Encolapta cornuta, Yang, Meiqing & Li, Houhun, 2016

Yang, Meiqing & Li, Houhun, 2016, Review of the genus Encolapta Meyrick, 1913 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae: Chelariini) from China, with descriptions of six new species, Zootaxa 4193 (2), pp. 201-227 : 206-207

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scientific name

Encolapta cornuta

sp. nov.

Encolapta cornuta View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 21 View FIGURES 20 − 27 , 35 View FIGURES 34 − 41 , 49 View FIGURES 48 − 52 )

Type material. CHINA: Holotype Ƌ, Hainan Province: Tianchi, Jianfengling , 810 m, 30.iii.2008, leg. Bingbing Hu and Haiyan Bai, genitalia slide no . YMQ13207. Paratypes: Hainan Province: 1 Ƌ, 5 ♀♀, Tianchi, Jianfengling , 1050 m, 29.iv.2013, leg. Yinghui Sun, Wei Guan and Tengteng Liu, genitalia slide nos . YMQ 13087m, YMQ13221f, YMQ15480f; 1 Ƌ, 2 ♀♀, Bawangling , 1000 m, 4, 9.iv.2008, leg. Bingbing Hu and Haiyan Bai, genitalia slide nos . YXF11038f, YMQ15505f; 1 ♀, Bawangling , 1000 m, 23.iv.2009, leg. Bingbing Hu and Qing Jin ; 1 ♀, Wuzhishan Nature Reserves , 710 m, 20.iv.2014, leg. Tengteng Liu, Wei Guan and Xuemei Hu ; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: 1 Ƌ, Mt. Daming , 1250 m, 27.v.2011, leg. Linlin Yang and Yinghui Mou, genitalia slide no. YMQ15497.

Adult ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 20 − 27 ). Wingspan 14.0−18.0 mm. Head white, with scattered ochreous brown scales on vertex. Labial palpus with first palpomere black; second palpomere white except black in basal 1/3 and at 2/3 on outer surface, ventral surface with loose long scale tuft; third palpomere white, with black ring near base, beyond middle and at 2/ 3 respectively, black at apex, about same length as first and second palpomeres together. Antenna with scape grayish white, mottled brown scales in distal half on dorsal surface; flagellum alternately dark brown and grayish white. Thorax and tegula white, with dense ochreous brown and black scales. Forewing ground color white, with dense ochreous brown and black scales; costal margin with rhombic ochreous brown spot at middle, with five short blackish brown streaks alternated with white in distal half extending obliquely outward; terminal band narrow, uniform; ochreous brown dot placed near base, at 1/6 and 1/4 below costal margin respectively; elongate ochreous brown spot placed at anterior 1/3 near base, edged with black scales anteriorly; discal spot large, ranging from middle to 3/4 of cell, ochreous brown, edged with black scales anteriorly and posteriorly; discocellular spot rhombic, ochreous brown, edged with black scales anteriorly; subterminal spot ochreous brown, edged with black scales anteriorly and posteriorly; dorsum with blackish brown spot at base, with ill-defined blackish brown streak from 1/5 extending obliquely outward to 1/3 of fold; tornal spot sub-rounded, smaller than subterminal spot; cilia around apex white for basal 2/3 except with a gray strand just below apex, remaining cilia gray mixed with black basally. Hindwing and cilia gray. Fore- and midlegs with coxae and femora dark brown on ventral surface, grayish white on dorsal surface, fore tibiae black on outer surface, white on inner surface, fore tarsi black ringed with white, mid tibiae and tarsi white, mid tibiae black at 1/3 and 2/3 on outer surface, mid tarsi ringed with black; hindlegs with coxae and femora brown on ventral surface, grayish white on dorsal surface, tibiae grayish white, with scattered brown scales on outer surface, covered with dense long pale yellowish white hairs dorsally, tarsi black ringed with white distally.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 34 − 41 ). Uncus gradually widened toward rounded apex, ventral surface with dense long setae in basal 3/4, with transverse membraneous process at distal 1/4. Gnathos strongly sclerotized, curved, significantly dilated before apex, produced to a short spine apically. Tegumen convex at middle on anterior margin. Valva longer than uncus-tegumen complex, arched ventrally, basal half narrow, distal half protruded in broad sub-triangle ventrally, rounded at apex. Valvella about 1/4 length of valva, incurved before apex, with long setae in distal 1/3, bluntly pointed apically. Juxta about half length of valvella, horn-shaped, with setae posteriorly. Saccus nearly as long as valvella, blunt apically. Aedeagus straight, dilated spherically in basal 2/5, then tapered to pointed apex.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 48 − 52 ). Papillae anales with dense setae. Anterior apophyses about 1/4 length of posterior apophyses. Eighth segment gradually widened to anterior 1/3, anterior 1/3 gradually narrowed; eighth tergite straight and sclerotized on posterior margin; eighth sternite slightly concave at middle on anterior margin, lateral band extending to anterior 1/4, then bent inward by almost right angle, running horizonally and joined at lower margin of ostium bursae; dense warts occupying middle of sternite within lateral bands. Ostium bursae small, round, with sclerotized margin. Ductus bursae membraneous, shorter than corpus bursae. Ductus seminalis arising from posterior end of corpus bursae. Corpus bursae sub-elliptical; signum a sub-elliptical plate, placed before middle of corpus bursae, with a transverse carina.

Diagnosis. This species is superficially similar to E. trapezoidea sp. nov. Encolapta cornuta sp. nov. can be separated by the forewing lacking the ochreous brown dot below 2/5 of the fold, the valva sub-triangular distally in the male genitalia, and the signum sub-elliptical in the female genitalia. In E. trapezoidea sp. nov., the forewing has an ochreous brown dot below 2/5 of the fold, the valva is trapezoidal distally in the male genitalia, and the signum is rhomboid in the female genitalia.

Distribution. China (Guangxi, Hainan).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin cornutus, meaning horn-shaped, referring to the shape of the juxta.













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