Lycopodium clavatum ssp. contiguum (Klotzsch) Øllgaard (1988: 126)

Øllgaard, Benjamin, 2020, Lycopodiaceae in Colombia: Subfamilies Lycopodioideae and Lycopodielloideae, Phytotaxa 433 (3), pp. 195-224 : 198-199

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.3.3

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scientific name

Lycopodium clavatum ssp. contiguum (Klotzsch) Øllgaard (1988: 126)


Lycopodium clavatum ssp. contiguum (Klotzsch) Øllgaard (1988: 126) View in CoL .— Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 .

Lycopodium contiguum Klotzsch (1944: 519) View in CoL . Lectotype:— ECUADOR: Páramo de Tiopullo [between Cotopaxi and Iliniza], Hartweg 1474 (B!, BM!, GL!, K!, NY!, P!, designated by Øllgaard (1988: 126).

Lycopodium vestitum Poiret var. herbaceum Spring (1849: 45) View in CoL .— Lycopodium herbaceum (Spring) Hieronymus (1905: 575) View in CoL . Type:— COLOMBIA: Sierra Nevada, Moritz s. n. (holotype, B!; isotype, LG!).

Lycopodium clavatum View in CoL L. var. pseudo-contiguum Christ (1901: 55). Type: COSTA RICA: Cerro de las Vueltas, 3000 m, versant W du massif de Buena Vista, Pittier 10467 (BR!, M!, P!).

Lycopodium mayoris Rosenstock (1914: 56) View in CoL . Type:— COLOMBIA: Andes orientales, Páramo de Cruz Verde, supra urbem Bogotá, ca. 2900 m, Mayor 17 (S!).

Distribution: Costa Rica, Andes from Venezuela to Peru.

Habitats: Clearings and exposed habitats in uppermost montane forest, and in grass páramo, frequent in culturally influenced páramo, 2000–4060 m.

Antioquia: Mun. Urrao, trail to Páramo de Frontino, 76°10’W 6°30’N, McPherson 13126 (AAU). Boyacá: Road Sogamoso–Pajarito, 2000 m, Bischler 1730 (G). Páramo de la Rusia, NNW of Duitama, Serranía Peña Negra, water catchment of Laguna Agua Clara, 73°W 6°N, 3935 m, Cleef 6988 (AAU). Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Alto Valle Lagunillas, 72°20’W 6°15’N, 4060 m, Cleef & Florschütz 5563 (AAU). Páramos NW of Belén, headwaters of Quebrada Minas, 72°55’W 6°10’N, 4050 m, Cleef 1933 (AAU). Páramos 5 km NW of Belén, ascent to Alto de las Cruces to San José de la Montaña, 72°55’W 6°05’N, 3410 m, Cleef 2232 (AAU). Caldas: Nevado del Ruiz, road Manizales–el Nevado, 1 km above Hotel Termales, 3450 m, Santa & Hoyos 682 (AAU). Nevado del Ruiz, road Manizales–el Nevado, 3640 m, Santa & Hoyos 685 (AAU). Cauca: Puracé, road to national park, 3180 m, Santa & Hoyos 718 (AAU).

Road Totoró–Inzá, E slope of Cord. Central, Páramo de las Delicias, 3150 m, Santa et al. 979 (AAU).

Cundinamarca: Termino de Tama, páramo de Laguna Seca, 3500–3700 m, Ceballos et al. 10 (G). Páramo de Usaquén, 3060 m, Cuatrecasas 9429 (COL). Páramo de Cruz Verde, 10 km along Bogotá–Choachi road, 3050–3100 m, Duncan 1874 (UC). Páramo de Cruz Verde, Alto de la Viga, E slope, 73°58’W 4°35’N, 3640 m, Cleef 3316 (AAU). Páramo de Cruz Verde, road Bogotá–Choachí, km 16, 73°58’W 4°30’N, 3365 m, Cleef 2962 (AAU). Páramo de Cruz Verde, road Bogotá–Choachí, km 14, 73°58’W 4°30’N, 3325 m, Cleef 2872 (AAU). Guadalupe, 3200 m, Haught 5671 (S). Páramo de Cruz Verde, 2500–3000 m, Meyer 29 (S). Laguna de Chisacá, Mun. Usme, 3550 m, Santa & Buitrago 873 (AAU). Zipaquirá–Pacho, Páramo de Guerrero, 3100 m, Murillo & Villareal 1364 (AAU). Patano Redondo, 4 km NW of Zipaquirá, 3100–3200 m, Tryon 6063 (S). Páramo de Guasca, W slope, 73°50’W 4°55’N, 3300 m, Cleef 461 (AAU). Guasca, Páramo de Guasca, Murillo & Fayad 141 (AAU). Magdalena: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Cuchilla de San Lorenzo, 2750 m, Santa & Escobar 662 (AAU). Meta: Páramo de Sumapaz, Hoya El Nevado, 3460 m, Cleef 827 (U).

Nariño: Pasto, Páramo de Quillinsayaco, 3100 m, Santa & Buitrago 931 (AAU). Cerro Tablon, above Las Mesas on W slope of Volcán Doña Juana, 2700–2800 m, Ewan 16586 (NO). N slope of Volcán de Cumbal 2980 m, Ewan 16140 (NO). Norte de Santander: Cerro de Oroque, entre Abrego y Las Jurisdicciones, 3440–3750 m, García-Barriga & Jaramillo 20656 (U). Ocaña, Schlim 471 (BR). Putumayo: Páramo de San Antonio, road Pasto–Sibundoy, 2835–2925 m, Schultes & Cabrera 18832 (SI). Río Guamues near confluence of Río Estero, region of Volcán de Cerro Patascoy, 2800–3075 m, Ewan 16359 (NO). Santander: Mun. Toná, Serranía de Santurbán, road Berlín–Vetas, 3600 m, Santa & Escobar 1098 (AAU). Valle: Mun. Cerrito, Cord. Central, W slope, Páramo de pan de Azucar, 3625 m, Silverstone-Sopkin 1464 (AAU).

Austrolycopodium Holub (1991: 90) View in CoL . Type: Austrolycopodium magellanicum (P. Beauv.) Holub View in CoL (≡ Lepidotis magellanica P. Beauv. View in CoL ).

Sporophytes with subterranean or creeping main stems; isophyllous, the leaves herbaceous throughout; strobili pedunculate or sessile; sporophylls peltate, each with a narrow terete stalk lacking a membranous wing, lacking mucilage cavities; sporangial epidermal cells with thin, evenly sinuate sidewalls; spores reticulate, with medium-sized, irregular meshes, unornamented on proximal faces; gametophytes obconic (in Austrolycodium fastigiatum ).

The genus occurs in Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Juan Fernandez, Costa Rica, Hispaniola, Andes from Venezuela to Tierra del Fuego, Malvinas, southern and southeastern Brazil, South Georgia, Kerguelen, and Mount Aberdare in Uganda.

Austrolycopodium superficially resembles Lycopodium , and usually has been included with it. Both genera are isophyllous and have pedunculate strobili. However, Austrolycopodium is quite distinct, lacking piliferous or membranous leaf apices, having peltate sporophylls, also a different spore type and chromosome number ( Lycopodium s.str. x=34; Austrolycopodium x=31). The geographical distribution is predominantly austral. The greatest diversity of the group is in Southern South America. The taxonomy of the group needs a modern revision.














Lycopodium clavatum ssp. contiguum (Klotzsch) Øllgaard (1988: 126)

Øllgaard, Benjamin 2020


Holub, J. 1991: )

Lycopodium clavatum ssp. contiguum (Klotzsch) Øllgaard (1988: 126)

Ollgaard, B. 1988: )

Lycopodium contiguum

Ollgaard, B. 1988: 126

Lycopodium mayoris

Rosenstock, E. 1914: )

Lycopodium clavatum

Christ, H. 1901: 55

Lycopodium vestitum Poiret var. herbaceum

Hieronymus, G. 1905: )
Spring, A. F. 1849: )
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