
Øllgaard, Benjamin, 2020, Lycopodiaceae in Colombia: Subfamilies Lycopodioideae and Lycopodielloideae, Phytotaxa 433 (3), pp. 195-224 : 208-209

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.3.3

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Key to the Colombian species of Palhinhaea View in CoL

1. Dorsally arising strobiliferous shoot systems tree-like, usually erect ................................................................................................2

– Dorsally arising strobiliferous shoot systems with age becoming scandent or pendulous................................................................7.

2. Branchlet leaves imbricate, distinctly flattened, lanceolate-ovate, with densely fimbriate margins.................................... P. riofrioi View in CoL

– Branchlet leaves spreading to ascending, terete, angular or apically flattened, acicular to linear-lanceolate, smooth or with distant cilia or pointed hairs ...........................................................................................................................................................................3

3. Leaves of ultimate branchlets ascending-appressed, with numerous rigid, pointed hairs, 2–3 mm long; lateral branchlet systems rigidly spreading................................................................................................................................................................... P. trianae View in CoL

– Leaves of ultimate branchlets patent to ascending or reflexed, glabrous or with soft hairs, - or if loosely appressed, more than 4 mm long; lateral branchlet systems gently recurved to rigidly ascending................................................................................................ 4

4. Branchlet leaves 2.5–4 × ca. 0.3–0.5 mm Lateral branchlet system of tree-like shoot patent-arching to stiffly ascending, branchlets 3–5(–7) mm in diam. Mature strobili ca 3 mm in diam .....................................................................................................................5

– Branchlet leaves 4–6 × ca 0.8–1 mm, lateral branchlets of tree-like shoot systems recurved to pendulous, branchlets 5–9 mm in diam. Mature strobili 4–6 mm in diam..............................................................................................................................................6.

5. Lateral branchlet systems of dendroid erect shoot divaricate to somewhat aggregate; ultimate branchlets patent to horizontal, usually with short-recurved tips; strobilus-bearing branchlets not sharply reflexed............................................................. P. cernua View in CoL

– Lateral branchlet systems of dendroid erect shoot usually stiffly ascending or suberect, often densely aggregated, ultimate branchlets pointing upward, not recurved; strobilus- bearing branchlets usually sharply reflexed at tip, or only the strobilus reflexed ............. ......................................................................................................................................................................................... P. camporum View in CoL

6. Horizontal shoots forming shallow loops between rooting points, Lateral branchlet systems of erect axis recurved to pendulous, to 12 (–20) cm long; branchlet leaves 10–14 seriate............................................................................................................ P. pendulina View in CoL

– Horizontal shoots flat creeping and rooting. Lateral branchlet systems of erect axis recurved to pendulous to 5 (–7) cm long; branchlet leaves 20–22 seriate........................................................................................................................................ P. maniculata View in CoL

7. Main “erect” axis (dorsally arising on horizontal main axis) initially erect, usually becoming indeterminate and scandent to creeping, or all axes scandent to creeping, 2–4 mm thick excl. leaves usually hairy, at least on leaf bases. Terrestrial plants.; sporophylls 10-seriate........................................................................................................................................................................8.

– Main axes slender 1–1.5 mm thick, usually pendulous, glabrous. Plants usually epiphytic; sporophylls 8-seriate, with lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate, 4–5 × 1–1.5 mm exterior face.......................................................................................................... P. steyermarkii View in CoL

8a. Main axes robust 3–5 mm thick; leaves of main branchlet axes coriaceous, apically flattened, to 1 mm wide usually strongly upward curved and hook-shaped, with hairy leaf bases; sporophylls 10-seriate with lanceolate-ovate, 2–3 × 0.8–1.2 mm exterior face ............................................................................................................................................................................... P. glaucescens View in CoL

– Main axes slender to medium-sized (2–3 mm thick), these and minor axes usually densely short-hairy, leaves of main branchlet axes herbaceous to subcoriaceous, ascending to upward curved, often flattened, to 0.7 mm wide; sporophylls 8–10-seriate with 1.5–2 × ca. 1 mm exterior face......................................................................................................................................... P. lehmannii View in CoL

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