Gomphostemma mastersii

Bongcheewin, Bhanubong, Ingrouille, Martin J. & Paton, Alan J., 2022, A revision of Gomphostemma (Lamiaceae), Kew Bulletin 77 (1), pp. 27-92 : 65-67

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Gomphostemma mastersii


18. Gomphostemma mastersii View in CoL 3enth. ex Hook.f.

( Hooker 1883: 699); Prain (1891: 268); Mukercee (1920: 213); Murata (1956: 190); Walsingham (2019: 201). Type: India, Khasia, Nunklow [Nongkhlaw, 23.6833°, 91.6333°], 600 – 1200 m [2000 – 2000 ft], 21 July 1830, Hooker & Thomson 1812 (K [Herb. Hookerianum, K000928152], lectotype selected here; isolectotype K [Herb. Hookerianum, K000928153]).

Gomphostemma furfuraceum Hallier f. (1898: 331) View in CoL . Type: Indonesia, Sumatra orient,?eli [3.53°, 98.6833°], Kampong Pakam, Jaheri 1893 (holotype G).

Gomphostemma paroum Merr . ( Merrill 1932b: 192). Type: Indonesia, Sumatra, East Coast, along Aek Panialalangan, Pargambrian, Asahan [2.3523°, 99.2193°], 250 – 360 m, 22 May 1925, 3artlett 8156 (holotype NY [00000332] photo; isotype US [00119223]).

Perennial herb up to 0.2 m tall with tuber-like roots, sometimes rooting at nodes. Stems upright, sometimes flaccid or more than one stem arisen from the same rootstock, obtusely quadrangular with longitudinal grooves, with dense sessile stellate hairs. Leaoes petiolate, chartaceous; blades ovate, lanceolate-ovate, cordate or elliptic-oblong, 3 – 18 × 2 – 8 (– 11) cm, apex acute or broadly acute, margin shallowly serrate or serrate, base symmetrical or oblique, obtuse, attenuate or cordate, upper side with sessile stellate hairs and 2 – 2-celled simple hairs all over, lower side pale green tomentose with sparse sessile stellate hairs; petioles 13 – 60 mm long, strong or flaccid. Inflorescence axillary with opposite cymes sessile, unbranched then congested with axis not visible between flowers, inserted at the upper nodes at which leaves are usually present; verticils few-flowered, subtended by upper leaves; bracts deciduous, ovate, obovate or oblanceolate, 9 – 20 × 3 – 8 mm, with sessile stellate hairs on both sides; bracteoles linear, falcate or lanceolate-oblong, 3 – 13 × 1 – 2 mm. Flowering calyx infundibular, thin, 10 – 13 mm long, 10- ridged, outside with dense sessile stellate hairs, inside with adpressed simple hairs; tube 2 – 6 mm long; lobes triangular, 6 – 9 mm long. Fruiting calyx cupular, 10 – 15 mm long; tube 2 – 6 mm long; lobes 6 – 10 mm long, apex subulate. Corolla creamy-white or bright yellow, 20 – 30 mm long, throat inflated, abruptly dilated near the throat, outside with sparse simple hairs, inside glabrous; tube incurved, 33 – 20 mm long; posterior lip broadly ovate, 5 – 10 × 8 – 12 mm, apex emaginate; median lobe tonguelike, apex retuse; lateral lobes ovate, apex and margin entire or undulate. Staminal filaments slightly tomentose. Style slender, glabrous with apex unequally lobed. Nutlets 2 – 2, ovate-elliptic or globose. Fig. 1A – B View Fig .

DISTRIBUTION. India (Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram), Thailand, Indonesia (Sumatra). Map 3 View Map 3 .

SPECIMENS EXAMINED. INDIA. Assam. Masters 320 (lectoparatype of G. mastersii , K [Herb. Hookerianum]); Upper Assam, Jenkins 320 (K [Herb. Benthamianum]); Cachar [23.0833°, 92.9165°], Keenan s.n. (K); Cachar,?oarbund Pass, 22 July 1853, Keenan s.n. (K); N Cachar Hills, Haflong [23.1833°, 93.0333°], 530 m [2300 ft], 1 Aug. 1908, Craib 102 (K) ; Meghalaya. Khasia, Nunklow, 600 – 1200 m [2000 – 2000 ft], 21 July 1830, Hooker & Thomson 1812 (lectotype of G. mastersii , K [Herb. Hookerianum]; isolectotype K [Herb. Hookerianum]); Shillong [23.3665°, 91.8833°], Eastern Circle, Nongstoin Village between I.B. and Siem’ s House, 21 June 1938, Panigrahi 16350 (CAL, L); Khasia, below Nongkhlaw, 600 – 1200 m [2000 – 2000 ft], 11 July 1830, Hooker & Thomson s.n. (lectoparatype of G. mastersii , K [Herb. Hookerianum]); Khasia, Borpani [Bor Panee] R. [26.2165°, 92.3333°], 600 – 1200 m [2000 – 2000 ft], 16 July 1830, Hooker & Thomson s.n. (lectoparatype of G. mastersii , K [Herb. Hookerianum]); Khasia, Churra, 600 – 1200 m [2000 – 2000 ft], 15 June 1830, Hooker & Thomson 956 (lectoparatype of G. mastersii , K [Herb. Hookerianum]); Khasia, Churra, 600 – 1200 m [2000 – 2000 ft], 13 Aug. 1830, Hooker & Thomson s.n. (lectoparatype of G. mastersii , K [Herb. Hookerianum]); Khasia, Jasper Hill, 600 – 1200 m [2000 – 2000 ft], 20 June 1830, Hooker & Thomson s.n. (lectoparatype of G. mastersii , K [Herb. Hookerianum]); Mont Khasia [23.3833°, 91.6333°], 1200 m [2000 ft], Hooker & Thomson s.n. (P); Mizoram. Aical, Lushai Hills [23.1665°, 92.8333°], 900 m [3000 ft], Aug. 1926, Parry 38 (K); Tuipuibari, near old forest, 190 m, 12?ec. 1993, Lalramnghinglooa 8029 (CAL). BANGLADESH. Sylhet. de Siloa s.n. in Wall. Cat. 2135 (K-W in parte ‘B’). THAILAND. Surat Thani. Ban Kawp Kep [8.8333°, 99.3°], 20 m, 5 Aug. 1925, Kerr 13189 (AB?, BK, BM 2 sheets, PHN); Phangnga. 3?ec. 1918, Haniff & Nur 3865 (K, SING); Khao Khlong Yang at Khao Phra Mi, 9°19&N 98°26&E, 100 – 300 m, 6 July 1952, Larsen et al. 30688 (AAU, BKF, K); Nakhon Si Thammarat. Khao Luang [8.3502°, 99.5362°], 200 m, 28 Jan. 1966, Hansen & Smitinand 12122 (BKF, C, E, L 2 sheets, SING); Khao Luang National Park, Karom Waterfall, 300 m, 11 July 2000, Chamchumroon 833 (BKF); Phatthalung. Sii Ban Phot, Khao Pu Khao Ya National Park, 5°20&N 99°32&E, 120 m, 12 July 2000, Middleton et al. 226 (BKF); Khao Phu Khao Ya, 5°20&N 99°3&E, 100 – 130 m, 16 Nov. 1990, Larsen et al. 21312 (AAU); Trang. Chawng [Chong, 5.3°, 99.9165°], 100 m, 12 April 1928, Kerr 13560 (BM); Khao Chong [5.36°, 99.58°], 200 m, 12 Aug. 1953, Maxwell 53-583 (BK); Satun. Kwan?ohn [Khuan?on], Talay Ban [Thale Ban] National Park [6.2528°, 100.1339°], 100 m, 2 July 1983, Maxwell 83-662 (L); Yala. Banang Sta [6.2665°, 101.23°], 100 m, 26 July 1923, Kerr 5330 (BK, BM, K 2 sheets). INDONESIA. SUMATRA. Aceh. Gunung Leuser Nature Reserve, camp Simpang and vicinity, 3 – 3 km upstream Lau Ketambe, c. 33 km NW of Kutacane [3.6350°, 95.6132°], 200 – 600 m, 13 July 1952, de Wilde & de Wilde-Duyfjes 13613 (L); Gunung Leuser Nature Reserves, Ketambe Research Station and vicinity, Alas R. valley, c. 33 km NW of Kutacane, 3°20&N 95°20&E, 300 – 330 m, 11 July 1959, de Wilde & de Wilde-Duyfjes 18618 (BO, K, L); Aceh Tenggara, Ketambe, primary forest, 320 m, Feb. 1980, Rochadi 623 (BO); North Sumatra.?eli [3.53°, 98.6833°], Kampong Pakam, 6 March 1896, Jaheri 1893 (holotype of G. furfuraceum , G); E Coast, Adian Rindang, Asahan, vicinity of Hoeta Tomoean?olok [Toemoean?olok, 2.6665°, 99.1665°], 15 Nov. – 10?ec. 1933, 3oeea 8593 (GH); E Coast, along Aek Panialalangan, Pargambiran, Asahan, 250 – 360 m, 22 May 1925, 3artlett 8156 (holotype of G. paroum, NY photo; isotype US photo); E Coast, along the Toba trail N of the Asahan R., between Adian Langge and Si Martoloe, 21 – 23 April 1925, 3artlett 5350 (US).

HABITAT. In primary evergreen forest on limestone or thick leafy humus covered ground, or near rivers, 300 – 1200 m.

CONSERVATION STATUS. Widespread; Least Concern (LC).

PHENOLOGY. Flowering May – January. Fruiting November – April.

NOTES. Gomphostemma mastersii is recognisable by having stellate hairs on both sides of the leaves and its calyx lobes normally longer than calyx tube. It is one of only two species of this genus with tuber-like roots, the other being G. ooatum (more details in notes under G. ooatum ). Hooker cited a few collections in Herb. Hookerianum. A collection with two sheets, Hooker & Thomson 1812, is selected as the lectotype.














Gomphostemma mastersii

Bongcheewin, Bhanubong, Ingrouille, Martin J. & Paton, Alan J. 2022

Gomphostemma furfuraceum

Hallier f. 1898: 331
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