Palhinhaea riofrioi (Sodiro) Holub (1991: 93)

Øllgaard, Benjamin, 2020, Lycopodiaceae in Colombia: Subfamilies Lycopodioideae and Lycopodielloideae, Phytotaxa 433 (3), pp. 195-224 : 216-217

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.3.3

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scientific name

Palhinhaea riofrioi (Sodiro) Holub (1991: 93)


Palhinhaea riofrioi (Sodiro) Holub (1991: 93) View in CoL .— Fig. 5G–I View FIGURE 5 .

Lycopodium riofrioi Sodiro (1895 [1893]: 395).— Lycopodiella riofrioi (Sodiro) B. Øllgaard (1987: 176) . Type:— ECUADOR: In silv. occid. m. Pichincha ad Gualea, 9/888, Sodiro s. n. (SI 21230 holotype!).

Lycopodium pensum Lellinger & Mickel ex Lellinger (1977: 717) View in CoL . Type: COSTA RICA: Prov. Heredia, 6 mi. from San Rafael de Heredia on slopes of Volcán Barba [Cerro Chompipe], McAlpin 216 (DUKE holotype n.v.; GH isotype!).

Plants with very short to long, arching-looping runner shoots, rooting at soil contact, these bearing dorsally arising, erect, to 2 m tall, tree-like branched shoots. Erect shoots with several subdecussate to alternate, 10–20 cm long, subequally branched, ultimately long pendulous lateral branchlet systems. Ultimate branchlets 2–3 mm in diam. incl. leaves. Branchlet leaves imbricate, densely crowded, borne in alternating whorls of 4–6, these 1–1.5 mm apart, forming 8–12 longitudinal ranks, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 2.5–4 × ca. 1 mm, with densely ciliatefimbriate margins, with a very short, patent, terete-subangular base. Stems and leaf bases densely hairy. Strobili sessile, terminating ultimate branchlets, 1–2.5 cm long, 3–5 mm in diam. incl. sporophylls. Sporophylls borne in alternating whorls of 5, forming 10 longitudinal ranks, with coalescent bases, almost enclosing the sporangia, with ca 2.5 × ca. 1 mm, deltoid, short acuminate exterior face, with narrowly membranous, erose-laciniate margins. Sporangia 0.7–1 mm in diam.

Distribution: Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela and adjacent Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru.

Habitats: Wet montane forest, in clearings and on road banks, 1700–3000 m elev.

Notes: Dept. Antioquia: Mun. Yarumal, Alto de Ventanas, 3000 m, Santa 605 (AAU) approaches P. trianae .

Antioquia: Medellín, Cerro Padre Amaya, rain forest, 2135–2745 m, McAlpin & Kuhn 77-18 (NY, UC, US). Road San José de la Montaña –Toledo, km 12, 2700 m, Santa et al. 474 ( US). Monte Tabor, Jarumal, 2700 m, Daniel Hno. 3405 ( US). Cauca:

Tambo, road to the sea via 20 de Julio, W slope of Cordillera Occidental, 1850 m, Santa et al. 993 (AAU, COL, HUA). »La Gallera«, Micay Valley, Cord. Occidental, 2200–2600 m, Killip 8011 (GH, NY, US). Chocó: San José del Palmar, 1870 m, Silverstone-Sopkin 1521 (AAU). Cerro de Torrá, 1940 m, Silverstone-Sopkin 1317 (AAU, MO).

Caquetá: Cord. Oriental, Caquetá side of Huila–Caquetá divide, 20 km SW of Garzón, Little 9359 (COL, US). Meta: Cord. Oriental, Río del Nevado, E end of Cord. de las Cruces, 73°50’W 3°56’N, 2300 m, Fosberg 20895 ( US). Nariño: Ricaurte, La Planada, 5 km S of Chucunés, 1850 m, Luteyn et al. 6836 (AAU, NY). Valle del Cauca: Road Anserma Nuevo–San José del Palmar, km 60–62, 1870–1950 m, Luteyn et al. 7272 (NY). El Cairo, Las Amarillas, 2070–2125 m, Silverstone-Sopkin et al. 3752 (AAU).














Palhinhaea riofrioi (Sodiro) Holub (1991: 93)

Øllgaard, Benjamin 2020

Palhinhaea riofrioi (Sodiro)

Holub, J. 1991: )

Lycopodium pensum

Lellinger 1977: )
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