Palhinhaea cernua

Øllgaard, Benjamin, 2020, Lycopodiaceae in Colombia: Subfamilies Lycopodioideae and Lycopodielloideae, Phytotaxa 433 (3), pp. 195-224 : 209-210

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.3.3

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scientific name

Palhinhaea cernua


Palhinhaea cernua View in CoL (L.) Vasconcellos & Franco (1967: 25).— Fig. 5A–C View FIGURE 5 .

Lycopodium cernuum Linnaeus (1753: 1103) View in CoL .— Lepidotis cernua View in CoL (L.) Palisot (1805: 108).— Lycopodiella cernua View in CoL (L.) Pichi-Sermolli (1968: 165). Type:—LINN 1257.13; see Proctor (1977: 33).

Lycopodium cernuum var. capillaceum Spring (1942: 80) View in CoL .— Lycopodium capillaceum (Spring) Hieron. (1905: 573) View in CoL .— Palhinhaea capillacea (Spring) Holub (1985: 78) View in CoL .—Type:— VENEZUELA: Edo. Monagas, Guanaguana, Humboldt 473 (B-Herb. Willd. 19429 holotype).

Lycopodium cernuum View in CoL L. var. panamense Nessel (1940: 173) . Type:— PANAMA: Central Panama, Balboa, 1921, Powell s.n. (BONNNessel 354).

Plants with long, arching-looping runner shoots, rooting at long intervals, these bearing erect, dorsally arising, amply branched, to 1 m tall, tree-like shoots. Erect main axes bearing several, subdecussate to alternate, highly compound, spreading to horizontal, 5–15 (–20) cm long lateral branchlet systems. Ultimate branchlets nodding, 3–4 (–6) mm in diam. incl. leaves. Branchlet leaves usually borne in densely crowded, alternating whorls or low spirals of 3–5, forming 6–10 indistinct longitudinal ranks, usually 3–4 × ca 0.3 mm, acicular, terete to angular (dried), with often conspicuously acroscopically adnate, and decurrent leaf bases, gradually changing from patent-reflexed and distant on main axes, to patent, upward curved and densely crowded in ultimate branchlets, occasionally with sparse, lax hairs or minute spinules; leaf bases often with longer, irregularly criped or branched hairs, these rarely also on stem surfaces. Strobili usually numerous, sessile, terminating ultimate branchlets, 4–10 (–20) mm long, 2.5–3 mm in diam. Sporophylls usually borne in alternating whorls of 5, forming 10 longitudinal ranks, with coalescent leaf-bases almost enclosing the sporangia, with ovate-deltoid, short to long cuspidate, ca 2 mm long, ca 1 mm wide exterior face, with membranous, coarsely erose-laciniate margins. Sporangia globose, 0.5–0.8 mm in diam.

Distribution: Pantropic.

Habitats: A common pioneer species throughout the humid regions of the country, on road cuts, landslides and moist disturbed soil, along rivers, in forest clearings etc., from sea level to 2700 m elev.

Notes: A variable taxon, presumably mainly because of external factors. When Palhinhaea cernua grows in open, exposed habitats it has the typical growth habit with stiffly erect, tree-like aerial shoots; however, in shaded, moist habitats the aerial shoots may branch profusely, and may grow to more than 2 m long, becoming gradually overhanging or subscandent.

Amazonas: Río Apaporis, Jingoje at mouth of Río Piraparaná, 70°30’W 0°15S, 200 m, Schultes & Cabrera 15666 (COL). Río Miritiparaná, caño Guacayá, 70°40’W 0°30’S, 200 m, Schultes & Cabrera 16438 (COL). Near Leticia, Raffauf 107 (COL). Leticia–Tarapacá road, 150 m, Soejarto 741 (A). Antioquia: Mun. Cocorná, La Piñuela, road to San Francisco, 75°08’W 6°02’N, 1000–1500 m, Giraldo Cañas 66 (AAU). Zaragoza, 200 m, Santa 556 (AAU, COL, HUA). Ventanas, road Puerto Valdivia, 1900 m, Daniel 3399 (COL). Villa Arteaga–Río Mutatá, Johnson & Barkley 18C524 (MEDEL). Granada, 2122 m, Romero-Castañeda 1436 (COL). Road to La Costa, Santa 449 (AAU). Yolombó, road to Yalí, 1485 m, Santa 597 (AAU). Medellin, Vicente s. n. (E). Lower Magdalena Valley, Casabe, 120–150 m, Uribe-Uribe 4707 (COL). Boyacá: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, 2050 m, Grubb & Guymer P76 (COL). Mun. Tinjacá: Verde Siativa, 2155 m, Ranghel 142 (COL). Caldas: Road Neira–Manizales, 2030 m, Santa & Hoyos, 673 (AAU, COL, HUA). Santa Cecilia, Cord. Oriental , 800 m, Sneidern 5173 (COL, M). Caquetá: Road Garzón–Florencia, flanco oriental cordillera oriental, 1200 m, Mason 13934 (COL, UC). Cord. Oriental, Sucre–La Portada, 1200–1500 m, Cuatrecasas 9144 (COL). Cauca: Chisquio, finca los Derrumbos, 1700 m, Asplund 10575 (S). Popoyan, 1760 m, Yepes-Agredo 330 (COL). El Tambo, Yepes-Agredo 305 (COL). El Tambo, 1700 m, von Sneidern 2203 (S). Chocó: Quibdó, Yuto, l00 m, Santa et al. 1150 (AAU, HUA). Road Quibdó–Guayabal, 50 m, Gentry & Rentería 24156 (MO). Cundinamarca: Usaquén, 2650 m, Pérez Arbelaez 61 (COL). Magdalena: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 2150 m, Santa & de Escobar 626, 636 (AAU, COL, HUA). Meta: Puerto gaitán, 250 m., Pinto & Sastre 1136 (COL). Villavicencio, Sastre 926 (AAU). Nariño: Outskirts of Barbacoa, Rio Telembi, 50 m, Ewan 16826 (NO). S end of Gorgona Island, 0 m, Killip & García 33123 (COL). Norte de Santander: Sarare region, Cord. Or. Hoya del Río Cubugón, slopes of El Caraño, 500–700 m, Cuatrecasas 13306 (COL). »La Motilonia«, frontier Ven/ Col, Hoya del Río de Oro, 72°50’W 9°1–10’N, Garcia-Barriga 18323 (COL). Teorama trail, 1500 m, Foster 1635 (COL). Santander: Mesa de los Santos, 1500 m, Langenheim 3063A (COL). Mesa de los Santos, 1500 m, Killip & Smith 15094 (COL, GH). La Gomez, between Bucamaranga and Puerto Wilches, 175 m, Fassett 25063 (COL). Barranca Bermeja, 120 m, Uribe-Uribe 4702 (COL). Tolima: “El Convenio”, W of San Lorenzo, 700–900 m, Pennell 3507 (GH, US). Road Mariquita–Manizales, 6 km above Padua, 1800–2000 m., Santa & de Escobar 850 (AAU, COL, HUA). Mariquita, 500 m, Schneider 766 (S). El Fresno, Alto del Aguila, 1800 m, Garcia-Barriga 8230 (COL). Valle del Cauca: Bajo Calima, 100 m, Monsalve 791 (MO). Mondomo, 1500 m, Espinal & Ramos 2886 (COL). Vaupés: Sabana de Yapobodá, Alto Río Cuduyarí, Allen 3136 (COL). Río Vaupés, Cauo Jacu, Schultes 5835 (GH). Río Vaupés, Circasia, 70°30’W 0°45’N, 250 m, Schultes & Cabrera 19204 (COL). Río Vaupés, Circasia, 250 m, Schultes & Cabrera 19699 (COL). Río Piraparaná, tributary of Río Apaporis, lower course, 70°30’W 0°15–25’N, Schultes & Cabrera 15911 (COL).














Palhinhaea cernua

Øllgaard, Benjamin 2020

Lycopodium cernuum var. capillaceum

Holub, J. 1985: )

Palhinhaea cernua

Vasconcellos, J. de & Franco, J. M. A. do 1967: 25

Lycopodium cernuum

Nessel, H. 1940: )

Lycopodium cernuum

Proctor, G. R. 1977: 33
Palisot de Beauvois, A. M. F. J. 1805: 108
Linnaeus, C. von 1753: )
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