

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